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Healthier Together: Housing

Healthier Together: Housing

Storymap: Creating Healthy Homes

Approximately 1 in 4 children in West Philadelphia have asthma, this is over three times the national average. See how Healthier Together is creating healthier homes for children with uncontrolled asthma.

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Creating Healthier Homes 

Philadelphia is America’s poorest large city, and consequently, safe, healthy housing is a challenge for many families. In addition, one in four children in West Philadelphia has asthma, and substandard housing can make a child’s asthma worse. To meet this challenge, the Community Asthma Prevention Program Plus (or CAPP+) partners with non-profits and minority- and women-owned contractors to repair homes to remove asthma triggers, such as mold, mildew, and pests, at no cost to families. The goal of CAPP+ is to improve child health, reduce stress and worry for families, and grow local, diverse businesses.

Healthier Together Housing News 

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