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Healthy Weight Program Patient Stories

In the Healthy Weight Program, children will work with experts from several CHOP specialties who are all dedicated to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity.

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Patient story

Healthy Weight Program: Londyn's Story

The medication to calm Londyn’s asthma caused steady weight gain. Now a patient of CHOP’s Healthy Weight Program, the 12-year-old found a passion for exercise. 
Patient story

Trisomy 21: Bryant’s Story

A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Bryant’s family received a wake-up call from the staff at the Trisomy 21 Program. Instead of steadily improving since his last visit, Bryant’s behavior had become troublesome, he’d gained a significant amount of weight and his blood work was concerning.
Patient story

Healthy Weight Program: Giovanna Eisenstein

The Eisenstein family struggled to help their young daughter maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI), until they sought the help of experts in CHOP’s Healthy Weight Program.
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