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Adolescent Health Questionnaire

Adolescent Health Questionnaire

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Ask Maryx

Why is this important?

Currently, there is no consistent method for how teens are screened for health risks across the Care Network, leading to wide variability in the data that gets collected at teen well visits. Few teens are offered a confidential visit with their pediatrician, further impacting how they respond to screenings. Prior research findings suggest that teens prefer electronic screening and that they are more likely to disclose sensitive information regarding health risks when answering an electronic questionnaire.

Our initiative

We developed an automated electronic screener for teens ages 13+ to complete during well visits. After completing the electronic questionnaire, providers could easily review the results and mark off which areas do not require further discussion or which ones require additional assessments. The results from the screeners can be viewed over time, giving providers access to a patient’s full history at their fingertips.

Families and their doctors had a positive video visit experience and have plans to expand the offering to more CHOP patients in the network.

What we learned

The adolescent health questionnaire relieved some of the burden providers often feel during teen well visits. It also contributed to an increase in provider awareness of health teen risks.Tens of thousands of adolescent health questionnaires will be completed annually.

For those interested in learning more about the adolescent health questionnaire and areas for potential collaboration, please reach out to our team.

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