Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) and Bone Marrow Transplant: Luke’s Story
Luke, 5, is progressing well after treatment for a rare disease and a bone marrow transplant at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Our team includes specialists from Immunology and Cellular Therapy who have expertise in assessing and treating the long-term effects of primary immune deficiencies and related conditions.
Luke, 5, is progressing well after treatment for a rare disease and a bone marrow transplant at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Audrey was diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency, treated with drugs to ward off infections, and underwent a bone marrow transplant at CHOP — all in her first month of life.
A bone marrow transplant to treat chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) saved Tommy's life and enabled him — and his family — to live a normal, happy life.