Why Choose the STRIVE Program

The STRIVE for Kids Program at CHOP is one of the busiest programs in the country working with children with differences in sex development (DSD) and genitourinary (GU) development. Though DSD are rare, our STRIVE for Kids Program has evaluated and actively follows more than 250 patients and families. Our dedicated staff and faculty provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary evaluations with genetics, endocrinology, urology, psychology and social work.

We follow patients on an ongoing basis, from birth to young adult life. We also provide prenatal counseling to those who are at risk for having a baby with DSD or other GU or reproduction concerns. The STRIVE program is dedicated to helping families navigate the medical, genetic, surgical and psychosocial care needed for their child through childhood and adolescence.

Next Steps
Endocrinology Appointments and Referrals
Urology Appointments and Referrals