Linda A. Hawkins, PhD, MSEd, LPC
Locations: Main Building
About Linda A. Hawkins, PhD, MSEd, LPC
Co-Director, Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Awards and Honors
Linda Lehnert Memorial Award Excellence in Academics & Research
Distinguished Dissertation Nomination Gender Identity Development among Gender Variant Adolescents
Points of Pride Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2005-present, World Professional Association for Transgender Health
2012-present, American Counseling Association
2011-present, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
2010-present, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
2005-present, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
2005-present, American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2010-present, Reviewer, Academic Pediatrics
2010-present, Reviewer, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BS in Speech and Hearing Sciences - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Graduate Degree
PhD in Human Development & Human Sexuality, Clinical Counseling Focus - Widener University, Chester, PA
MSEd in Psychological Services - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Dowshen, N., Meadows, R., Bymes, M., Hawkins, L., Eder, J., & Noonan, K. Policy Perspective: Ensuring comprehensive care and support for gender nonconforming children and adolescents. Transgender Health, 1(1), 75-86. http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/trgh.2016.0002. 2016.
McClain, Z., Hawkins, L.A., & Yehai, B. Creating Welcoming Spaces for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Patients: An Evaluation of the Healthcare Environment. Journal of Homosexuality. 2016.
Kennard, B., Brown, L., T., Hawkins, L., Risi, A., Radcliffe, J., Emslie, G., Mayes, T., King, J., Foxwell, A., Buyukdura, J., Bethel, J., Naar-King, S., Safran, S., Xu, J., Lee, S., Garvie, P., London, C., Tanney, M., Thornton, S., and the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. Development of Health and Wellness CBT for Individuals with Depression and HIV: Feasibility and Acceptability. Journal of Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, pp 237-246. April 2014.
Radcliffe, J., Doty, N., Hawkins, L.A., Smith, C. Beidas, R., and Rudy, BJ. Stigma and Sexual Health Risk in HIV-Positive African American Young Men who have Sex with Men. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 24(8). August 2010.
Radcliffe, J., Beidas, R., Hawkins, L.A., and Doty, N. Trauma and Sexual Risk Among Sexual Minority African-American HIV+ Young Adults. Traumatology. May 7, 2010 as doi:10.1177/1534765610365911.
Valenzuela, J., Buchanan, C., Radcliffe, J., Ambrose, C., Hawkins, L.A., Tanney, M. and Rudy, BJ. Transition to Adult Services Among Behaviorally Infected Adolescents with HIV – A Qualitative Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Advanced Access published June 19, 2009.
Mollen, CJ, Lavelle, J., Hawkins, LA, Ambrose, C. and Rudy, BJ. Description of a Novel Pediatric Emergency Department-Based HIV Screening Program for Adolescents. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 22(6), 505-512. June 2008.
Radcliffe, J, Fleisher, C.L., Hawkins, LA, Tanney, M, Kassam-Adams, N, Ambrose, C, and Rudy, BJ. Posttraumatic Stress and Trauma History in Adolescents and Young Adults with HIV. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 21(7), 501-508. July 2007.
JC Posner, LA Hawkins, F Garcia-Espana, DR Durbin. A randomized controlled trial of a home safety intervention based in an emergency department setting. Pediatrics, 113(6), 1603-1608. June 2004.
Nance, ML, Hawkins, LA, Branas, CC, Vivarelli-O’Neill, C, and Winston, FK. Optimal driving conditions are the most common injury conditions for child pedestrians. Pediatric Emergency Care, 20(9), 569-573. September 2004.
Kodman-Jones, C., Hawkins, L., Schulman, S.L. “Behavioral characteristics of children with daytime wetting,” Journal of Urology, 166(6);2392-2395. December 2001.
Lectures by Invitation
Hawkins L. Pennsylvania College of Physicians. Supporting Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Gender Expansive Children & Youth, Philadelphia, PA, March 2016.
Hawkins L. Children’s Hospital Association National Conference. Creating an Inclusive Experience for LGBT Patients & Families: Policy to Practice, New Orleans, LA. March 2016.
Hawkins L. Supporting Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Gender Expansive Children & Youth. Keynote speaker, MSW Field Faculty Orientation, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice. September 2015.
Hawkins L. Supporting Gender Non-Conforming Children & Youth in Primary Care. CHOP at Virtua Care Center, Voorhees, NJ. March 2015.
Hawkins L. Creating a Supportive Campus for All Students. William Penn Charter School, Middle School, Philadelphia, PA. March 2015.
Simms, S., & Hawkins, L.A., Families with Chronic Medical Issues, book chapter in Browning, S (Ed.), Contemporary Families: Translating Research into Practice. Routledge: New York, NY. 2015.
Hawkins, L.A., & Ginsburg, K.R., Core Principles in Communicating with Adolescents, in Ginsburg KR and Kinsman SB. Reaching Teens: Wisdom from Adolescent Medicine. Elks Grove Village IL; American Academy of Pediatrics; (A Textbook and Video Product). 2014.
Dowshen, N., Hawkins, L.A., Arrington-Sanders, R., Reirden, D.H., & Garofalo, R, Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, in Ginsburg KR and Kinsman SB. Reaching Teens: Wisdom from Adolescent Medicine. Elks Grove Village IL; American Academy of Pediatrics; (A Textbook and Video Product). 2014.
Dowshen, N., Hawkins, L.A., Arrington-Sanders, R., Reirden, D.H., & Garofalo, R, HIV-Infected Youth, in Ginsburg KR and Kinsman SB. Reaching Teens: Wisdom from Adolescent Medicine. Elks Grove Village IL; American Academy of Pediatrics; (A Textbook and Video Product). 2014.
Radcliffe, J., Hawkins, L.A., & Buchanan, C. Pediatric HIV, book chapter in Clinical Practice of Pediatric Psychology: Cases and service delivery. Guilford Press. 2014.