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Hongzhe Li, PhD

Hongzhe Li, PhD

Hongzhe Li, PhD, is a professor of biostatistics and statistics at the University of Pennsylvania and an academic investigator for the Healthy Weight Program at CHOP.

About Hongzhe Li, PhD


Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics, University of Pennsylvania

Education & training

Graduate Degree

PhD in Statistics - PhD at University of Washington, Seattle, WA




Riley JS, McClain LE, Stratigis JD, Coons BE, Li H, Hartman HA, Peranteau WH. Pre-Existing Maternal Antibodies Cause Rapid Prenatal Rejection of Allotransplants in the Mouse Model of In Utero Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. J Immunol. 2018 Jul 18; PMID: 30021770

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