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Laura Prosser, PT, PhD

Laura  Prosser, PT, PhD

Laura Prosser, PT, PhD

Laura  Prosser, PT, PhD is a research scientist with the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Team at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Research in the development of impaired movement and in designing treatment protocols for children with cerebral palsy that promote neural plasticity at a young age


About Laura Prosser, PT, PhD


Research Scientist


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Awards and Honors

2022, Top Abstract Award

2018,2018 Susan Harryman Cerebral Palsy Lecture, Kennedy Krieger Institute

2011, Nominated for the 2012 Gayle G. Arnold Award for Research Excellence from the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Prosser LA, Curatalo LA, Alter KE, Damiano DL. Acceptability and effectiveness of a foot drop stimulator in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. (Presented at the AACPDM  Annual Meeting 2011)

2011, NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence

2010, AACPDM Travel Scholarship

2009, “Dean’s Award for Excellence” (First place). Prosser LA, Lee SCK, Lauer RT, Van Sant AF, Barbe MF. Trunk and hip muscle activity patterns in early walkers with and without cerebral palsy. College of Health Professions Research Day, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 

2006, “Best Poster Presentation.” Ding J, Lee SCK, Tokay A, Prosser L, Stackhouse S, Wexler AS, Binder-Macleod SA. Modeling Isometric Contractions of Leg Muscles for Children with Cerebral Palsy. 3rd Annual Center for Biomedical Engineering Research Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 

2004, Service Excellence Award (recognized by the families of patients), Children’s Specialized Hospital 

2000, Honors graduate, University of Scranton, magna cum laude 

1996-2001, Loyola scholarship, University of Scranton 

1996, National Merit Scholar Semi-finalist

Leadership and Memberships


2022, World Congress of Biomechanics


2019-present, American College of Rehabilitation Medicine, Member

2005-present, American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 

1998-present, American Physical Therapy Association - Neurology, Pediatrics, and Research sections 

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions
Editorial board member

2013-present, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics


2015-present, Journal of Motor Behavior
2014-present, Developmental Neurorehabilitation 
2013-present, Journal of Applied Biomechanics 
2013-present, Disability and Rehabilitation 
2012-present, Pediatrics 
2012-present, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 
2011-present, Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering 
2011-present, Physical Therapy 
2011-present, Prosthetics and Orthotics International 
2010-present, Journal of Biomechanics 
2007-present, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 
2007-present, Pediatric Physical Therapy 

Academic and Institutional Committees

2012-present, Member, Scientific Review Committee, Center for Rehabilitation, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Education & training

Graduate Degree

PhD in Physical Therapy - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
MS in Physical Therapy - University of Scranton, Scranton, PA
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Functional and Applied Biomechanics - National Institutes of Health

Team affiliations

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Prosser LA, Skorup J, Pierce SR, Jawad AF, Fagg AH, Kolobe THA, Smith BA.: Locomotor learning in infants at high risk for cerebral palsy: A study protocol. Frontiers in Pediatrics 11(2): doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.891633, Feb 2023 Notes: eCollection 2023.

Pierce SR, Skorup, J, Paremski A, Prosser LA. : The relationship between the family empowerment scale and fine motor, gross motor, and cognitive development in young children with cerebral palsy. Child: Care, Health & Development 49(4): 778-783, Jul 2023.

Prosser LA, Pierce SR, Skorup JA, Paremski AC, Alcott M, Bochnak M, Ruwaih N, Jawad AF: Motor training for young children with cerebral palsy: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Aug 2023 Notes: Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.15729.

Jain D, Graci V, Beam ME, Ayaz H, Prosser LA, Master CL, McDonald CC, Arbogast KB.: Neurophysiological and gait deficits during a dual-task gait assessment in concussed adolescents. Clinical Biomechanics. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2023.106090. Oct 2023.

Kather C, Shofer FS, Park J, Bogen D, Pierce SR, Kording K, Zhang H, Prosser L, Johnson MJ.: Quantifying interaction with robotic toys in pre-term and full-term infants. Frontiers in Pediatrics 11, Oct 2023 Notes:

Pierce SR, Skorup J, Kolobe THA, Smith BA, Prosser LA.: Agreement between the Gross Motor Ability Estimator-2 and the Gross Motor Ability Estimator-3. Pediatric Physical Therapy Nov 2023 Notes: Online ahead of print.doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000001065.

50. Hatch E, Jaffe A, Prosser L: Clinical utility of a patient-reported outcome for assessing spasticity in a pediatric population. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine In press 2023.

51. Jain D, Graci V, Beam ME, Master CL, Prosser LA, McDonald CC, Arbogast KB. : Impaired Neuromotor Control During Gait in Concussed Adolescents - a Frequency Analysis. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 27: 1-9, Dec 2023 Notes: doi: 10.1123/jab.2023-0126. Online ahead of print.


Prosser LA, Ovando Aguirre M, Zhao S, Bogen DK, Pierce SR, Nilan KA, Zhang H, Shofer FS, Johnson MJ: Infants at risk for physical disability may be identified by measures of postural control in supine. Pediatric Research 91(5): 1215-1221, Apr 2022.

Kornafel T, Paremski AC, Prosser LA: Unweighting infants reveals hidden motor skills. Developmental Science 26(2): e13279, May 2022.

Gaetz W, Graci V, Falciani C, Sanders O, Prosser LA.: A MEG compatible, interactive IR game paradigm for the study of visuomotor reach-to target movements in young children and clinical populations: The Target-Touch Motor Task. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 380(1): doi: 10.1016, Oct 2022 Notes: epub.

Prosser LA, Atkinson HL, Alfano JM, Kessler SK, Ichord RB: Walking speed influences spatiotemporal, but not symmetry, measures of gait in children and adolescents with hemiplegia. Gait & Posture 98(1): 233-236, Oct 2022.

Prosser LA, Atkinson HL, Alfano JM, Leff M, Kessler SK, Gouelle A, Ichord RB.: Normalizing step-to-step variability to age in children and adolescents with hemiplegia. Gait & Posture 98(4): 6-8, Oct 2022.

J. Panchal, O. F. Sowande, L. Prosser and M. J. Johnson : Design of pediatric robot to simulate infant biomechanics for neuro-developmental assessment in a sensorized gym. 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) 2022(1): 1-7, Nov 2022.


Pierce SR, Skorup J, Paremski A, Prosser LA: The relationship between the Family Empowerment Scale and Gross Motor Function Measure-66 in young children with cerebral palsy. Child: Care, Health and Development 47(1): 112-118, Jan 2021. 37. Zarkou A, Prosser LA, Franklin C, Hwang S, Jeka J, Lee SCK: Foot and Ankle Somatosensory Deficits in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 14(2): 247-255, Jun 2021.



Prosser LA, Damiano DL. Biomechanical and neuromuscular aspects of motor development in children with cerebral palsy. In: De Ste Croix M, Korff T, eds. Paediatric Biomechanics and Motor Control: Theory and Application. UK: Routledge; 2011. 

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