Caren Armstrong, MD, PhD
About Caren Armstrong
Attending Neurologist
Awards and Honors
2020, Guy McKhann Award for resident teaching, Johns Hopkins University
2020, February Resident of the Month, Johns Hopkins University
2017, School of Medicine Physician Scientist Training Program Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
2015, MD with Distinction in Research and Distinction in Service, University of California, Irvine
2015, Vincent P Carroll Jr Award for Outstanding Research by a graduating Medical Student
2015, Journal of Physiology Early Investigator Prize Runner-up for paper ‘In vivo evaluation of the dentate gate theory in epilepsy’
2012, Epilepsy Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Training Fellowship
2011, Selected as one of 3 students & postdoctoral scholars from Gordon Research Seminar for an oral presentation at Gordon Research Conference: Inhibition in the CNS
2010, UC Irvine Public Impact Fellow
2006, Associated Medical Students Government Service Award, UCI School of Medicine
2004, Summa Cum Laude, High Honors for Research, Cornell University
2003, Howard Hughes Research Scholar
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Biomedical Sciences - University of California, Irvine, CA
Medical Degree
MD - University of California, Irvine, CA
Pediatric Neurology - Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Epilepsy - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Armstrong C, Marsh ED. Electrophysiological biomarkers in genetic epilepsies. Neurotherapeutics (2021), 18:1458-1467
Armstrong C, Sun LR. Neurological complications of pediatric cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev (2020), 39(1):3-23
Berk J, Hall D, Stroh I, Armstrong C, Mishra K, Pecker LH, Lau BW. A Child With Pancytopenia and Optic Disc Swelling. Pediatrics (2019), 144(5):e20182887
Bezaire M, Raikov I, Burk K, Armstrong C, Soltesz I. SimTracker tool and code template to design, manage and analyze neural network model simulations in parallel NEURON. bioRxiv (2016), 081927
Armstrong C, Wang J, Lee SY, Broderick J, Bezaire MJ, Lee SH, Soltesz I. Target‐selectivity of parvalbumin‐positive interneurons in layer II of medial entorhinal cortex in normal and epileptic animals. Hippocampus (2016), 26(6):779-793
Ewell LA, Liang L, Armstrong C, Soltesz I, Leutgeb S, Leutgeb JK., Brain state is a major factor in pre-seizure hippocampal network activity and influences success of seizure intervention. Journal of Neuroscience (2015), 35(47):15635-15648
Krook-Magnuson E*, Armstrong C*, Bui A, Lew S, Oijala M, Soltesz I., In vivo evaluation of the dentate gate theory in epilepsy. J. Physiology (2015), 593(10):2379-2388. *These authors contributed equally to this work
Krook-Magnuson E, Szabo G, Armstrong C, Oijala M, Soltesz I, Cerebellar directed optogenetic intervention inhibits spontaneous hippocampal seizures in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. eNeuro 1(1):0005-14.2014.2014
Armstrong C*, Krook-Magnuson E*, Oijala M, Soltesz I., Closed Loop Optogenetic Intervention in Mice. Nature Protocols (2013), 8(8)475-493. *These authors contributed equally to this work
Krook-Magnuson E*, Armstrong C*, Oijala M, Soltesz I., On-demand optogenetic control of spontaneous seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy. Nature Communications (2013), 4:1376. *These authors contributed equally to this work
Armstrong C, Krook-Magnuson E, Soltesz I., Neurogliaform and Ivy Cells: A Major Family of nNOS Expressing GABAergic Neurons. Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2012), 6:23.
Armstrong C, Soltesz I., Basket cell dichotomy in microcircuit function. J. Physiology (2012), 590(4):683-94.
Armstrong C, Szabadics J, Tamás G, Soltesz I., Neurogliaform cells in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus as feed-forward GABAergic modulators of entorhino-hippocampal interplay. J. Comparative Neurology (2010), 519(8):1476-91
Armstrong C, Morgan RJ, Soltesz I., Pursuing paradoxical proconvulsant prophylaxis for epileptogenesis. Epilepsia (2009), 50(7):1657–1669.
Echegoyen J, Armstrong C, Morgan RJ, Soltesz I., Single application of a CB1 receptor antagonist rapidly following head injury prevents long-term hyperexcitability in a rat model. Epilepsy Research (2009), 85(1):123-7
Armstrong CM*, DeVito LM*, Cleland TA, One-trial Associative Odor Learning in Neonatal Mice. Chemical Senses (2006), 31(4): 343-349. *These authors contributed equally to this work