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Michael Chorny, PhD

Michael Chorny, PhD

Michael Chorny, PhD

Michael Chorny, PhD, is a researcher with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

About Michael Chorny, PhD



Research Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Awards and Honors

2019, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Innovation Award
2011, Certificate of Research Excellence from the American Heart Association in recognition of outstanding dedication and achievement in heart disease and stroke research
2009, New Investigator Award from the Ethel Brown Foerderer Fund for Excellence
2006, Outstanding presentation in basic research, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia/The Joseph Stokes, Jr. Research Institute
2001, Superpharm Ph.D. student distinction award
1997, Goldhaber Family prize for academic achievements

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations


2020-present, The British Heart Foundation, Reviewer
2018-present, Competitive Research Programme (CRP) of the National Research Foundation of Singapore, Reviewer
2015-present, The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Reviewer
2012-present, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Institute, Reviewer
2012-present, The Henry Smith Charity, Reviewer
2010-present, Controlled Release Society


2018-present, FDA-Pennsylvania Pediatric Medical Device Consortium
 - 2018-present, Executive Board of the Clinical and Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC)
2018-present, American Chemical Society
2099-present, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
2008-present, American Heart Association

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2013-present, Journal of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment, Editorial board member


2018-present, Hypertension
2018-present, Nanoscale
2017-present, Circulation Research
2015-present, Journal of Microencapsulation
2015-present, The FASEB Journal
2015-present, Nature Communications
2014-present, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology
2013-present, ACS Nano
2012-present, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery
2012-present, Molecular Therapy
2012-present, Molecular Pharmaceutics
2011-present, Pharmaceutical Research
2011-present, Acta Biomaterialia
2011-present, Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy
2009-present, Nanomedicine
2009-present, International Journal of Nanomedicine
2009-present, Current Cancer Drug Targets
2006-present, Biomaterials
2005-present, Langmuir Archives of Medical Research
2003-present, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Academic and Institutional Committees

2018-present, Reviewer of K-Readiness pilot grant applications for the Research Institute
2015-present, Executive Committee of the Center for Targeted Therapeutics & Translational Nanomedicine of the ITMAT (Institute of Translational Medici
2013-present, Pediatric Cardiology Scholarship Oversight Committee
2012-present, Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine, reviewer of pilot grant applications
2012-present, Reviewer of T32 applications for the Division of Cardiology
2011-present, Bioengineering Graduate Group

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BPharm in Pharmaceutical Sciences - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Graduate Degree

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Post Doctoral Researcher in Cardiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA




Y. Polunin, I.S. Alferiev, G.M. Brodeur, A. Voronov*, M. Chorny*: Environment-sensitive polymeric micelles encapsulating SN-38 potently suppress growth of neuroblastoma cells exhibiting intrinsic and acquired drug resistance. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 4(1): 240-247, Feb 2021 Notes: * equal contribution.


F. Nguyen, P. Guan, D.T. Guerrero, V. Kolla, K. Naraparaju, L.M. Perry, D. Soberman, B.B. Pressly, I.S. Alferiev*, M. Chorny*, G.M. Brodeur*: Structural optimization and enhanced prodrug-mediated delivery overcomes camptothecin resistance in high-risk solid tumors. Cancer Research 80(19): 4258-4265, Oct 2020 Notes: * equal contribution.

I. Orienti, G. Farruggia, F. Nguyen, P. Guan, N. Calonghi, V. Kolla, M. Chorny, G.M. Brodeur: Nanomicellar lenalidomide-fenretinide combination suppresses tumor growth in an MYCN amplified neuroblastoma tumor. International Journal of Nanomedicine 15: 6873-6886, Sep 2020.

W. Shield III, A. Cellini, H. Tian , K. Wilson, Y. Dan, J.M. Abzug, S. Garcia, N. Moritani, I. Alferiev, M. Chorny, M. Takigawa, V.Y. Ng, M. Iwamoto, M. Enomoto-Iwamoto: Selective agonists for nuclear retinoic acid receptor gamma inhibit growth of HCS-2/8 chondrosarcoma cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 38(5): 1045-1051, May 2020.

M.R. Battig, I.S. Alferiev, D.T. Guerrero, I. Fishbein, B.B. Pressly, R.J. Levy, M. Chorny: Experimental single-platform approach to enhance the functionalization of magnetically targetable cells. ACS Applied Bio Materials  3(6): 3914-3922, May 2020.


I. Orienti, F. Nguyen, P. Guan, V. Kolla, N. Calonghi, G. Farruggia, M. Chorny, G.M. Brodeur: A novel nanomicellar combination of fenretinide and lenalidomide shows marked antitumor activity in a neuroblastoma xenograft model. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 13: 4305-4319, Dec 2019.


M.R. Battig, I. Fishbein, R.J. Levy, I.S. Alferiev, D. Guerrero, M. Chorny: Optimizing endothelial cell functionalization for cell therapy of vascular proliferative disease using a direct contact co-culture system. Drug Delivery and Translational Research 8(4): 954-963, Aug 2018.

F. Nguyen, I. Alferiev, P. Guan, D.T. Guerrero, V. Kolla, G.S. Moorthy, M. Chorny*, G.M. Brodeur*: Enhanced intratumoral delivery of SN38 as a tocopherol oxyacetate prodrug using nanoparticles in a neuroblastoma xenograft model. Clinical Cancer Research 24(11): 2585-2593, Jun 2018 Notes: (* equal contribution).


I. Fishbein, D. Guerrero, I.S. Alferiev, J. Foster, N. Minutolo, M. Chorny, A.M. Monteys, K.H. Driesbaugh, C. Nagaswami, R.J. Levy: Stent-based delivery of adeno-associated viral vectors with sustained vascular transduction and iNOS-mediated inhibition of in-stent restenosis. Gene Therapy 24(11): 717-726, Nov 2017.


I. Fishbein, D. Guerrero, I.S. Alferiev, J. Foster, N. Minutolo, M. Chorny, A.M. Monteys, K.H. Driesbaugh, C. Nagaswami, R.J. Levy: Stent-based delivery of adeno-associated viral vectors with sustained vascular transduction and iNOS-mediated inhibition of in-stent restenosis. Gene Therapy 24(11): 717-726, Nov 2017.

R.F. Adamo, I. Fishbein, K. Zhang, J. Wen, R.J. Levy, I.S. Alferiev, M. Chorny: Magnetically enhanced cell delivery for accelerating recovery of the endothelium in injured arteries. Journal of Controlled Release 222: 169-75, Jan 2016.


R. Iyer, J. L. Croucher, M. Chorny, J. L. Mangino, I. S. Alferiev, R. J. Levy, V. Kolla, G. M. Brodeur, Nanoparticle delivery of an SN38 conjugate is more effective than irinotecan in a mouse model of neuroblastoma. Cancer Lett 360, 205-212 (2015).

I. S. Alferiev, R. Iyer, J. L. Croucher, R. F. Adamo, K. Zhang, J. L. Mangino, V. Kolla, I. Fishbein, G. M. Brodeur, R. J. Levy, M. Chorny, Nanoparticle-mediated delivery of a rapidly activatable prodrug of SN-38 for neuroblastoma therapy. Biomaterials 51, 22-29 (2015).


J. E. Tengood, I. S. Alferiev, K. Zhang, I. Fishbein, R. J. Levy, M. Chorny, Real-time analysis of composite magnetic nanoparticle disassembly in vascular cells and biomimetic media. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 4245-4250 (2014).


M. Chorny, I. Fishbein, J. E. Tengood, R. F. Adamo, I. S. Alferiev, R. J. Levy, Site-specific gene delivery to stented arteries using magnetically guided zinc oleate-based nanoparticles loaded with adenoviral vectors. FASEB J 27, 2198-2206 (2013).


M. Chorny, I. S. Alferiev, I. Fishbein, J. E. Tengood, Z. Folchman-Wagner, S. P. Forbes, R. J. Levy, Formulation and in vitro characterization of composite biodegradable magnetic nanoparticles for magnetically guided cell delivery. Pharm Res 29, 1232-1241 (2012).


M. Chorny*, E. Hood*, R.J. Levy, V.R. Muzykantov: Endothelial delivery of antioxidant enzymes loaded into non-polymeric magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release 146(1): 144-51, Aug 2010 Notes: (* equal contribution).

M. Chorny*, I. Fishbein*, B.B. Yellen, I.S. Alferiev, M. Bakay, S. Ganta, R. Adamo, M. Amiji, G. Friedman, R.J. Levy: Targeting stents with local delivery of paclitaxel-loaded magnetic nanoparticles using uniform fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(18): 8346-51, May 2010 Notes: (* equal contribution).


M. Chorny, I. Fishbein, I.S. Alferiev, R.J. Levy: Magnetically responsive biodegradable nanoparticles enhance adenoviral gene transfer in cultured smooth muscle and endothelial cells Molecular Pharmaceutics 6(5): 1380-7, Jun 2009.

E. Cohen-Sela, S. Teitlboim, M. Chorny, N. Koroukhov, H.D. Danenberg, J. Gao, G. Golomb: Single and double emulsion manufacturing techniques of an amphiphilic drug in PLGA nanoparticles: formulations of mithramycin and bioactivity. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 98(4): 1452-62, Apr 2009.

E. Cohen-Sela, M. Chorny, N. Koroukhov, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: A new double emulsion solvent diffusion technique for encapsulating hydrophilic molecules in PLGA nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release 133(2): 90-5, Jan 2009.


H. Epstein, L. Rabinovich, S. Banai, V. Elazar, J. Gao, M. Chorny, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: Predicting in vivo efficacy of potential restenosis therapies by cell culture studies: species-dependent susceptibility of vascular smooth muscle cells. The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal 2: 60-9, 2008.

B. Polyak, I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, I. Alferiev, D. Williams, B. Yellen, G. Friedman, R.J. Levy: High field gradient targeting of magnetic nanoparticle-loaded endothelial cells to the surfaces of steel stents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105(2): 698-703, Jan 2008.


M. Chorny*, B. Polyak*, I.S. Alferiev, K. Walsh, G. Friedman, R.J. Levy: Magnetically driven plasmid DNA delivery with biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles. The FASEB journal 21(10): 2510-9, Aug 2007 Notes: (* equal contribution).


M. Chorny*, I. Fishbein*, I.S. Alferiev, O. Nyanguile, R. Gaster, R.J. Levy: Adenoviral gene vector tethering to nanoparticle surfaces results in receptor-independent cell entry and increased transgene expression. Molecular Therapy 14(3): 382-91, Sep 2006 Notes: (* equal contribution).

M. Chorny*, D. Mishaly*, A. Leibowitz, A.J. Domb, G. Golomb: Site-specific delivery of dexamethasone from biodegradable implants reduces formation of pericardial adhesions in rabbits. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 78(2): 276-82, Aug 2006 Notes: (* equal contribution).


B.B. Yellen, Z.G. Forbes, D.S. Halverson, G. Fridman, K.A. Barbee, M. Chorny, R.J. Levy, G. Friedman: Targeted drug delivery to magnetic implants for therapeutic applications. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293: 647-54, 2005.

S. Banai*, M. Chorny*, S.D. Gertz, I. Fishbein, J. Gao, L. Perez, G. Lazarovichi, A. Gazit, A. Levitzki, G. Golomb: Locally delivered nanoencapsulated tyrphostin (AGL-2043) reduces neointima formation in balloon-injured rat carotid and stented porcine coronary arteries. Biomaterials 26(4): 451-61, Feb 2005 Notes: (* equal contribution).


S. Banai, S.D. Gertz, L. Gavish, M. Chorny, L.S. Perez, G. Lazarovichi, M. Ianculuvich, M. Hoffmann, M. Orlowski, G. Golomb, A. Levitzki: Tyrphostin AGL-2043 eluting stent reduces neointima formation in porcine coronary arteries. Cardiovascular Research 64(1): 165-71, Oct 2004.

D. Stepensky, M. Chorny, Z. Dabour, I. Schumacher: Long-term stability study of L-adrenaline injections: Kinetics of sulfonation and racemization pathways of drug degradation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 93(4): 969-80, Apr 2004.


M. Chorny, D. Levy, I. Schumacher, C. Lichaa, B. Gruzman, O. Livshits, Y. Lumnitsky: Development and validation of a stability-indicating high performance liquid chromatographic assay for benoxinate. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 32(1): 189-96, Apr 2003.


M. Karck, R. Meliss, M. Hestermann, M. Mengel, K. Pethig, A. Levitzki, S. Banai, G. Golomb, I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, A. Haverich: Inhibition of aortic allograft vasculopathy by local delivery of platelet-derived growth factor receptor tyrosine-kinase blocker AG-1295. Transplantation 74(9): 1335-41, Nov 2002.

M. Chorny, I. Fishbein, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: Lipophilic drug loaded nanospheres prepared by nanoprecipitation: effect of formulation variables on size, drug recovery and release kinetics. Journal of Controlled Release 83(3): 389-400, Oct 2002.

M. Chorny, I. Fishbein, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: Study of the drug release mechanism from tyrphostin AG-1295-loaded nanospheres by in situ and external sink methods. Journal of Controlled Release 83(3): 401-14, Oct 2002.


M. Chorny, I. Fishbein, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: Study of the drug release mechanism from tyrphostin AG-1295-loaded nanospheres by in situ and external sink methods. Journal of Controlled Release 83(3): 401-14, Oct 2002.
I. Fishbein*, M. Chorny*, S. Banai, A. Levitzki, H.D. Danenberg, J. Gao, X. Chen, E. Moerman, I. Gati, V. Goldwasser, G. Golomb: Formulation and delivery mode affect disposition and activity of tyrphostin-loaded nanoparticles in the rat carotid model. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 21(9): 1434-9, Sep 2001 Notes: (* equal contribution).


I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, L. Rabinovich, S. Banai, I. Gati, G. Golomb: Nanoparticulate delivery system of a tyrphostin for the treatment of restenosis. Journal of Controlled Release 65(1-2): 221-9, Mar 2000.

I. Fishbein, J. Waltenberger, S. Banai, L. Rabinovich, M. Chorny, A. Levitzki, A. Gazit, R. Huber, U. Mayr, S.D. Gertz, G. Golomb: Local delivery of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-specific tyrphostin inhibits neointimal formation in rats. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 20(3): 667-76, Mar 2000.

Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)


M. Matsuoka, K. Uchibe, I. Alferiev, J.M. Abzug, M. Liu, N. Iwasaki, M. Enomoto-Iwamoto, M. Chorny, M. Iwamoto: Controlling targeted bone growth by synthetic retinoid nanoparticles. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cartilage Metabolism, March 1, 2019, Osaka, Japan Jul 2019 Notes: oral presentation

D. Guerrero, I.S. Alferiev, F. Nguyen, P. Guan, V. Kolla, D. Soberman, I. Fishbein, R.J. Levy, G.M. Brodeur, M. Chorny: Formulation and evaluation of biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles as injectable anticancer co-drug carriers. Conference on Polymers in Life Sciences, May 14-15, 2019, Philadelphia, PA May 2019 Notes: poster presentation.

B.B. Pressly, D.T. Guerrero, I.S. Alferiev, B. Hooshdaran, M. Kuoch, M. Chorny, I. Fishbein: Induction of a prohealing macrophage phenotype with stent-eluted gene vectors for the prevention of restenosis. American Heart Association (AHA) Vascular Discovery Annual Meeting 2019, May 14-16, 2019, Boston, MA May 2019 Notes: poster presentation.


F. Nguyen, I. Alferiev, P. Guan, D. Guerrero, V. Kolla, G.S. Moorthy, M. Chorny, G.M. Brodeur: Enhanced intratumoral delivery of SN38 as a tocopherol oxyacetate prodrug using nanoparticles in a neuroblastoma xenograft model. Advances in Neuroblastoma Research 2018 Conference, May 9-12, 2018, San Francisco, CA May 2018 Notes: poster presentation.

M. Matsuoka, K. Uchibe, I. Alferiev, M. Liu, J.M. Abzug, M. Enomoto-Iwamoto, M. Chorny, M. Iwamoto: Drug-based growth restriction of the targeted bone by synthetic retinoid nanoparticles. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, March 10-13, 2018, New Orleans, LA Mar 2018 Notes: poster presentation.

Lectures by Invitation


Chorny, A. "Polymer-linked prodrug of SN-38 achieves a profound and lasting antitumor effect in experimental models of primary and metastatic, drug-resistant neuroblastoma", Biomedical Engineering Society 2020 Annual Meeting (virtual). Oct 2020.


Chorny, A. "In situ activatable co-drugs for nanoparticle-based therapy of aggressive neuroblastoma", Biomedical Engineering Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Oct 2019.

Chorny, A. "Poloxamer-based polymeric prodrugs as an experimental therapy for aggressive solid tumors", Conference on Polymers in Life Sciences, University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA. May 2019.

Chorny, A. "Nanocarriers with reversibly hydrophobized co-drugs for treating aggressive neuroblastoma", 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine, New York, NY, USA. Mar 2019.


Chorny, A. "Mutual prodrugs for treating aggressive neuroblastoma with biodegradable nanocarriers", 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond, Boston, MA, USA. Aug 2018.

Chorny, A. "Codrug-impregnated nanocarriers as an experimental therapy for aggressive neuroblastoma", International Conference on Pharma Research and Development, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Keynote speaker). June 2018.

Chorny, A. "Co-drug formulation strategy for nanocarrier-mediated treatment of aggressive neuroblastoma", IPharma 2018: International Pharmaceutical Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Mar 2018.


Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, I.S. Alferiev, R.F. Adamo, R.J. Levy: Prevention of restenosis with stent-based vascular gene delivery: gene-eluting stents. Coronary artery restenosis: causes, treatment and clinical outcomes. Amir S. Lotfi (eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, Page: 239-261, 2014.

J.E. Tengood, I. Fishbein, R.J. Levy, M. Chorny: Nanomedicines for Restenosis Therapy. Frontiers in Nanobiomedical Research: Volume 3. Handbook of Nanobiomedical Research (Fundamentals, Applications and Recent Developments, v2: Applications in Therapy). V. Torchilin (eds.). World Scientific Publishing, London, 2: 39-87, Oct 2014 Notes: ISBN: 978-981-4520-64-5.


I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, I.S. Alferiev, R.J. Levy: Site Specific Controlled Release for Cardiovascular Disease - Translational Directions. Fundamentals and Applications of Controlled Release Drug Delivery. J. Siepmann, R.A. Siegel, M.J. Rathbone (eds.). Springer, New York, Page: 445-492, 2012.


E. Cohen-Sela, M. Chorny, G. Golomb: Nanoparticles for the treatment of restenosis. Nanoparticles for Pharmaceutical Applications. A.J. Domb, Y. Tabata, M.N.V.R. Kumar, S. Farber (eds.). ASP, Stevenson Ranch, CA, Page: 123-134, 2006.


M. Chorny, H. Cohen-Sacks, I. Fishbein, H.D. Danenberg, G. Golomb: Biodegradable nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for parenteral administration. Tissue Engineering and Novel Delivery Systems. M.J. Yaszemski, D.J. Trantolo, K. Lewandrowski, V. Hasirci, D.E. Altobelli, D.L. Wise (eds.). Marcel Dekker, New York, Page: 393-422, 2003.


I. Fishbein, M. Chorny, I. Gati, L. Rabinovich, G. Golomb: Drug delivery systems for the treatment of restenosis. Biomaterials and Bioengineering Handbook. D.L. Wise (eds.). Marcel Dekker, New York, Page: pp. 313-335, 2000.

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