Sansanee Craig, MD
Locations: Primary Care, South Philadelphia
About Sansanee Craig, MD
Dr. Sansanee S. Craig is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Director of the Global Health Informatics Program at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). She is board-certified in Clinical Informatics, faculty member of the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics, and the lead Digital Health Equity Clinical Champion at CHOP. In addition to her academic roles, Dr. Craig is a Primary Care Attending Physician at the CHOP South Philadelphia Primary Care clinic. Her work focuses on leveraging health information systems and technologies to promote equitable child and community health across local and global health settings.
Attending Physician
Assistant Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2011, Dean’s List, Ben Gurion University, Medical School for International Health
2011, Distinguished Service Award for Thai migrant worker interpreter services and advocacy work
2007, Dean’s List, University of Rochester
2007, Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Academy of Pediatrics
- Council on Clinical Information Technology
- Co-Chair, Telehealth Equity Working Group, SPROUT
American Medical Informatics Association
- Chair, Global Health Informatics Group
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Ben Gurion Medical School for International Health, Beersheba, Israel
Pediatric Residency (Global Health Track) - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Clinical Informatics - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Szymczak JE, Fiks AG, Craig S, Mendez DD, Ray KN.: Access to What for Whom? How Care Delivery Innovations Impact Health Equity. J Gen Intern Med 2023.
Fraser HSF, Zahiri K, Kim N, Kim C, Craig S.: The Global Health Informatics landscape and JAMIA. J Am Med Inform Assoc 30: 775-780, Mar 2023.
Szymczak JE, Fiks AG, Craig S, Mendez DD, Ray KN.: Access to What for Whom? How Care Delivery Innovations Impact Health Equity. J Gen Intern Med 2023.
Craig S, McPeak KE, Madu C, Dalembert G. Health information technology and equity: Applying history’s lessons to tomorrow’s innovations. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2022 Jan;52(1):101110. doi: 10.1016/j.cppeds.2021.101110. Epub 2021 Dec 30.
Craig S, Bending the arc of health information technology toward equity.” , American Academy of Pediatrics, Annual Symposium, Anaheim; Section on Telehealth Council, Panel Presentation, October 2022.
Craig S, Rasooly IR, Kern-Goldberger AS, Luo B, Mai MV, Beus JM, Faulkenberry JG, Brent C, Herchline D, Muthu N, Bonafide CP.: Characteristics of Emergency Room and Hospital Encounters Resulting From Consumer Home Monitors. Hosp Pediatr 12: e239-e244, Jul 2022.
Caines B, S Craig, G Faulkenberry, A Luberti, K Ndlovu, Developing Sustainable Global Informatics Resources in Low-income Countries. Published September 30, 2021. Accessed February 16, 2022. https://policylab.chop.edu/blog/developing-sustainable-global-informatics-resources-low-income-countries
Craig S, McPeak KE, Madu C, Dalembert G. Health information technology and equity: Applying history’s lessons to tomorrow’s innovations. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2022 Jan;52(1):101110. doi: 10.1016/j.cppeds.2021.101110. Epub 2021 Dec 30.
Faulkenberry JG, Luberti A, Craig S. Electronic health records, mobile health, and the challenge of improving global health. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2021 Dec 27:101111. doi: 10.1016/j.cppeds.2021.101111. PMID: 34969611.
Kern-Goldberger AS, Rasooly IR, Luo B, Craig S, Ferro DF, Ruppel H, Parthasarathy P, Sergay N, Solomon CM, Lucey KE, Muthu N, Bonafide CP; Pediatric Research in Inpatient Research Settints (PRIS) Network: EHR-Integrated Monitor Data to Measure Pulse Oximetry Use in Bronchiolitis. Hosp Pediatr September 2021.
Sylvestre S, Craig T, Ajewole O, Craig S, Kaur S, Al-Shaikhly T.: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Research and Care of Hereditary Angioedema Patients in the United States. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract August 2021.
Rasooly IR, Kern-Goldberger AS, Xiao R, Ponnala S, Ruppel H, Luo B, Craig S, Khan A, McLoone M, Ferro D, Muthu N, Won J, Bonafide CP.: Physiologic Monitor Alarm Burden and Nurses' Subjective Workload in a Children's Hospital. Hosp Pediatr June 2021.
Chadehumbe M, Craig S, Stephenson D, Helbig I.: Child Neurology Telemedicine: Understanding the Data We Have and Finding the Patients We Do Not See. Pediatr Neurol March 2021
Craig S, Faulkenberry G, Holl F, Fraser H, Ruff J. Understanding Sustainable, Scalable Global Health Informatics Resources: Choosing The Right Solution. Proc. AMIA Symposium 2020.
Luo B, McLoone M, Rasooly I, Craig S, Muthu N, Won J, Ruppel H, Bonafide C.: Protocol for a new method to measure physiologic monitor alarm responsiveness on hospital units. Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 54(6): 389-396, Nov 2020.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Pak-Gorstein S, Craig S. (2022) Global Child Health. In Kleigman, R (2022) Nelson textbook of pediatrics (Edition 22). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.