Allison E. Curry, PhD, MPH
Locations: Main Building
About Allison E. Curry, PhD, MPH
Senior Scientist, Center for Injury Research and Prevention
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Master of Public Health Faculty, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2017, MPH Capstone Master's Student Research Award ($1,000), Aging & Public Health Section, American Public Health Association
2016, JAMA Pediatrics Top 10 "Most Talked About" Articles of 2016
2014, Industry-Nominated Technology Breakthroughs of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers
2013, GDL Champion Award, New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition
2013, RWJF's Most Influential Research Article of 2012
2004, Teaching Assistant of the Year, Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
2004, Diana Russell Predoctoral Research Award, Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation
2004, Summer Institute in Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
2003, Teaching Assistant of the Year, Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health
2003, Travel Scholarship, Annual Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2001, Graduate International Fellowship, David L. Boren National Security Education Program ($20,000)
2001, Henry Luce Foundation Scholars Program UCLA Nominee
1999-2001, Academic Fellowship, Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health
1998, Magna cum laude (top 5% of graduating class), Northwestern University
1997, Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2017-present, King's College, London, UK
- Grant Reviewer, King's Health Partners Challenge Fund
2014-present, National Academy of Sciences
- 2018-present, Transportation Research Board
- 2015-present, Long-Range Planning Committee
- 2014-present, ANB 30 Committee on Operator Education and Regulation
- 2014-present, Young Driver Subcommittee
2012-present, Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research
- 2015-2018, Co-coordinator of Mentoring Program
- 2014-present, Science and Research Committee
2010-present, Society for Epidemiologic Research
2010-present, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
2010-present, American Public Health Association
2010-present, American College of Epidemiology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2016-present, Associate Editor, Traffic Injury Prevention
Peer Reviewer
2018-present, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
2017-present, Psychology, Crime, and Law
2017-present, JAMA Pediatrics
2017-present, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
2017-present, Symposium Proposals, Society for Violence and Injury Research Annual Conference
2017-present, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
2017-present, Journal of Pediatrics
2017-present, New England Journal of Medicine
2015-present, Epidemiology
2015-present, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
2015-present, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
2014-present, Transportation Research Record
2013-present, Annals of the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
2013-present, Pediatrics
2013-present, Journal of Adolescent Health
2013-present, Traffic Injury Prevention
2012-present, Injury Prevention
2012-present, Canadian Medical Association Journal
2011-present, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
2010-present, Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Conference
2010-present, Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic and Institutional Committees
2009-present, Internal Scientific Review Committee, Center for Injury Research and Prevention
2017-present, Curriculum Committee, Master of Public Health Program, Perelman School of Medicine
2017-present, Internal Scientific Review Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine
2017, Faculty Stakeholder Group, National Council of University Research Administrators review of CHOP Sponsored Projects Office
2016-present, Center Investigator, Penn Injury Science Center, University of Pennsylvania
2014-present, Senior Fellow, Center for Public Health Initiatives, Perelman School of Medicine
2014-present, Leader, Young Driver Thrust, Center for Injury Research and Prevention
2013-present, Associate Scholar, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Perelman School of Medicine
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Epidemiology - Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
MPH in Epidemiology - University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Epidemiology - Chicago Department of Public Health, Chicago, IL
Acute Communicable Disease Control Unit - Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Los Angeles, CA
Curry AE, Arbogast KB, Metzger KB, et al. "Risk of Repeat Concussion Among Patients Diagnosed at a Pediatric Care Network." J. Pediatr. 2019.
Dress E, Frasso R, Calkins M, Kohler C, Schmidt L, Curry AE, Sisti D: Comparing patient, clinician, and caregiver perceptions of care for early psychosis: A free listing study. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8(2): 157-178, 2018.
Haarbauer-Krupa J, Arbogast KB, Metzger KB, Greenspan AI, Kessler R, Curry AE, Bell JM, DePadilla L, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Master CL: Variations in mechanisms of injury for youth with concussion. Journal of Pediatrics 197(241-248), Jun 2018.
Palumbo AJ, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Curry AE: Young driver compliance with Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions before and after implementation of a decal provision. Journal of Adolescent Health 62(5): 612-617, May 2018.
Curry AE, Yerys BE, Huang, P, Metzger KB: Longitudinal study of driver licensing rates among adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism 22(4): 479-488, May 2018.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Elliott MR, Long L, Pfeiffer MP: Can adolescent drivers' motor vehicle crash risk be reduced by pre-licensure intervention? Journal of Adolescent Health 62(3): 341-348, Mar 2018.
Bonsu JM, Frasso R, Curry AE: Lessons from the field: The conduct of randomized controlled trials in Botswana. Trials 18(1), Oct 2017.
Curry AE, Metzger KB, Williams AF, Tefft BC: Comparison of older and younger novice driver crash rates: Informing the need for extended Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions. Accident Analysis and Prevention 108: 66-73, Aug 2017.
Curry AE, Metzger KB, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Winston FK, Power TJ: Motor vehicle crash risk among adolescents and young adults with ADHD. JAMA Pediatrics 171(8): 756-763, Aug 2017.
Arbogast KA, Curry AE, Metzger KB, Kessler RS, Bell JM, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Zonfrillo MR, Breiding MJ, Master CL: Improving primary care provider practices in youth concussion management. Clinical Pediatrics 56(9): 854-865, Aug 2017.
Curry AE, Metzger KB, Williams AF: Older novice driver crashes: Informing the need for extended Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Jul 2017.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Elliott MR, Winston FK, Fisher Thiel M, Pfeiffer MR, Rogers R, Durbin DR: Parental influence on driver licensure in adolescence: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology 36(3): 245-254, Mar 2017.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR: Compliance with and enforcement of Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 52(1): 47-54, Jan 2017.
Curry AE: Estimating young novice drivers' compliance with Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions: A novel approach. Traffic Injury Prevention 18(1): 35-40, Jan 2017.
Mirman JH, Curry AE: Racing with friends: Resistance to peer influence, gist and specific risk beliefs. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96: 180-184, Nov 2016.
Gruschow S, Yerys B, Power T, Durbin DR, Curry AE: Validation of the use of electronic health records for classification of ADHD status. Journal of Attention Disorders Oct 2016.
Zhu M, Zhao S, Long DL, Curry AE: The association of graduated driver licensing with driver, nondriver and total fatalities among adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51(1): 63-70, Jul 2016.
Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Breiding MJ, Coronado VG, Master CL: Point of healthcare entry for youth concussion within a large pediatric care network. JAMA Pediatrics 170(7): e160294-e160294, Jul 2016.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR: Validation of quasi-induced exposure assumption of representativeness among young drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention 17(4): 346-351, May 2016.
Metzger KB, Gruschow S, Durbin DR, Curry AE: Association between NCAP ratings and real-world rear seat occupant risk of injury. Traffic Injury Prevention 16(Suppl 2): S146-52, Dec 2015.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Durbin DR: Association between New Jersey's Graduated Driver Licensing decal provision and crash rates of young drivers with learner's permits. Injury Prevention 21(6): 421-3, Dec 2015.
Zonfrillo MR, Myers RK, Durbin DR, Curry AE: Validation of parent reported injuries to their children. Clinical Pediatrics 54(10): 983-6, Sep 2015.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Durbin DR, Elliott MR, Kim KH: Young driver crash rates by licensing age, driving experience, and license phase. Accident Analysis and Prevention 80: 243-50, Jul 2015.
Durbin DR, Myers RK, Curry AE, Zonfrillo MR, Arbogast K: Extending the value of police crash reports for traffic safety research: Collecting supplemental data on cases of interest via surveys of drivers. Injury Prevention 21: e36-42, Apr 2015.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Durbin DR, Elliott, MR, Kim KH: Young driver licensing: Examination of population-level rates using New Jersey's state licensing database accident. Accident Analysis and Prevention 76: 49-56, Mar 2015.
Winston FK, Mirman JH, Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Durbin DR: Engagement with the TeenDrivingPlan and diversity of teens' supervised practice driving: Lessons for Internet-based learner driver interventions. Injury Prevention 21(1): 4-9, Feb 2015.
Curry AE, Elliott MR, Pfeiffer MR, Kim KH, Durbin DR: Long-term changes in crash rates after introduction of a Graduated Driver Licensing decal provision. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 48(2): 121-7, Feb 2015.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Schultheis MT, Wang W, Brant CL, Winston FK, Durbin DR: Development of an on-road driving assessment for learner teen drivers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1(2465): 64-72, 2014.
Mirman JH, Albert DW, Curry AE, Winston FK, Durbin DR: TeenDrivingPlan effectiveness: The effect of quantity and diversity of supervised practice on teens' driving performance. Journal of Adolescent Health 55(5): 620-6, Nov 2014.
McDonald CC, Curry AE, Kandadaii V, Sommers M, Winston FK: Comparison of adult and teen driver crash scenarios in a nationally representative sample of serious crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention 72: 302-8, Nov 2014.
Durbin DR, Mirman JH, Curry AE, Wang W, Fisher-Thiel MC, Winston FK: The association between supervised practice and the frequency and nature of learner teens' driving errors. Accident Analysis and Prevention 72: 433-9, Nov 2014.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Durbin DR, Elliott MR, Kim KH: Young driver crash rates by driving experience, age, and license phase. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Oct 2014.
Curry AE, Kim KH, Pfeiffer MR: Inaccuracy of Federal Highway Administration licensed driver data: Implications on young driver trends. Journal of Adolescent Health 55(3): 452-4, Sep 2014.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Winston FK, Wang W, Elliott MR, Schultheis M, Fisher Thiel MC, Durbin DR: Effect of a web-based support program for parents on the safe driving performance of learner teens: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA Pediatrics 168(8): 764-71, Aug 2014.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Fisher-Thiel M, Winston FK, Durbin DR: It takes two: A brief report examining mutual support between parents and teens learning to drive. Accident Analysis and Prevention 69: 23-9, Aug 2014.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Durbin DR, Elliott MR, Kim KH: Population-level rates of young driver licensing in New Jersey. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety July 2014.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Zonfrillo MR, Corregano LM, Siefert S, Arbogast KA: Caregivers' confidence in performing child safety seat installations: What matters most? Injury Prevention 20(3): 167-71, Jun 2014.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Myers RK, Elliott MR: Statistical implications of using moving violations to determine crash responsibility in young driver crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention 65: 28-35, Apr 2014.
Curry AE, Zonfrillo MR, Myers RK, Durbin DR: Development and validation of a parent survey for reporting child injuries. Injury Prevention 19(5): 342-7, Oct 2013.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Localio R, Durbin DR: Graduated Driver Licensing decal law: Effect on young probationary drivers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 44(1): 1-7, Jan 2013.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Slopen M, McVeigh KH: Rates of early intervention referral significant developmental delay, by birthweight and gestational age. Maternal Child Health Journal 16(5): 989-96, Jul 2012.
Curry AE, Mirman JH, Kallan MJ, Winston FK, Durbin DR: Peer passengers: how do they affect teen crashes? Journal of Adolescent Health 50(60): 588-594, Jun 2012.
Curry AE, García-España JF, Winston FK, Durbin DR: Variation in teen driver education by state requirements and sociodemographics. Pediatrics 129(3): 453-457, Mar 2012.
Huang P, Kao T, Curry AE, Durbin D: Factors associated with driving in teens with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 33(1): 70-4, Jan 2012.
Durbin DR, Curry A, Myers RK: Development of a US child-focused motor vehicle crash surveillance system: A pilot study. Annals of the Advances of Automotive Medicine 55: 33-40, 2011.
Curry AE, Hafetz J, Kallan MJ, Winston FK, Durbin DR: Prevalence of teen driver errors leading to serious motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention 43(4): 1285-90, Jul 2011.
Hafetz J, Jacobsohn LS, Garcia-Espana JF, Curry AE, Winston FK: Adolescent drivers' perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of abstention from in-vehicle cell phone. Accident Analysis and Prevention 42: 1570-1576, 2010.
Lipkind HS, Curry AE, Huynh M, Thorpe LE, Matte T: Birth outcomes among offspring of women exposed to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Obstetrics and Gynecology 116(4): 917-25, Oct 2010.
Curry AE, Vogel I, Drews C, Schendel D, Skogstrand K, Flanders WD, Hougaard DM, Olsen J, Thorsen P: First-trimester maternal plasma cytokine levels, pre-pregnancy body mass index, and spontaneous preterm delivery. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 88(3): 332-42, 2009.
Curry AE, Vogel I, Skogstrand K, Drews C, Schendel DE, Flanders WD, Hougaard DM, Thorsen P: Maternal plasma cytokines in early and mid-gestation of normal human pregnancy and their association with maternal factors. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 77(2): 152-60, Apr 2008.
Curry AE, Thorsen P, Drews C, Schendel D, Skogstrand K, Flanders WD, Hougaard DM, Olsen J, Vogel I: Mid-pregnancy maternal plasma levels of interleukin 2, 6, and 12, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and spontaneous preterm delivery. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 86(9): 1103-10, 2007.
Vogel I, Goepfert AR, Thorsen P, Skogstrand K, Hougaard DM, Curry AH, Cliver S, Andrews WW: Early second-trimester inflammatory markers and short cervical length and the risk of recurrent preterm birth. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 75(2): 133-40, Oct 2007.
Vogel I, Thorsen P, Curry A, Sandagar P, Uldbjerg N: Biomarkers for the prediction of preterm delivery. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 84(6): 516-25, Jun 2005.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Palumbo AJ, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Curry AE: Young driver compliance with Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions before and after implementation of a decal provision. Poster presentation Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, DC Jan 2018.
Mirman JH, Curry AE, Mirman D: Learning to drive safely: Towards testable generative models of young drivers' crash risk. Oral presentation. Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, DC Jan 2018.
Saeks C, Karamanian V, Curry AE, Frasso R: A Qualitative Study of Food Pantry Patron Experiences in Philadelphia. Poster presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia November 2017.
Pfeiffer MR, Metzger KB, Kirk ME, Curry AE: Catalyzing advancements via data linkage: New Jersey Traffic Safety Outcomes Program data warehouse. Oral presentation. 2017 ATSIP Traffic Records Forum, New Orleans, LA August 2017.
Palumbo AJ, Pfeiffer MR, Elliott MR, Curry AE: Young driver compliance with Graduated Driver Licensing restrictions before and after implementation of a decal provision. Poster presentation. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA June 2017.
Master CL, Curry AE, Metzger KB, Zonfrillo MR, Kessler R, Arbogast KB: Variations in mechanism of injury for youth with concussion. Oral presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Kirk ME, Pfeiffer MR, Metzger KB, Curry AE: Catalyzing advancements in traffic safety via data linkage: Case example of the New Jersey Traffic Safety Outcomes Program data warehouse. Oral presentation. 4th Annual Public Health Day Symposium, College of Physicians of Philadelphia Section on Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Philadelphia, PA April 2017.
Haarbauer-Krupa JK, Kessler R, Metzger KB, Bell J, Breiding M, DePadilla L, Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Master C : Variations in concussion injury mechanism across the pediatric age range. Poster presentation. Society for Research on Child Development, New Orleans, LA April 2017.
Bonsu JM, Frasso R, Curry AE: Lessons from the field: The conduct of randomized controlled trials in Botswana. Poster presentation. College of Physicians Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. April 2017.
Baginski C, Curry AE, Frasso R, Sterling RC: Assessment of Individual-Level Predictors of Retention in Medication-Assisted Treatment. Poster presentation. University of Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA April 2017.
Master C, Arbogast KA, Curry AE, Kessler R, Pfeiffer MR, Grady M, Robinson R, Bell J, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Breiding M: Vestibular and Vision Deficits Following Concussion in Children Under 12. Poster presentation. International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport. Berlin, Germany October 2016.
Curry AE, Kirk M, Metzger KB, Pfieffer MR, Power T: Motor vehicle crashes among adolescents with and without ADHD. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Oral Presentation. Denver, CO Oct 2016.
Curry AE, Yerys BE, Gruschow SM, Pfeiffer MR: Driver licensing trajectories and motor vehicle crash rates among adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presentation. World Injury Conference, Tempere, Finland September 2016.
Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Power T, Winston FK, Metzger KB: Driver licensing rates and motor vehicle crash risk among adolescents with ADHD. Poster presentation. World Injury Conference, Tempere, Finland September 2016.
Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Master CL, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Breiding MJ: Novel Use of Electronic Health Records to Quantify Patterns of Healthcare Utilization for Pediatric Concussion. Poster presentation. World Injury Conference, Tempere, Finland September 2016.
Baker J, Drews-Botsch C, Pfeiffer M, Curry AE: Driver Licensing and Motor Vehicle Crash Rates among Adolescents with Vision Impairment. Poster presentation. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Miami, FL June 2016
Kirk M, Metzger KB, Pfeiffer MR, Curry AE: Racial and ethnic differences in licensing and police-reported crashes among adolescents and young adults. Poster presentation. Lifesavers Conference, Long Beach, CA April 2016.
Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Master CL, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Breiding MJ: Novel Use of Electronic Health Records to Quantify Patterns of Healthcare Utilization for Pediatric Concussion. Oral presentation. The International Brain Injury Association, The Hague, Netherlands March 2016.
Lectures by Invitation
Curry A. "Driving with developmental disabilities: How recent scientific development can inform practice", TRB Novice Driver Crash Avoidance Mid-Year Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Aug, 2018.
Curry A. "Protecting young drivers: Latest developments in legislation and where we go from here", Annual Lifesavers Conference, San Antonio, TX. Mar, 2018.
Curry A. "Contributing driver actions and crash scenarios among adolescent and young adult drivers with ADHD", Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Jan, 2018.
Curry A. "Catalyzing Advancements in Traffic Safety via Data Linkage: Case Example of the New Jersey Traffic Safety Outcomes Program Data Warehouse", Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, Ann Arbor, MI. Sep, 2017.
Curry A. "Motor vehicle crash, citation, and license suspension rates among adolescent and young adults with ADHD", Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, Ann Arbor, MI. Sep, 2017.
Curry A. Recent Progress in Teen Driving Research. Transportation Research Board Young Driver Subcommittee Summer Meeting, Woods Hole, MA. Jun, 2017.
Curry A. Targeted Driving Safety: Helping Novice Drivers with Special Challenges. Lifesavers Conference, Charlotte, NC Mar, 2017.
Curry A. Out of Bounds: Older Novice Drivers' Crash Risk and Solutions. Lifesavers Conference, Charlotte, NC. Mar, 2017.
Curry A. Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Metzger KB. Catalyzing advancements in traffic safety via data linkage: A case example from New Jersey. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC. Jan, 2017.
Curry AE, Metzger KB, Kirk M, Elliott MR, Power T. Motor vehicle crashes among adolescents with ADHD and disruptive behavior disorder. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2017.
Curry A. Motor Vehicle Crashes. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, Emory University (lecture given annually, 2013-2016).
Curry A. Autism and driving. Symposium: Neurodiversity and Inclusivity: Ethical Challenges of Transition for Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Symposium, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Oct, 2016.
Curry AE, Kirk M, Metzger KB, Pfeiffer MR, Power T. Motor vehicle crashes among adolescents with and without ADHD. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Oct, 2016.
Curry A. Longitudinal study of licensing and crash rates among adolescents with ADHD, Transportation Research Board Young Driver Subcommittee Meeting, Woods Hole, MA. Jun, 2016.
Curry A. Invited Testimony, New Jersey Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee, New Jersey State Legislature. Mar, 2016.
Curry A. Panelist, Choosing Safety: Perspectives from Recent Entrants to the Highway Safety Workforce, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Jan, 2016.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Mirman JH, Curry AE: Parenting teenaged drivers: Training and licensure. In Handbook of Teen and Novice Drivers. Taylor and Francis Group. Fisher, Caird, Horrey, and Trick (eds.). 2017.