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Sarah (Sally) Helen Evans, MD

Sarah (Sally) Helen Evans, MD

Sarah (Sally) Helen Evans, MD

Sarah Helen Evans, MD, is the Division Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She holds the Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics.


About Sarah (Sally) Helen Evans, MD


Division Chief

Awards and Honors

2023, American Pediatric Society Membership

2013-2019, Top Doctor: Northern Virginia

2007-2019, Top Doctor: Washingtonian

2011, Heartsongs Award, Washington DC Muscular Dystrophy Association

2010, Local Host: American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 

Leadership and Memberships

1984-Present, American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

1985-Present, American Academy of Pediatrics

1993-present, American Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine

2003-Present, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

2003-Present, Association of Academic Physiatrists

2015-present, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Fellowship Committee, Member

2017-present, Association of Academic Physiatrists, Member

2021-present, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Member

Graduate Medical Education

Committee Program Evaluation Committee

2022-Present, American Pediatric Society, Member

2023, American Pediatric Society Membership

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2022, Peer-Reviewer, Pediatric Pulmonology

Academic and Institutional Committees

2019-Present, Member, Endowed Fellowship Process Committee, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

2019-present, Fellowship Program Review Committee, Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

2019-present, Fellowship Curriculum Committee, Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

2019-2021, Member, Unit Leadership Partners, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


Pediatrics - University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver CO


Pediatrics - University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, CO
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, CO


Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine - The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO

Team affiliations

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Shin M, Mortgart K, May A, Evans, SH: "Introduction to Leukodystrophy" Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Jan 2023.

Joseph C, Bailey-Sands E, Simenson R, Cameron M, May A, Hussein N, Shin MR, Evans SH.: "Rehabilitation management: Hypertonia" Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Jan 2023.

Jaffe N, Ball LJ, Evans S: Feeding and nutrition in the pediatric leukodystrophy patient. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care Jan 2023.


Modesti NB, Evans SH, Jaffe N, Vanderver A, Gavazzi F: Early recognition of patients with leukodystrophies. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care December 2022.

Coley C, Kovelman S, Belschner J, Cleary K, Schladen M, Evans SH, Salvador T, Monfaredi R, Fooladi Talari H, Slagle J, Rana MS.: PedBotHome: A Video Game-Based Robotic Ankle Device Created for Home Exercise in Children With Neurological Impairments. Pediatr Phys Ther. April 2022. 


Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Evans, SH., Adirium, T: Exercise, Sports and Recreation. Children with Disabilities. Chapter 38: 5th Ed 2006.

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