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Kimberly Genuario, PhD

Kimberly Genuario, PhD

Kimberly Genuario, PhD

Kimberly Genuario, PhD, is a pediatric psychologist with the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Healthy Weight Program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


About Kimberly Genuario, PhD

Kimberly M Genuario, PhD, specializes in psychological assessment, consultation, and intervention with children that have chronic health conditions and their families within multidisciplinary medical clinics. She aslso works with children and adolescents who are overweight and with obesity addressing psychosocial factors interfering with engagement in health behaviors and child/adolescent wellbeing and quality of life. Dr. Genuario provides psychological support for children/adolescents with binge eating behaviors, as well as provides education on decreasing weight stigma in both the general community and medical community.


Pediatric Psychologist

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Awards and Honors

2018, Special Interest Group Poster Award, Society of Pediatric Psychology
2016, Brisky Fellowship in Psychology, Case Western Reserve University
2014, Research Scholar, Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
2011, Excellence in Research Award, Virginia Tech
2010, Friends of Psychology Endowed Scholarship, Virginia Tech

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2021-present, Obesity Society
2021-present, Academy of Eating Disorders
2011-present, American Psychological Association (2011-2017 - Society of Child and Adolescent Psychology (APA Division 53)
 - 2017-present, Obesity Special Interest Group (Society of Pediatric Psychology)

Editorial and Academic Positions

Academic and Institutional Committees

2019-present, Co-Lead, Standardization Subcommittee, CHOP Healthy Weight Program
2019-present, Clinical Improvements Committee, CHOP Healthy Weight Program
2018-present, Member, Training Advisory Committee, CHOP Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Research Interests

Relationships between psychosocial functioning, family dynamics, and child/adolescent health behaviors.
Evaluation of program development initiatives to improve multidisciplinary care for children/adolescents with overweight and obesity and their family.

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BS in Psychology - Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Graduate Degree

PhD in Clinical Psychology - Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
MA in Clinical Psychology - Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH


Predoctoral Internship - Nemours/AI duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE


Postdoctoral Fellowship - Nemours/AI duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE




Price, J., Genuario, K., Romeo, D., Pruden, K., Elwell, S., Matwiejewicz, D., Friedlander, E., & Jaszczyszyn, D. : Implementation of a standardized screening program for risk of Posttrauamatic Stress Disorder among Youth Hospitalized with Injury. Psychological Services 16(1): 48, Feb 2018.


Przeworski, A., Cain, N. & Dunbeck, K.* : Traumatic life events in individuals with hoarding symptoms, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and comorbid obsessive-compulsive and hoarding symptoms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 3(1): 52-59, 2014 Notes: *Maiden Name

Lectures by Invitation


Genuario K. "The Great Balancing Act: Fresh perspectives in pediatric obesity," Collaborative Office Rounds, Philadelphia PA. Jan 2021.


Genuario K. "The Great Balancing Act: Fresh perspectives in pediatric obesity," Grand Rounds at St. Christopher's Children's Hospital, Philadelphia PA. Oct 2020.



Kohut, T., Robbins, J., Prout, E., Katz, L., Brothers, J., Genuario, K., Panganiban, J.: Obesity in Children/Adolescents and Obesity-Related Comorbidities. Obesity and Diabetes: Scientific Advances and Best Practice. Faintuch, J., Faintuch, S. (eds.). Springer Nature, 2020.


Przeworski, A. & Dunbeck, K.*: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: how it compares to PTSD. Comprehensive guide to post-traumatic stress disorder. Martin, C.R., Preedy, V.R., & Patel, V.B.  (eds.). 2016 Notes: *Maiden Name.


Moser, J.S., Przeworski, A., Schroder, H.S., & Dunbeck, K. : Multimethod assessment of anxiety: current status, challenges, and future directions. Multimethod Clinical Assessment. Hopwood, C.J. & Bornstein, R.F.  (eds.). 2014 Notes: *Maiden Name.

Przeworski, A., & Dunbeck, K.*: Anxiety in young children: Presentation and treatment. Anxiety disorders: Risk factors, genetic determinants and cognitive-behavioral treatment. Roman, S.A.  (eds.). 2014 Notes: *Maiden Name.


Przeworski, A & Dunbeck, K.*: Developmental considerations in assessment and treatment.  Comprehensive Evidence-Based Interventions for School-aged Children and Adolescents. Alfano, C.A. & Beidel, D.C.  (eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2013 Notes: *Maiden Name.

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