Megan E. Lavoie, MD
Locations: Main Building, CHOP at Virtua Voorhees Hospital
About Megan E. Lavoie, MD
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2021, Jean A. Cortner Divisional Teaching Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2020, Invited Participant, Physician Leadership Program, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2020, 1st Place Poster & Storyboard Award at the 1st Annual International Telesimulation in Healthcare conference. Weill Cornell Medicine New York Presbyterian Simulation Center
2020, Child Life Champion, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2019, 2022, POPPIES, award for exceptional staff, Children's Hospital of Philadephia
2016, Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2015, Invited participant, Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Association of American Medical College Conference
2011, Best Clinical Research Project, Fellows Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004, Mildred Ann Myerson Award, Tufts University School of Medicine
2004, Alpha Omega Alpha
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education
2012-present, ImPACTS: Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation Research Study
2007-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Peer reviewer, Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training
2020-present, Workshop reviewer, Pediatric Academic Societies meeting
2017-present, Abstract reviewer, International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshop
2012-present, Peer-reviewer, Annals of Emergency Medicine
2010-present, Peer-reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
Academic and Institutional Committees
2021-present, Program Evaluation Committee, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
2021-present, Simulation Research Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine,
2020-present, Education Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Chair
2020-present, GMEC Fellowship Program Development Wellness Committee
2020-present, Division of Emergency Medicine Diversity and Equity Committee and Education Pillar Working Group Leader
2020-present, ED Scheduling Committee
2020-present, Pediatric Residency Program, Interviewer
2020-present, Faculty Vitality Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine
2020-present, CLIME Teaching Observation Working Group
2020-present, Curriculum Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine
2016-present, 72 hour Revisit Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine
2016-present, Emergency Medicine Executive Committee
2015-present, Physician Lead and Liaison, Burn Care Pathway,
2012-present, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Recruitment Committee
2012-present, Simulation Curriculum Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Emergency Medicine - Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Marc A. Auerbach, MD, MSci; Travis Whitfill, MPH, MPhil, PhDc; Erin Montgomery, RN, BSN, CCRN; James Leung, MD; David Kessler, MD, MSci; Isabel T. Gross, MD, PhD, MPH; Barbara M. Walsh, MD; Melinda Fiedor Hamilton, MD, MSci; Marcie Gawel, MSN, MS; Shruti Kant, MBBS; Stephen Janofsky, MD; Linda L. Brown, MD, MSCE; Theresa A. Walls, MD, MPH; Michelle Alletag, MD; Anna Sessa, MA, NRP; Grace M. Arteaga, MD; Ashley Keilman, MD; Wendy Van Ittersum, MD; Maia S. Rutman, MD; Pavan Zaveri, MD, MEd; Grace Good, BSN, MA; Jessica C. Schoen, MD, MS; Megan Lavoie, MD; Mark Mannenbach, MD; Ladonna Bigham, MD; Robert A. Dudas, MD; Chrystal Rutledge, MD; Pamela J. Okada, MD, MBA, MS; Michelle Moegling, RN, BSN, CPN; Ingrid Anderson, MD; Khoon-Yen Tay, MD; Daniel J. Scherzer, MD; Samreen Vora, MD, MHAM; Stacy Gaither, MSN, RN; Daniel Fenster, MS, MD; Derick Jones, MD, MBA, MS; Michelle Aebersold, PhD, RN, CHSE, FAAN; Jenny Chatfield, RN, BsCN, MN; Lynda Knight, MSN, RN, CPN, CCRN-K; Marc Berg, MD; Ana Makharashvili, MD; Jessica Katznelson, MD; Emily Mathias, MD; Riad Lutfi, MD; Samer Abu-Sultaneh, MD, FAAP, FCCM; Brian Burns, MD; Patricia Padlipsky, MD; Jumie Lee, RN, MSN, CPNP-AC/PC; Lucas Butler, MD; Sarah Alander, MD; Anita Thomas, MD, MPH; Ambika Bhatnagar, MBBS; Farrukh N. Jafri, MD, MS-HPEd; Jason Crellin, DO; Kamal Abulebda, MD: ARTICLE| JULY 07 2023Factors Associated With Improved Pediatric Resuscitative Care in General Emergency Departments. Pediatrics July 2023.
Megan E Lavoie 1, Khoon-Yen Tay 1, Grace Good 2, Lillian Buchhalter 3, Mary Kate Abbadessa 3, Shannon Gaines 3, Sage Myers 1: Simulation as a Dynamic Tool to Reorganize Pediatric Emergency Department Resuscitation During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Beyond. Pediatric Emergency Care 37(5): 286-289, May 2021. PMCID: 33903290
Kamal Abulebda , Travis Whitfill , Erin E Montgomery , Anita Thomas , Robert A Dudas , James S Leung , Daniel J Scherzer , Michelle Aberesold , Wendy L Van Ittersum , Shruti Kant, Theresa A Walls , Anna K Sessa , Stephen Janofsky , Daniel B Fenster , David O Kessler , Jenny Chatfield , Pamela Okada , Grace M Arteaga , Marc D Berg , Lynda J Knight, Ashley Keilman , Ana Makharashvili,, Grace Good , Ladonna Bingham , Emily J Mathias , Kristine Nagy , Melinda F Hamilton , Samreen Vora , Karen Mathias , Marc A Auerbach , Improving Pediatric Acute Care through Simulation (ImPACTS):Riad Lutfi, Samer Abu-Sultaneh, Zachary J Berrens, Brian Burns, Jennifer Reid, Sara Fenstermacher, Megan Lavoie, Khoon-Yen Tay: Improving Pediatric Readiness in General Emergency Departments: A Prospective Interventional Study. Journal of Pediatrics 230(1): 230-237, October 2020. PMCID: 33137316
Marc Auerbach, Linda Brown, Travis Whitfill, Janette Baird, Kamal Abulebda, Ambika Bhatnagar , Riad Lutfi,Marcie Gawel, Barbara Walsh, Khoon-Yen Tay, Megan Lavoie, Vinay Nadkarni, Robert Dudas, David Kessler, Jessica Katznelson, Sandeep Ganghadaran, Melinda Fiedor Hamilton : Adherence to Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Guidelines Across a Spectrum of Fifty Emergency Departments: A Prospective, In Site, Simulation-Based Study. Academic Emergency Medicine 25(12): 1396-1408, December 2018.
Walsh BM, Gangadharan S, Whitfill T, Gawel M, Kessler D, Dudas RA, Katznelson J, Lavoie M, Tay KY, Hamilton M, Brown LL, Nadkarni V, Auerbach M: Safety Threats During the Care of Infants with Hypoglycemic Seizures in the Emergency Department: A Multicenter, Simulation-Based Prospective Cohort Study. J Emerg Med 53(4): 467-474, Aug 2017.
Marc Auerbach, MD, MSc; Travis Whitfill, MPH; Marcie Gawel, MSN; David Kessler, MD, MSc; Barbara Walsh, MD; Sandeep Gangadharan, MD; Melinda Fiedor Hamilton, MD, MSc, FAHA; Brian Schultz, MD; Akira Nishisaki, MD; Khoon-Yen Tay, MD; Megan Lavoie, MD; Jessica Katznelson, MD; Robert Dudas, MD; Janette Baird, PhD; Vinay Nadkarni, MD; Linda Brown, MD, MSCE: Differences in the Quality of Pediatric Resuscitative Care Across a Spectrum of Emergency Departments. JAMA Pediatrics 170(10): 987-994, October 2016.
S Gangadharan, M.D.; G Tiyyagura, M.D.; M Gawel, R.N.; B Walsh, M.D.; L Brown, M.D.; M Lavoie, M.D.; K Tay, M.D.; M Auerbach, M.D. for the INSPIRE ImPACTS Investigators: A Grounded Theory Qualitative Analysis of Inter-professional Providers' Perceptions on Caring for Critically Ill Infants and Children in Pediatric and General Emergency Departments Pediatric Emergency Care 34(8): 578-583, October 2016.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Xian Zhao, Michael Hrdy, Dennis Ren, Khoon-Yen Tay, Brittany Guttadauria, Pavan Zaveri, Megan Lavoie: A Comparison of Telesimulation and In Situ Simulation in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. poster at International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops Virtual Conference 2021.
Lectures by Invitation
Lavoie ME. Faculty, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Base Camp, New York, NY. Facilitator and faculty member at simulation and hands-on skills conference for PEM fellows and RNs. Nov 2022.
Lavoie ME. Faculty, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Base Camp, New York, NY. Facilitator and faculty member at simulation and hands-on skills conference for PEM fellows and RNs. Nov 2021.
Lavoie ME. TeleSimBox "Show And Tell," American Academy of Pediatrics SOEM Education Subcommittee National Presentation, Virtual. Feb 2021.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Megan Lavoie, Joy Collins : Management of the Bariatric Surgery Patient in the Emergency Department https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119263005.ch3. Ioannis Koutroulis MD, PhD, MBA,Nicholas Tsarouhas MD,Richard J. Lin MD,Jill C. Posner MD, MSCE, MSEd,Michael Seneff MD,Robert Shesser MD (eds.). April 2021.
Jessica Wall, MD, MPH; Christopher J. Ford, MD; Megan Lavoie, MD;Paul Ishimine, MD: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship. EMRA Fellowship Guide: Opportunities for Emergency Physicians. Krystle Shafer, MD (eds.). Page: 139-144, 2018.
Megan Lavoie, MD, Michael L. Nance, MD: Approach to the Injured Child. Fleisher & Ludwig's Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2016.
Megan Lavoie, MD: Management of the Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care. Stephen Ludwig, MD (eds.). 31(5): 381-383, February 2015.
Lavoie, M., Gorelick, M.: Ankle Sprain. Fleisher and Ludwig's 5 Minute Pediatric Emergency Consult. Hoffman, Robert J.; Wang, Vincent J.; Scarfone, Richard J.; Godambe, Sandip A.; Pitetti, Raymond (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW), July 2011.