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Susan C. Nicolson, MD

Susan C. Nicolson, MD

Susan C. Nicolson, MD

Susan C. Nicolson, MD, is an attending anesthesiologist in the Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with special interests in neuroprotective strategies and pulmonary hypertension.

Areas of expertise: Clinical investigation, Neuroprotective strategies, Pulmonary hypertension, Single ventricle physiology



About Susan C. Nicolson, MD

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Attending Anesthesiologist

Professor of Anesthesiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Pediatric Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Awards and Honors

2018, Edelman Laureate
2015, Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Teaching Award
2014, 6th John J. Downes Lecture in Anesthesia/Critical Care Medicine, Cardiology 2014, Orlando, Florida
2006, 3rd Annual Josephine J. Templeton Lecturer in Pediatric Anesthesia, The Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, CHOP
2005, Josephine J. Templeton Chair, Pediatric Anesthesia Clinical Education
2003-2017, “Best Doctors in America” – Citation for Pediatric Cardiovascular Anesthesia
2002, “Best Doctors” www.bestdoctors. com
2001, “Top Doctors for Kids” Philadelphia Magazine
1996, 1998, "Best Doctors in America - Northeast Region" S Naifeh, Editor, Woodward and White Inc, Aiken,SC - Citation for Pediatric Cardiovascular Anesthesia
1992-1994, "Best Doctors in America" S. Naifeh and G.W. Smith Editors, Woodward and White Inc, Aiken, SC, - Citation for Pediatric Cardiovascular Anesthesia
1991, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Dean's Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
1975, Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia
 - 1995-present, Research Committee
Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society
Association of Cardiac Anesthesiologists

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2016-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Cardiology in the Young, Journal of American Society of Echocardiography
2013-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Pediatrics
2011-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Pediatric Anesthesia
2009-present, Editorial Board, Manuscript Reviewer, World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
1995-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
1991-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Section on Pediatric Anesthesia, Anesthesia and Analgesia
2015-present, Manuscript Reviewer, Anesthesia and Analgesia

Academic and Institutional Committees

1992-present, Steering Committee, Neonatal Seizure Clinical Research Center
1991-present, Mentor, WMSA Mentoring Program
1989-present, Subspecialty Resident and Fellow Selection Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Anesthesiology - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA


Research Fellow in Metabolic Control of Ventilation - Philadelphia Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Cardiovascular Anesthesiology - University of Pennsylvania School of  Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Gaies M, Pasquali SK, Nicolson SC, Shekedeman L, Witte M, Wolf M, Zhang W, Donahue J, Mahle WT: Sustainability of Early Postoperative Extubation Practices After the Pediatric Heart Network Collaborative Learning Study. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2021 Feb 1;22(2):204-212.


Amula V, Vener D, Pribble C, Reigger L, Wilson E, Shekerdemien L, Ung C, Ou Z, Witte M, Nicolson SC: Change in Anesthetic and Postoperative Analgesia-Sedation Practice To Facilitate Early Exbutation For Infants Following Cardiac Surgery: Experience from the Pediatric Heart Network Collaborative Learning Study. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 Oct;20(10):931-939.

Achuff BJ, Elias M, Ittenbach RF, Ravishankar CR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Fuller S, Gaynor JW, O’Connor M: Risk Factors For Mortality in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Patients Managed with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Contemporary Review. Cardiol Young. 2019 Jan;29(1):40-47. doi: 10.1017/S1047951118001774. Epub 2018 Oct 31.

Russell MW, Moldenhauer JS, Rychik J, Nancy B. Burnham NB, Erin Zullo E, Samuel I Parry S, Simmons RA, Elovitz MA, Nicolson SC, Linn RL, Johnson MP, Yu S, Matthew Sampson M, Hakonarson H, Gaynor JW. Damaging variants in proangiogenic genes impair growth in fetuses with cardiac defects. [Published online ahead of print June 18, 2019] J Pediatr.


Mavroudis CD, Mensah-Brown K, Ko T, Boorady T, Busch DR, Abend N, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Kilbaugh TJ, Licht DJ: Electrocephaogram Response to Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Neonatal Swine and Human. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Dec;106(6):1841-1846.

Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Hartman DM, Burnham NB, Chittams JL, Sammarco T, Walsh KW Spray TL, Licht DJ: Remote Ischemic Preconditioning (RIPC) Does Not Prevent White Matter Injury During Cardiac Surgery in Neonates. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 Jul;106(1):151-155. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2018.02.060. Epub 2018 Mar 28.

Jobes DR, Brown LA, Dori Y, Itkin M, Nicolson SC: Lymphatic Imaging and Intervention in a Pediatric Population: Anesthetic Consideration. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Jun;28(6):507-512. doi: 10.1111/pan.13385. Epub 2018 Apr 23.

Kim DS, Li YK, Kim JH, Bergquist C, Gerdes M, Bernbaum JC, Burnham N, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zakai EH, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Nickerson DA, Hakonarson H, Jarvik GP, Gaynor JW: Autosomal Dominant Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency is Associated with Worse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery in Infancy, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 155(3) 1139-1147, 2018

Nasr VG, Guzetta NA, Miller-Hance WC, Twite M, Latham GJ, Zabala L, Nicolson SC, Mossad EB, DiNardo JA: Consensus Statement by Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society: Milestones for the Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship, Anesthesia and Analgesia 126(1) 198-207, 2018

Mavroudis CP, Seung KD, Burnham N, Morss AH, Kim JH, Burt AA, Crosslin DR, McDonald- McGinn D, Zachai EH, Cohen MS, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Stanaway IB, Nickerson DA, Russell MW, Hakonerson H, Jarvik GP, Gaynor JW: A Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor For A Genetic Variant is Associated with Improved Ventricular Funtion and Transplant Free Survival after Surgery For Non-Syndromic Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiol Young 28(1) 39-45, 2018

Grasty MA, Ittenbach RF, Solot CB, Gerdes M, Bernbaum JC, Wernovsky G, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Clancy RC, Licht DL, Zackai E, Gaynor JW, Burnham NB: Hearing Loss After Cardiac Surgery in Infancy: The Unintentional Consequences of Life Saving Surgery, Journal of Pediatrics 192: 144-151, 2018

Mavroudis CD, Karlsson M, Ko T, Hefti M, Gentile JI, Morgan RW, Plyler R, Mensah-Brown KG, Boorady TW, Melciore RW, Rosenthal TM, Shade BC, Schiavo KL, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Sutton RM, Berg RA, Licht DJ, Gaynor JW, Kilbaugh TJ: Cerebral Mitochondrial Dysfunction Associated with Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Neonatal Swine, epub 15 January 2018, EJCTS

Gaynor JW, Parry S, Moldenhaur JS, Simmons RA, Rychik J, Ittenbach RI, Russell WW, Zillo E, Ward JL, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Johnson MP: The Impact of Maternal-Foetal Environment on Outcome of Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates, epub 13 february 2018, EJCTS

Dilorenzo M, Goldmuntz E, Nicolson SC, Fogel MA, Mercer-Rosa L: Early Post-operative Remodeling Following Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot Using Unsedated Cardiac Magnet Resonance: A Pilot Study, epub 15 February 2018, Cardiol Young


Downing, TE, Allen KY, Goldberg DJ, Rogers LS, Ravishankar C, Rychik J, Fuller S, Montenegro LM, Steven JM, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Glatz AC: Surgical and Catheter Based Re-Intervention Are Common in Long-Term Survivors of the Fontan Operation, Circ Cardiovasc Interv: Sept; 10(9), 2017

Schultz AH, Ittenbach RF, Gerdes M, Jarvik GP, Wernovsky G, Bernbaum J, Solot C, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TE, Zachai E, Gaynor JW: Effects of Congenital Heart Disease on 4 Year Neurodevelopment within Multiple Gestation Births, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 154(1) 273-81, 2017

Fogel MA, Li CJ, Elci OU, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Wilson F, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Diaz L, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Mascio CE, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Neurologic Injury and Cerebral Blood Flow in Single Ventricles Throughout  Staged Surgical Reconstruction, Circulation  135(7) 671-682, 2017

Allen KY, Downing TE, Glatz AC, Roger LS, Ravishankar C, Fuller S, Montenegro LM, Steven JM, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Goldberg DJ: Fontan-Associated Morbidity Significantly Alters Survival With Intact Fontan Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology 119(11)1866-71, 2017

Downing TE, Allen KY, Glatz AC, Rogers LS, Ravishankar CR, Rychik J, Faelber JA, Fuller SF, Montenegro LM, Steven JM, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Glatz AC: Long-Term Survival After Fontan Operation: Twenty Years of Experience at a Single Center, Journal of  Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 154(1) 243-253, 2017

Manrique Espinel AM, Feldman JM, Nelson S, Smaliak T, Flynn JM, Nicolson SC: Analphylaxis to Surgiflo during Posterior Spinal Fusion in Adolescent Status Post Repair of Truncus Arteriosus: A case Report, epub 24 October 2017 , Anesthesia and Analgesia Case Reports.


Su F, Gastonay MR, Nicolson SC, DiLiberto MA, Zuppa AF: Dexmedetomidine Pharmacology In Neonates and Infants After Open Heart Surgery, Anesthesia and Analgesia 122(5) 1556-66, 2016

Kim DS, Kim JH, Burt AA, Crosslin DR, Burnham N, Kim CE, McDonald-McGill, D, Zachai EH, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Jarvick GP: Burden of Potentially Pathologic Copy Number Variants is Increased in Children with Isolated Congenital Heart Disease and Significantly Improves Covariant-Adjusted Transplant- Free Survival, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 151(4): 1147-1151, 2016

McKetta DG, Jones VM, Perri A, Day TE, Nicolson SC: Managing Disruptions to Patient Flow Capacity: Rapid Cycle Improvement in a Pediatric Cardiac Procedure Complex, Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 42 (7) 321-4, 2016.

Wolf MJ, Nicolson SC, Pearson GD, Witte MK, Lee EK, Huckaby J, Gaies MG, Sherkerdemian LS, Mahle WT: Rationale and Methodology of Collaborative Learning Project In Congenital Cardiac Care, American Heart Journal 174: 129-37, 2016

Diaz LK, Koh S, Gerdes M, Bernbaum J, Zackai E, Pennington JW, Luan X, Spray TL, Clancy RR, Rehman M, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC : Increasing Cumulative Exposure to Anesthetic Agents and Sedative Drugs is Associated with Poorer Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 152(2) 482-9, 2016

Mahle WT, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Kim S, Nicolson SC, Kirschbaum PM, Pasquali SK, Austin E, Kanter KR, Hill KD: Early Extubation Following Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot and the Fontan Procedure: An Analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 102(3) 850-58, 2016

Mahle WT, Nicolson SC, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Skekerdemian LS, Gaies MS, Wolfe MK, Lee EK, Goldsworthy M, Stark P, Burns KM, Scheurer MA, Cooper DS, Thigarjan R, Sivarajan B, Colon S: Ulilizing a Collaborative Learning Model to Decrease Length of Postoperative Ventilation Following Infant Heart Surgery, Pediatric Critical Care  Medicine 17(10) 939-947, 2016


Achuff BJ, Nicolson SC, Elci O, Zuppa AF: Intra-Operative Dexmedetomidine Reduces Post-Operative Mechanical Ventilation After Infant Heart Surgery, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 16(5) 440-7, 2015

Naim MY, Gaynor JW, Chen J, Nicolson SC, Fuller S, Spray TL, Dlugos DJ, Clancy RR, Vianez L, Licht DJ, Abend NS: Subclinical Seizures Diagnosed by Post-Operative EEG Monitoring Are Common Following Infant Cardiac Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 150 (1): 169-80, 2015

Day TE, Sarawgi S, Perri A, Nicolson SC: Reducing Postponements of Elective Cardiac Procedures: Analysis and Implementation of a Discrete Event Simulation Model, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 99(4) 1386-91, 2015

Fogel MA, Li C, Wilson F, Pawlowski T, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Diaz LK, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Elci O, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Relationship of Cerebral Blood Flow to Aortic to Pulmonary Collateral/Shunt Flow in Single Ventricles Through Staged Reconstruction, Heart 101(16) 1325-31, 2015

Gaies M, Tabbutt S, Bird G, Schwartz S, Alten J, Shekerdemain L, Klugman D, Thiagarajan R, Gaynor JW, Jacobs J, Nicolson SC, Donahue JE, Yu S, Pasquali SE, Cooper DS: Clinical Epidemiology of Extubation Failure in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Units: A Report From Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium,  Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 16(9) 837-45, 2015

Kilbaugh T, Himebauch A, Zaoutis T, Jobes DR, Greeley WJ, , Nicolson SC, Zuppa AF: A Pilot and Feasibility Study of the Plasma and Tissue Pharmacokinetics of Cefazolin in an Immature Porcine Model of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Pediatric Anesthesia 25(11): 1111-9, 2015


Kirsch RE, Glatz AC, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Wernovsky G, Bird GL: Results of Elective Repair at 6 Months of Age of  Less in 277 Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot: A 14 Year Experience at a Single Center, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 147(2): 713-7, 2014

Goff DA, Shera DM, Tang S, Lavin NA, Durning SM, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Rome JJ, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Licht DJ: Risk Factors For Pre-Operative Periventricular Leukomalcia in Term Neonates with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome is Patient Related, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 147: 1312-18, 2014

Gaynor JW, Ittenbach RF, Gerdes M, Bernbaum J, Clancy RR, McDonald-McGill, Zackai EH, Wernovsky G, Nicolson SC, Spray TL: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Pre-School Survivors of Fontan Operation, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 147: 1276-83, 2014

Fogel MA, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Berenstain LD, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead K, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Before Surgery In Single Ventricles and Surgery Postponement, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 98: 1693-98, 2014

Kim DS, Kim JH, Burt AA, Crosslin DR, Burnham N, Zackai EH, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Stanaway RB, Nickerson DA, Hakanarson H, Russell MW, Gaynor JW, Jarvik GP: Patient Genogypes Impact Survival After Surgery for Isolated Congenital Heart Disease, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 98(1): 104-110, 2014

Murphy MO, Glatz AC, Goldberg DJ, Rogers LS, Ravishankar C, Nicolson SC, Steven J, Fuller S, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Management of Early Fontan Failure: A Single Institution Experience, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 46(3) 458-64, 2014

Lynch JM, Buckley EM, Schwab PJ, McCarthy AL, Winter MR, Busch DR, Xiao R, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Fuller S, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Naim MY, Licht DJ: Time to Surgery and Pre-Operative Cerebral Hemodynamics Predict White Matter Injury in Neonates with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 148: 2181-8, 2014

Himebauch A, Kilbaugh T, Zuppa AF, Fox E, Nicolson SC, Sisko M, Moorthy G, Gaynor JW, Fuller S: Skeletal Muscle and Plasma Concentrations During Infants Cardiac Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 148: 2634-41, 2014

Fogel MA, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Berenstain LK, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead K, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Brain Magnetic Resonance Before Surgery in Single Ventricle Patients and Surgical Postponement.  Annals of Thoracic 98(5): 1693-8, 2014

Fogel MA, Li C, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead K: Comparison by Magnetic Resonance Phase Contrast Imaging of Pulse-Wave Velocity in Patient with Single Ventricle who Have Reconstructed Aorta versus Those Without, Am J Cardiology 114 (12) 1902-7, 2014


Buckley EM, Lynch JM, Goff DA, Schwalb P, Baker W, Durduran T, Busch DR, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Naim MY, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Licht DJ: Early Post-Operative Changes in Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism Following Neonatal Cardiac Surgery: Effects of Surgical Duration, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 145: 196-203, 2013

Anderson B, Stevens K, Nicolson SC, Gruber SB, Spray TL, Wernovsky G, Gruber PJ: Contemporary Outcomes of Surgical VSD Closure, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 145(3): 641-7, 2013

Su F, Nicolson SC, Zuppa AF: A Dose Response Study of Dexmedetomidine as the Primary Sedative in Infants Following Open Heart Surgery, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 14(5): 499-507, 2013

Buckley EM, Goff DA, Lynch JM, Naim MY, Diaz LK, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Lavin N, Fogel MA, Durduran T, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Putt MA, Yodh AG, Licht DG: Sodium Bicarbonate Causes a Dose-Dependent Increase in Cerebral Blood Flow In Infants and Children with Single Ventricle Physiology, Pediatric Research, 73 (5) 668-73, 2013

Gaynor JW, Jarvik GP, Gerdes M, Kim DS, Rajagopalan R, Bernbaum J, Wernosky G, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Clancy RR: Postoperative EEG Seizures are Associated with Deficits in Executive Function and Social Behaviors at Four Years of Age Following Cardiac Surgery in Infancy, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 146 (1) 132-9, 2013

Jain V, Buckley EM, Whrli PW, Lynch JM, Schwab P, Naim M, Lavin N, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Yodh A, Licht DJ: Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease Quantified by MRI and Optics, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 34(3): 380-8, 2013


Clancy RR, Dicker L, Cho S, Cook N, Nicolson SC, Wernovsky G, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Agreement Between Long Term Background Interpretation by Conventional and Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography, J Clin Neurophysiolog 28(1): 1-9, 2012

Connelly JT, Weaver B, Seelhorst A, Beaty CA, McDonough M, Nicolson SC, Tabbutt S: Challenges at the Bedside with ECMO and VAD, World Journal for Pediatric And Congenital Heart Surgery, 3: 67-71, 2012

Goff DA, Xianquan L, Gerdes M, Bernbaum J, D’agostino J, Rychik J, Wernovsky G, Licht DL, Nicolson SC, Clancy RR, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Younger Gestational Age is Associated with Worse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery in Infancy, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 143(3) 535-42, 2012

Rogers LS, Glatz AC, Ravishankar C, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Rychik J, Rush CH, Gaynor JW, Goldberg DJ: 18 Years of the Fontan Operation at a Single Institution: Results for 771 consecutive patients, J Am Coll Cardiology 60(11) 1018 -25, 2012

Kreeger RN, Ramamoorthy C, Nicolson SC, Ames WA, Hirsch R, Peng LF, Glatz A, Hill K, Kurth CD: Evaluation of a Pediatric Near Infrared Cerebral Oximtery for Cardiac Disease, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 94(5) 1527-33, 2012

Kim DS, Stanaway IB, Rajagopalan R, Bernbaum JC, Solot CB, Burnham N, Zachai EH, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Gerdes M, Hakonarson H, Gaynor JW, Jarvik GP: Results of Genome-Wide Analysis on Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes at Four-Year Follow-Up Following Cardiac Surgery in Infancy, PLoS One 7 (9) e45936, September 25, 2012 (Epub)


Steven JM. Nicolson SC: Perioperative Management Of Blood Glucose During Open Heart Surgery in Infants and Children, Paediatr Anaesth 21(5) 530-7,2011

Nathan AT, Berkowitz DH, Montenegro LM, Nicolson SC, Vetter VL, Jobes DR: Anesthetic Implications in Children with Long QT Syndrome, Anesthesia and Analgesia 112(5) 1163-8, 2011

Zuppa AF, Nicolson SC, Barrett JS, Kang DS, Gastonguay MR: Population Pharmacokinetics of Pentobarbital in Neonates, Infants and Children Following Open Heart Surgery, Journal of Pediatrics, 159(3): 414-19, 2011


Nathan AT, Marino BS, Dominguez TE, Tabbutt S, Nicolson SC, Donaghue DD, Rychik J: Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia with Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation: Fetal Pulmonary Artery Size Predicts Lung Viability in the Presence Small Lung Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, Vol. 27, No.2, pp 101-105, 2010

Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Cohen M, O’Neill D, Jones, L, Jobes DR: A Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Chloral Hydrate versus Anesthesia for Sedating Infants and Toddlers for Transthoracic Echocardiograms, J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 23: 38-42, 2010

Nathan AT, Hoehn KS, Ittenbach RF, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Wernovsky G, Nelson RM: Assessment of Parental Decision-Making In Neonatal Cardiac Research: A Piolot Study, J Med Ethics 36 (2): 106-10, 2010

Su F, Nicolson SC, Barrett JS, Adamson PC, Kang DS, Godinez RI, Zuppa AF: Population Pharmacokinetics of Dexmetatomidine in Infants Following Open Heart Surgery, Anesthesia and Analgesia 110: 1383-92, 2010

Ballweg JA, Dominguez TE, Ravishankar C, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Tabbutt S: A Contemporary Comparison of Shunt Type in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome on Hemodynamics and Outcome at Fontan, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 140: 537-44, 2010

Ballweg JS, Dominguez TE, Tabbutt S, Rome JJ, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Ravishankar C: Reintervention For Arch Obstruction After Stage I Reconstruction Does Not Adversely Affect Survival or Outcome At Fontan Completion, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 140: 545-49, 2010

Fuller S, Rajagopalan R, Jarvik GP, Gerdes M, Bernbaum J, Wernovsky G, Clancy RR, Solot C, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: DHCA is Not a Risk Factor For Impaired Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in School Age Children Following Infant Heart Surgery, Ann Thorac Surg 90(6) 1985-95, 2010

Durduran T, Zhou C, Buckley E, Kim MN, Yu G, Choe R, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Durning SM, Montenegro LM, Nicolson C, Zimmerman RA, Putt ME, Wang J, Licht D: Optical Measurement of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Oxygen Metabolism in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease, J Biomed Optics 15 (3): 037004, 2010


Petit CJ, Rome JJ, Wernovsky G, Mason SF, Shea DM, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Tabbutt S, Zimmerman RA, Licht DJ: Pre-operative Brain Injury in Transposition of the Great Arteries is Associated with Oxygenation and Time to Surgery, Not Balloon Atrial Septostomy, Circulation 119: 709-16, 2009

Licht DJ, Shera DM, Clancy RR, Wernovsky G, Montenegro LM, Nicolson SC, Zimmerman RA, Spray TL, Gaynor WJ, Vossough A: Brain Maturation is Delayed in Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 137: 529-37, 2009

Hoehn S, Nathan A, White LE,  Ittenback RF, Reynolds WW , Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Nicolson SC, Nelson RM: Parental Perception of Time and Decision Making in Neonatal Research, Journal of Perinatology, 29 (7) 508-11, 2009

Nathan AT, Marino BS, Hanna B, Nicolson SC:  Novel Use of Dexmetatomidine in a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension, Paediatric Anaesthesia, 18 (8) 782-4, 2009

Gaynor JW, Nord AS, Wernovsky, G, Bernbaum J, Solot CB, Bernham N, Zachai E, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Jarvik GP, Gerdes M: Apolipoprotein E Modifies the Risk of Behavioral Problems in Preschool Children Following Neonatal and Infant Cardiac Surgery, Pediatrics 124: 241-50, 2009

Raffini L, Schwed A, Zheng XL, Tanzer M, Nicolson S, Gaynor WJ, Jobes:  Thromboelastography of Patients After Fontan Compared with Healthy Children, Pediatr Cardiology 30 (6) 771-6, 2009.

Chen J, Zimmerman RA, Jarvik GP, Nord AS, Clancy RR, Wernovsky G, Montenegro LM, Hartman DM, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Icord R: Perioperative Stroke in Infants Undergoing Open Heart Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 88(3): 823-9, 2009

Ades AM, Dominquez TE, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Wernovsky G, Tabbutt S: Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease in the Low Birth Weight Neonate, Cardiol Young 18: 1-10, 2009


Zeltser I, Jarvik GP, Bernbaum J, Wernovsky G, Nord AS, Gerdes M, Zackai E, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Genetic Factors are Important Determinants of Neurodevelopmental Outcome after Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot, Journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 135: 91-97, 2008

Tabbutt S, Nord A, Jarvik GP, Bernbaum J, Wernovsky G, Gerdes M, Zackai E, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Following Staged Palliation for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Pediatrics 121: 476-483, 2008

Dorfman AT, Marino BS, Tabbutt S, Dominguez T, Ravishankar C, Godinez RI, Priestly M, Dodds KM, Rychik J, Gruber PJ, Gaynor JW, Levy RJ, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Spray TL, Wernovsky G: Heart Disease in the Neonate: Presentation and Outcome at a Tertiary Care Center in the Current Era, Pediatric Crit Care Medicine 9(2): 193-202, 2008

Hehir DA, Dominguez TA, Balweg JA, Ravishankar C, Marino BS, Bird GL, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Tabbutt S: Risk Factors for Interstage Death Following Stage 1 Reconstruction of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Variants, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 136(1): 94-99, 2008

Tabbutt S, Nicolson SC, Adamson P, Zhang X, Hoffman ML, Wells W, Backer CL, McGowan FX, Tweddell JS, Bokesh P, Schreiner MS: The Safety, Efficacy, and Pharmacokinetics of Esmolol for Blood Pressure Control Immediately After Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta in Infant and Children: A Multi-Center, Double-Blind, Randomized Trial, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 136: 321-8, 2008

Glatz AC, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Kaltman JR, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Shah MJ: Outcome of High-Risk Neonates with Congenital Complete Heart Block Paced in the First 24 Hours of Life, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 136 (3): 767-73, 2008

Tabbutt S, Nicolson SC, Dominguez TE, Wells W, Backer CL, Tweddell JS, McGowan FX, Bokesch P, Stayer S, Schreiner MS: Post-operative Course in 118 Infants and Children Undergoing Coarctation Repair through a Thoracotomy: A Multi-Center Experience, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 136: 1229-36, 2008


Pasquali SK, Shera D, Wernovsky G, Cohen MS, Tabbutt S, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Marino BS: Mid-term Outcomes and Predictors of Re-Intervention Following the Ross Procedure in Infants, Children and Young Adults, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 133: 893-9, 2007

Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Jarvick GP, Gerdes M, Zachai E, Nord AS, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL: Patient Characteristics are Important Determinants of  Neurodevelopmental Outcome at One-Year of Age Following Neonatal and Infant Cardiac Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 133: 1344-53, 2007

Ballweg JA, Dominquez TE, Ravishankar C, Kreutzer J, Marino BS, Bird GL, Gruber PJ, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Tabbutt S: A Contemporary Comparison of the Impact of Shunt Type in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome on the Hemodynamic and Outcome at the Stage 2 Reconstruction, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 134 (2): 297-303, 2007

Wernovsky G, Kuijpers M, VanRossem MC, Marino BS, Ravishankar C, Dominquez T, Godinez RI, Dodds KM, Ittenbach RF, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Tabbutt: Post-operative Course in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Following Stage I Norwood Reconstruction, Cardiol. Young, 17: 652-665, 2007

Ballweg JA, Wernovsky G, Ittenbach RF, Bernbaum J, Gerdes M, Gallagher PR, Zachai E, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW:  Hyperglycemia Following Infant Cardiac Surgery Does Not Adversely Impact Neurodevelopmental Outcome, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 84: 2052-8, 2007


Kaltman JK, Jarvik GP, Bernbaum J, Wernovsky G, Gerdes M,  Zackai E, Clancy RR, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Neurodevelopmental Outcome Following Early Repair of Ventricular Septal Defect with or without Arch Obstruction, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 131: 792-8, 2006

Gaynor JW, Jarcik GP, Bernbaum J, Gerdes M, Wernovsky G, Bernham N, D’agostino J, Zackai E, McDonald-McGinn D, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Clancy RR: The Relationship of Postoperative Electroencephalographis Seizures to Neurodevelopmental Outcome at One Year of Age Following Neonatal and Infant Heart Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasacular Surgery 131: 181-9, 2006

Mitchell ME, Ittenbach RF, Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Nicolson SC, Spray TL: Parental Assessment of Intermediate Outcome Following Fontan in the Contemporary Era, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 131: 172-80, 2006

Zuppa AF, Nicolson SC, Wernovsky G, Burnham N, Hoffman TM, Gaynor WJ, Davis L, Spray TL, Adamson P: Population Pharmacokinetics of Milrinone in Neonates with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Undergoing Stage I Reconstruction,  Anesth Analg 102: 1062-69, 2006

Gruber PJ, Fuller S, Cleaver KM, Abdullah I, Gruber SB, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Spray TL: Early Results of Single-stage Biventricular Repair of Severe Aortic Hypoplasia or Atresia with Ventricular Septal Defect and an Adequate Left Ventricle, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 132:260-3, 2006

Ravishankar C, Dominguez TE, Kreutzer J, Wernovsky G, Marino BS, Godinez RI, Priently M, Gruber PJ, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Tabbutt S: Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation after Stage I Palliation for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 7: 319-23, 2006

Meyer DB, Zamora G, Wernovsky G, Ittenbach RF, Gallagher PR, Tabbutt S, Gruber PJ, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Spray TL: Outcomes of the Fontan Procedure Utilizing Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Aortic Crossclamping, Annals Thorac Surgery 82: 1611-18, 2006


Nathan A, Ganesh A, Godinez RI, Nicolson SC, Greeley WJ:  Hyperkalemic Cardiac Arrest after Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Child with Unsuspected Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Anesthesia and Analgesia 100:672-674, 2005.

Clancy RR, Sharif U, Ichord R, Spray TL, Nicolson SC, Tabbutt S, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW: Electrographic Neonatal Seizures after Heart Surgery, Epilepsia: 46 (1): 84 – 90, 2005

Gaynor JW, Kuypers M, Rossem M, Wernovsky G, Marino BS, Tabbutt S, Nicolson SC, Spray SC: Hemodynamic Changes during Modified Ultrafiltration Immediately Following First Stage of Norwood Reconstruction, Cardiology in the Young 15: 4-7, 2005

Levy RJ, Stern W, Minger K, Montenegro LM, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Nicolson, SC, Jobes DR: Evaluation of Tissue Saturation as a Non-Invasive Measure of Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation in Children, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 6:1-5, 2005

Tabbutt S, Dominguez TE, Ravishankar C, Marino BS, Gruber PJ, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Spray TL Outcomes After the Stage I Reconstruction Comparing the Right Ventricular to Pulmonary Artery Conduit with the Modified Blalock Taussig Shunt, Ann Thorac Surg 80: 1582-91, 2005

Gaynor  JW, Nicolson SC, Jarvik GP, Wernovsky G, Montenegro LM, Burnham NB, Hartman DM, Louie A, Spray TL, Clancy RR: Increasing Duration of Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest is Associated with an Increased Incidence of Postoperative Electroencephalographic Seizures, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 130: 1278-86, 2005

Zuppa AF, Adamson PC, Mondick JT, Davis LA, Narayan M, Nicolson SC, Patel D, Collison KR, Barrett JS:  Drug Utilization in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Ongoing Trends and Establishing Prioritization of  Critically Ill Children.  Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 45: 1305-1312, 2005

Schultz AH, Jarvik GP, Wernovsky G, Bernbaum J, Clancy RR, D’agostino J, Gerdes M, McDonald-McGinn, D, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Zackai E, Gaynor JW: Effect of Congenital Heart Disease on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes within Multiple Gestation Births, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 130:1511-6, 2005


Galli KK, Zimmerman RA, Jarvik GP, Kuypers M, Clancy RP, Montenegro LM, Mahle WT, Saunders AM, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor WJ: Periventricular Leukomalacia is Common Following Infant Heart Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 127: 692-704, 2004

Levy RJ, Chivacci R, Nicolson SC, Rome JJ, Lin RJ, Helfaer MA, Nadkarni VM :  Validation of a Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Measure Using Partial Carbon Dioxide Rebreathing in Children, Anesthesia and Analgesia, 99: 1642-7, 2004

Patuszko P, Gruber PJ, Wernovsky G, Rhodes LA, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Thoratec Left Ventricular Assist Device as Bridge to Recovery in 27 kg Child, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 127: 1203-4, 2004

Lodge AJ, Rychik J, Nicolson SC, Ittenbach RF, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Improving Outcomes in Patients with Single Ventricle and Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection,  Annals of Thoraic Surgery 78: 1688-95, 2004

Fogel MA, Durning S, Wernovsky G, Pollack AN, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC: Brain versus Lung: Hierarchy of Feedback Loops in Single Ventricle Patients with Superior Cavopulmonary Connection, Circulation 110: II-147 – II-152, 2004

Licht DJ, Wang J, Silvestre DW, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Wernovsky G, Tabbutt S, Durning SM, Shera DM, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Clancy RR, Zimmerman RA, Detre JA: Preoperative Cerebral Blood Flow is Diminished in Neonates with Severe Congenital Heart Defects, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 128: 841-849, 2004

Marino BS, Yannopoulos D, Sifurdsson G, Lai L, Cho C, Redington A, Nicolson SC, Nadkarni V, Lurie KG: Spontaneous Breathing through an Inspiratory Impedance Threshold Device Augment Cardiac Output and Stroke Volume Index in a Pediatric Porcine Model of Hemorrhagic Hypovolemia,  Critical Care Medicine 32 (9): S398-S405, 2004


Gould DS, Montenegro LM, Gaynor JW, Lacy SP, Stephens P, Steven JM, Spray TL, Nicolson SC: A Comparison of On-Site and Off-Site PDA Ligations in Premature Infants. Pediatrics, Vol. 112 1298-1301, 2003

Petko M, Myung RJ, Cohen MI, Wernovsky G, Rychik J, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Spray TL.  Surgical Reinterventions Following the Fontan Procedure. European Journal of CT Surgery, 24(2) 255-59, 2003

Seifert HA, Jobes DR, TenHave T, Kimmel SE, Montenegro LM, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Strom BL: Adverse Events after Protamine Administration following Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Infants and Children, Anesthesia and Analgesia 97: 383-89, 2003

Gaynor JW, Gerdes M, Zackai EH, Bernbaum J, Wernovsky G, Clancy R, Newman M, Saunders AM, Heagerty PJ, D’Agostino J, McGinn DM, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Jarvik GP: Apolipoprotien E Genotype and Neurodevelopmental Sequelae of Infant Cardiac Surgery, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1736-1745, 2003


Gaynor JW, Mahle WT, Cohen MI, Ittenbach RF, DeCampli WM, Steven Nicolson SC, Spray TL: Risk Factors for Mortality after the Norwood Procedure. Euro Journal of CT Surgery, 22:82-89, 2002

Mahle WT, Tavani F, Zimmerman RA, Nicolson SC, Galli KK, Gaynor JW, Wernovsky G, Clancy RR, Montenegro LM, Spray TL, Chiavacci R, Kurth CD: An MRI Study of Neurological Injury Before and After Congenital Heart Surgery Circulation 106: I-109-I-114, 2002


Smyth WR, Bridges ND, Redmond M, Abraham VS, Gaynor JW, Nicolson Sc, Clark BH, Spray TL: Bilateral Sequential Lung Transplant for Ectodermal Dysplasia.  Annals of Thoracic Surgery 70: 654-56, 2000

Yang SG, Novello R, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Rychik J:Evaluation of Ventricular Septal Defect Repair Using Intraoperative Transesophaeal Echocardiography: Frequency and Significance of Residual Defects in Infants and Children, Echocardiography 17: 681-684, 2000.


Lee HR, Montenegro LM, Nicolson SC, Rychik J: Usefullness of Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography in Predicting the Degree of Mitral Regurgitation Secondary to Atrioventricular Defect in Children.  Am J Cardiology 83: 750-53, 1999


Cook-Sather SD, Tulloch HV, Cnaan A,  Nicolson SC, Cubina ML, Schreiner MS: A Comparison of Awake versus Paralyzed Tracheal Intubations for Infants with Pyloric Stensosis.  Anesthesia and Analgesia 86: 945-51, 1998


Kurth CD, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Jacobs ML: Cerebral Oxygenation during Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Children, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery  113: 71-8, 1997.

Koutlas TC, Suh E, Wernovsky G, Bridges ND, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW:  Orthotopic Heart Transplant for Kawasaki's Disease: Survival after Rupture of a Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysm, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 113: 217-8, 1997.

Koutlas TC, Bridges ND, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Spray TL: Pediatric Lung Transplantation: Are There Surgical Contraindications? Transplantation 63: 269-274, 1997.

Koutlas TC, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Wernovsky G, Spray TL: Modified Ultrafiltration Reduces Postoperative Morbidity after Cavopulmonary Connection. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 4: 37-43, 1997.


Nicolson SC, Schreiner MS, Watcha M: Preoperative Preparation of the Child for Anesthesia, American Journal of Anesthesiology 23: 157-162, 1996.


Kurth CD, Steven JM, Nicolson SC: Cerebral Oxygenation During Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Using Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest, Anesthesiology 82: 74-82,1995

Jacobs ML, Chin AJ, Rychik J, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Norwood WI: Interrupted Aortic Arch: Impact of Subaortic Stenosis on Management and Outcome, Circulation 92: II-128-II-131, 1995

Jacobs, ML, Rychik J, Donofrio MT, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Murphy JD, Norwood WI: Avoidance of Subaortic Obstruction in Staged Management of Single Ventricle, Annals of Thoracic Surgery 60: S543-545, 1995

Schreiner MS, Nicolson SC: Pediatric Ambulatory Anesthesia - NPO: Before or After Surgery? Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 7: 589-596, 1995

Jacobs ML. Rychik J, Murphy JD, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Norwood WI: Results     of Norwood's Operation for Lesions other than Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 110: 1555 - 1561, 1995.


Weinstein MS, Nicolson SC, Schreiner MS: A Single Dose of Morphine Sulfate Increases the Incidence of Vomiting after Inguinal Surgery in Children, Anesthesiology  81: 572-577, 1994.

Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Kurth CD, Krucylak CP, Jobes DR: Anesthesia for Non Cardiac Surgery in Infants with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Following Hemi-Fontan Operation, Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 8: 334-336, 1994.   

Steven JM, Nicolson SC: Monitoring of Nasopharyngeal and Rectal Temperatures is an Adequate Guide of Brain Cooling before Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest - Pro, Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 8: 360-362, 1994

Stayer SA, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Stanley C, Baumgard S: The Metabolic Effects of Surface Cooling Neonates Prior to Cardiac Surgery, Anesthesia and Analgesia 79: 834-839, 1994.


Martin TM, Nicolson SC, Bargas M: Propofol Anesthesia Reduces Emesis and Airway Obstruction in Pediatric Outpatients.  Anesthesia and Analgesia 76:144-148,1993.

Reynolds LM, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Escobar A, McGonigle ME, Jobes DR: Influence of Sensor Site Location on Pulse Oximetry Kinetics in Children. Anesthesia and Analgesia 76: 751-754, 1993.

Reynolds LM, Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Steven JM, Norwood WI, McGonigle ME, Manno CS: Desmopressin Does Not Decrease Bleeding after Cardiac Operation in Young Children. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery  106: 954-958, 1993.


Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Zucker H, Steven JM, Schreiner MS, Betts EK: The Effect of Administering or Withholding Dextrose in  Pre-bypass Intravenous Fluids on Intraoperative Blood Glucose Concentrations in Infants Undergoing  Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest.  Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 6: 316-319, 1992.

Schreiner MS, Nicolson SC, Martin TM, Whitney L: Should Children Drink Before Discharge From Day Surgery?  Anesthesiology, 76:528-533, 1992.

Nicolson SC, Dorsey AT, Schreiner MS: Shortened Preanesthetic Fasting Interval In Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Patients.  Anesthesia and Analgesia, 74: 694-697, 1992.

Jobes DR, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Miller M, Jacobs M, Norwood WI: Carbon Dioxide Prevents Pulmonary Overcirculation in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  Annuals of Thoracic Surgery, 54: 150-151, 1992.

Brahen NH, Edell LS, Nicolson SC, Baker JD, Cohen DE, Schreiner MS: Comparison of Triazolam versus Diazepam as Oral Preanaesthetic Medication for Outpatient Pediatric Surgery.  Paediatric Anaesthesia, 2: 217-221, 1992.

Kurth CD, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, Chance B, Delivoria-Papadopolous M: Kinetics of Cerebral Deoxygenation During Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Neonates.   Anesthesiology 77: 656-661, 1992

Nicolson SC, Black AE, Kraras C: Management of a Difficult Airway in Patient with Hurler-Scheie Syndrome during Cardiac Surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesia 75: 830-832, 1992


Manno CS, Wood K, Kim HC, Bunin G, Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Norwood WI: Comparison of the Hemostatic Effects of Fresh Whole Blood, Stored Whole Blood,    and Components after Open Heart Surgery in Children.  Blood, 77:930-936, 1991.


Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Quinlan JA:  Cardiovascular Effects of Administering Esmolol in the Prebypass Period to Patients Anesthetized with Sufentanil -  Pancuronium for Myocardial Revascularization.  Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, 4: Supplement 2, 55-58, 1990.


Nicolson SC, Betts EK, Jobes DR, Christianson LA, Walters JA, Mayer KR, Korevaar WC: Comprison of Oral and Intramuscular Preanesthetic Medication for Pediatric Intpatient Surgery.  Anesthesiology, 71: 8-10, 1989.

Nicolson SC, Jobes DR, Steven JM, Hillyer P, Handrihan JV: Evaluation of a User-Operated Blood Gas and Chemistry Monitor in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, 5: 741-744, 1989


Jobes DR, Nicolson SC: Monitoring of Arterial Hemoglobin Oxygen Saturation Using a Tongue Sensor.  Anesthesia and Analgesia, 67: 186-188, 1988.

Jobes DR, Nicolson SC, Pigott JD, Norwood WI: An Enclosed System for Continuous Postoperative Mediastinal Aspiration.  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 45: 101-102, 1988.

Nicolson SC, Kaya KM, Betts EK: The Effect of Oral Droperidol on the Incidence of Postoperative Emesis after Paediatric Strabismus Surgery. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 35: 364-367, 1988


Jobes DR, Nicolson SC: An Alternative Method to Secure an Endotracheal Tube in Infants with Midline Facial Defects. Anesthesiology, 64: 643-644, 1986.


Gallagher JD, Smith DS, Meranze J, Nicolson SC, Godinez RI: Aspiration during Induction of Anaesthesia in Patients with Colon Interposition.  Canadian Anesthe Soc.J, 32: 56-59, 1985.

Nicolson SC, Sweeney MF, Moore RA, Jobes DR: Comparison of Internal and External Jugular Cannulation of the Central Circulation in the Pediatric Patient. Critical Care Medicine, 13: 747-749, 1985.


Complications in Anesthesia, Atlee JL (Editor), Nicolson SC, Steven JM (Pediatric Section Editors), WB Saunders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1998

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Adler AC, Diaz LK, Steven JM, Nicolson: Anesthesia For Patient with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome In “Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome”, Editors M Fogel, J Rychik, In Press 2018.


Diaz LK, Nicolson SC, Steven JM: Anesthesia for the Patient with Single Ventricle In “Cardiac Anesthesia” , Editors D Andropoulous, S Stayer, I Russell, 2nd Edition, 2015


Markowitz SD, Ichord R, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Nicolson SC: Surrogate Markers for Neurologic Outcome in Children after DHCA, In Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Editor, LJ Mason, Vol 11, No 1, pp 59-65, 2008


Greeley WJ, Steven JM, Nicolson SC: Anesthesia for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, In “ Miller’s Anesthesia “, Editor RD Miller, Elsevier, pp2005 –2049, 2005


Nicolson SC, Steven JM: Anesthesia for the Patient with Single Ventricle In “Cardiac Anesthesia’, Editors D Andropolous, S Stayer, I Russell, Blackwell, pp 356-372, 2004


Nicolson SC: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.  In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice. Editors MF Roizin and LA Fleisher, W.B. Saunders, 330, 2002

Steven JM, Nicolson SC: Anesthetic Care During Staged Reconstruction for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. In:  Editors G Wernovsky, J Rychik, Kluver Academic Publishing, pp 167-191, 2002

Nicolson SC: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.  In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice. Editors MF Roizin and LA Fleisher, W.B. Saunders, 330, 2002

Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Jobes DR: Anesthetic Considerations for Patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome for Staged Reconstruction Surgery In Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Editors HA Hennein, EL Bove, Futura Publishing Company, pp 49-66, 2002


Nicolson SC: Tricuspid Atresia In Essence of Anesthesia Practice. Editors MF Roizen    and LA Fleisher, W.B. Saunders, 325, 2001

Galli KK, Myers L, Nicolson SC: Anesthesia for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease for Non-Cardiac Surgery.  In: International Anesthesia Clinics, Editor T Park,  Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 43-71, 2001


Steven JM, Nicolson SC: Congenital Heart Disease. In Pediatric Anesthesia Volume of Atlas of Clinical Anesthesia.  Editors WJ Greeley, RD Miller, Current Medicine, 6.1-6.18, 1998

Nicolson SC, Steven JM: Child with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.. In Complications in Anesthesia.  Editor J Atlee, W.B. Saunders, pp707-9, 1998

Nicolson SC: Glucose: Enough versus Too Much (Editorial), Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 11: 1-2, 1998 Nicolson SC, Jobes DR: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: In Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia, Editor CL Lake, Appleton and Lange, 3rd Edition, pp 337-53, 1998


Nicolson SC: Tricuspid Atresia, In Essence of Anesthesia Practice. Editors MF Roizin and LA Fleisher, W.B. Saunder, 1996, p 314


Schmitz ML, Nicolson SC, Steven JM: Neonatal Coagulopathies: Diagnosis and Management In Blood Hemostasis, Transfusion and Alternative in the Perioperative Period.  Editors CL Lake, RA Moore, Raven Press, 1995, pp 495-528


Okalami O, Nichols DG, Nicolson SC, Meliones J, Cameron DE: Tricuspid Atresia and The Fontan Operation.  In Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children, Editors DG Nichols, DE Cameron, Mosby Year Book 1994, pp 737-76

Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Jobes DR: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. In Critical Heart Dieses in Infants and Children, Editors DG Nichols, DE Cameron, Mosby Year Book, 1994, pp 863-884


Nicolson SC, Jobes DR: Anesthetic Management of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  In Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia, Editor CL Lake, Appleton-Century-Crofts, October 1987, -- 243-252

Nicolson SC, Raphaely RC: Postoperative Ventilation. In Common Problems in Cardiac Anesthesia.  Editors JG Reeves and K Hall, Yearbook Publishers, May 1987, pp 138 -144.

Nicolson SC, Jobes DR: Hemodilution, Arterial Flow Rates and Cardiopulmonary Bypass.  In Common Problems in Cardiac Anesthesia, Editors JG Reeves and K Hall Yearbook Publishers, May 1987, pp 97-100


Betts EK, Nicolson SC: Monitoring: Respiration, Circulation and Temperature.  In International Anesthesiology Clinics, Editor RI Godinez, Little, Brown and Company, Vol 23, No.4, 1985, pp 61-85

Nicolson SC, Jobes DR: Anesthesia for PDA Ligation in Premature Infants.  In International Anesthesiology Clinics, Editor RI Godinez, Little, Brown and Company Vol 23, No.4, 1985, pp 163-175


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