Paige Porrett, MD, PhD
About Paige Porrett
Attending Surgeon
Clinical Instructor in Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
General Surgery – American Board of Surgery
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Immunology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Northwestern University, Chicago IL
Surgery - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Transplantation Surgery - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Johannesson, L, Testa, G, Flyckt, R, Farrell R, Quintini C, Wall A, O’Neill K, Tzakis A, Richards EG, Gordon SM, Porrett PM. Guidelines for standardized nomenclature and reporting in uterus transplantation: An opinion from the United States Uterus Transplant Consortium. Am J Transplant. 2020.
Porrett P, ter Horst M, and Shaked A. “Donor Assessment Scores: Relevance and Complete Irrelevance”. Liver Transplantation 2012; 18: S25-30.
Porrett PM and Levine MH. “Fever and suprapubic tenderness ten days after kidney transplantation.” American Journal of Transplantation 2012; 12: 254-256.
The Surgical Review, 3rd edition. Ed. Paige Porrett, John Frederick, Robert Roses, and Larry Kaiser. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2009.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Porrett PM, Malek Kamoun, Ron Parsons, Roy Bloom, Simin Goral, Peter Reese, Robert Grossman, Jorge Baluarte, Melissa Bleicher, Matt Levine, Clyde Barker, Kim Olthoff, Ali Naji, Abraham Shaked, and Peter Abt. “Kidney Transplantation at The University of Pennsylvania: 1998-2008.” Clinical Transplants: 2009.
2009 Porrett PM and Olthoff KM. “Hepatobiliary System” in The Surgical Review, 3rd edition. Ed. Paige Porrett, John Frederick, Robert Roses, and Larry Kaiser. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, 2009.
2008 Porrett PM and Olthoff KM. “Hepatectomy” in Gowned and Gloved Surgery: Introduction to Common Procedures Ed. Suhail Kanchwala, E. Carter Paulson, & Robert Roses. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2008.
2006 Porrett PM and Olthoff KM. “Hepatobiliary System” in The Surgical Review, 2nd edition. Ed. Pavan Atluri, Giorgos Karakousis, Paige Porrett, and Larry Kaiser. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006.
2003 Lerner SM, Porrett PM, Markmann JF, Busuttil RW. “Retransplantation of Vital Organs.” in Organ Transplantation, 2nd edition. Ed. Frank P. Stuart, Michael M. Abecassis, and Dixon B. Kaufman. Georgetown: Landes Bioscience, 2003.
2006 The Surgical Review, 2nd edition. Ed. Pavan Atluri, Giorgos Karakousis, Paige Porrett, and Larry Kaiser. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006.