Stefano Rivella, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Stefano Rivella, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2015, Sultan bin Khalifa International Thalassemia Award, Innovative Medical Research Award-Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2007, Travel Grant Award, International BioIron Society (IBIS)
2005, Travel Grant Award, International Society of Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
2004, Travel Grant Award, International Society of Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
2002, Travel Grant Award, American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT)
2002, The T. Ray Bradley First Prize for New Investigator Award, ISEH
2002, Travel Grant Award, International Society of Experimental Hematology (ISEH)
1997, Doctoral Award, Department of Genetics, University of Pavia, Italy
1994, Prize for the best poster, International Symposium on Genomic Imprinting and New Approaches in the Identification and Mapping of Genetic Syndromes, Florence, Italy
1991, Prize for the best poster, International Symposium on Genomic Imprinting and New Approaches in the Identification and Mapping of Genetic Syndromes, Florence, Italy
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-2015, International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) (Member)
2013-present, International BioIron Society (IBIS) (Director)
2006-present, International BioIron Society (IBIS) (member)
2014, NIH-NIDDK and NHLBI (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
- Molecular and Cellular Hematology study section, ad hoc member
2013-present, NIH-NIDDK KUH (Kidney-Urology-Hematology)
- Fellowship Reviewer Panel, Permanent member
2012-2015, Committee on Hemoglobin and Red Cells, American Society of Hematology
-2015, Chair
- 2014, Vice-chair
2012-present, American Society of Hematology Committee on Iron and Heme
2006-present, American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2015-present, Reviewer, Haematologica
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Nature Science
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Nature Medicine
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Gene Therapy
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, JCI
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Haematologica
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, PLOS ONE
2012-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Nature Communications
2008-present, Reviewer, Blood
Academic and Institutional Committees
2014, Committee member, Vincent du Vigneaud Research Symposium
2012-present, Member of the committee to select candidates for the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program
2011-present, Committee for the recruitment and mentorship of PhD students applying to the combined-Weill Cornell Graduate School (WCGS) programs in Biochemistry & Structural-Biology, Cell & Developmental Biology, and Molecular Biology
2010-present, Committee for the recruitment and mentorship of pediatric hematology/oncology fellows applying to New York Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center joint fellowship program
2009-present, Teacher of the graduate program in areas of basic and applied biology (GABBA), Portugal
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD - University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Breda L, Ghiaccio V, Tanaka N, Jarocha D, Ikawa Y, Abdulmalik O, Dong A, Casu C, Raabe TD, Shan X, Danet-Desnoyers GA, Doto AM, Everett J, Bushman FD, Radaelli E, Assenmacher CA, Tarrant JC, Hoepp N, Guzikowski V, Smith-Whitley K, Janet L. Kwiatkowski JL, Stefano Rivella S. Lentiviral vector ALS20 yields high hemoglobin levels with low genomic integrations for treatment of beta-globinopathies; Molecular Therapy, in press.
Sinha S, Pereira-Reis J, Guerra A, Rivella S, Duarte D. The role of iron in benign and malignant hematopoiesis. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2020 Nov 24. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33231101.
Musallam KM, Rivella S, Taher AT. Management of non-transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (NTDT): The next 5 years. Am J Hematol. 2020 Nov 21. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33219704.
Musallam KM, Cappellini MD, Viprakasit V, Kattamis A, Rivella S, Taher AT. Revisiting the non-transfusion-dependent (NTDT) vs. transfusion-dependent (TDT) thalassemia classification 10 years later. Am J Hematol. 2020 Nov 21. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33219703.
Casu C, Pettinato M, Liu A, Aghajan M, Lo Presti V, Lidonnici MR, Munoz KA, O'Hara E, Olivari V, Di Modica SM, Booten S, Guo S, Neil G, Miari R, Shapir N, Zafir-Lavie I, Domev H, Ferrari G, Sitara D, Nai A, Rivella S. Correcting β-thalassemia by combined therapies that restrict iron and modulate erythropoietin activity. Blood. 2020 Oct 22;136(17):1968-1979. PMID: 32556142.
Ghoti H, Ackerman S, Rivella S, Casu C, Nadir Y. Heparanase Level and Procoagulant Activity Are Increased in Thalassemia and Attenuated by Janus Kinase 2 Inhibition. Am J Pathol. 2020 Oct;190(10):2146-2154. Epub 2020 Aug 1. PMID: 32745462.
Patino E, Doty SB, Bhatia D, Meza K, Zhu YS, Rivella S, Choi ME, Akchurin O. Carbonyl iron and iron dextran therapies cause adverse effects on bone health in juveniles with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2020 Nov;98(5):1210-1224. Epub 2020 Jun 20. PMID: 32574618.
Dong A, Ghiaccio V, Motta I, Guo S, Peralta R, Freier SM, Watt A, Damle S, Ikawa Y, Jarocha D, Chappell M, Stephanou C, Delbini P, Chen C, Christou S, Kleanthous M, Smith-Whitley K, Manwani D, Casu C, Abdulmalik O, Cappellini MD, Rivella S, Breda L. 2'-O-methoxyethyl splice-switching oligos correct splicing from IVS2-745 β-thalassemia patient cells restoring HbA production and chain rebalance. Haematologica. 2020 May 21:haematol.2019.226852. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32439726.
La P, Oved JH, Ghiaccio V, Rivella S. Mitochondria Biogenesis Modulates Iron-Sulfur Cluster Synthesis to Increase Cellular Iron Uptake. DNA Cell Biol. 2020 May;39(5):756-765. Epub 2020 Apr 13. PMID: 32282232.
Bystrom LM, Bezerra DP, Hsu HT, Zong H, Lara-Martínez LA, De Leon JP, Emmanuel M, Méry D, Gardenghi S, Hassane D, Neto CC, Cunningham-Rundles S, Becker MW, Rivella S, Guzman ML. Cranberry A-type proanthocyanidins selectively target acute myeloid leukemia cells. Blood Adv. 2019 Nov 12;3(21):3261-3265. PMID: 31698457.
Parrow NL, Li Y, Feola M, Guerra A, Casu C, Prasad P, Mammen L, Ali F, Vaicikauskas E, Rivella S, Ginzburg YZ, Fleming RE. Lobe specificity of iron binding to transferrin modulates murine erythropoiesis and iron homeostasis. Blood. 2019 Oct 24;134(17):1373-1384. PMID: 31434707.
Casu C, Chessa R, Liu A, Gupta R, Drakesmith H, Fleming R, Ginzburg YZ, MacDonald B, Rivella S. Minihepcidins improve ineffective erythropoiesis and splenomegaly in a new mouse model of adult β-thalassemia major. Haematologica. 2020 Jul;105(7):1835-1844. Epub 2019 Oct 3. PMID: 31582543.
Ikawa Y, Miccio A, Magrin E, Kwiatkowski JL, Rivella S, Cavazzana M. Gene therapy of hemoglobinopathies: progress and future challenges. Hum Mol Genet. 2019 Oct 1;28(R1):R24-R30. PMID: 31322165.
Chappell M, Rivella S. New potential players in hepcidin regulation. Haematologica. 2019 Sep;104(9):1691-1693. PMID: 31473605.
Breveglieri G, Salvatori F, Finotti A, Cosenza LC, Zuccato C, Bianchi N, Breda L, Rivella S, Bresciani A, Bisbocci M, Borgatti M, Gambari R. Development and characterization of cellular biosensors for HTS of erythroid differentiation inducers targeting the transcriptional activity of γ-globin and β-globin gene promoters. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2019 Nov;411(29):7669-7680. Epub 2019 Jul 4. PMID: 31273412.
Iolascon A, De Franceschi L, Muckenthaler M, Taher A, Rees D, de Montalembert M, Rivella S, Eleftheriou A, Cappellini MD. EHA Research Roadmap on Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemia: An Update. Hemasphere. 2019 Jun 4;3(3):e208 PMID: 31723835.
Guerra A, Oikonomidou PR, Sinha S, Zhang J, Lo Presti V, Hamilton CR, Breda L, Casu C, La P, Martins AC, Sendamarai AK, Fleming M, Rivella S. Lack of Gdf11 does not improve anemia or prevent the activity of RAP-536 in a mouse model of β-thalassemia. Blood. 2019 Aug 8;134(6):568-572. Epub 2019 May 31. PMID: 31151988.
Ghiaccio V, Chappell M, Rivella S, Breda L. Gene Therapy for Beta-Hemoglobinopathies: Milestones, New Therapies and Challenges. Mol Diagn Ther. 2019 Apr;23(2):173-186. PMID: 30701409.
Stagg DB, Whittlesey RL, Li X, Lozovatsky L, Gardenghi S, Rivella S, Finberg KE. Genetic loss of Tmprss6 alters terminal erythroid differentiation in a mouse model of β-thalassemia intermedia. Haematologica. 2019 Oct;104(10):e442-e446. Epub 2019 Feb 28. PMID: 30819909.
Akchurin O, Patino E, Dalal V, Meza K, Bhatia D, Brovender S, Zhu YS, Cunningham-Rundles S, Perelstein E, Kumar J, Rivella S, Choi ME. Interleukin-6 Contributes to the Development of Anemia in Juvenile CKD. Kidney Int Rep. 2018 Dec 19;4(3):470-483. PMID: 30899874.
Rivella S. Iron metabolism under conditions of ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassemia. Blood. 2019 Jan 3;133(1):51-58. Epub 2018 Nov 6. PMID: 30401707.
Casu C, Nemeth E, Rivella S. Hepcidin agonists as therapeutic tools. Blood. 2018 Apr 19;131(16):1790-1794. Epub 2018 Mar 9. PMID: 29523504.
Agoro R, Montagna A, Goetz R, Aligbe O, Singh G, Coe LM, Mohammadi M, Rivella S, Sitara D. Inhibition of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) signaling rescues renal anemia. FASEB J. 2018 Jul;32(7):3752-3764. Epub 2018 Feb 26. PMID: 29481308.
Hotz MJ, Qing D, Shashaty MGS, Zhang P, Faust H, Sondheimer N, Rivella S, Worthen GS, Mangalmurti NS. Red Blood Cells Homeostatically Bind Mitochondrial DNA through TLR9 to Maintain Quiescence and to Prevent Lung Injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Feb 15;197(4):470-480. PMID: 29053005.
Gupta R, Musallam KM, Taher AT, Rivella S. Ineffective Erythropoiesis: Anemia and Iron Overload. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2018 Apr;32(2):213-221. Epub 2017 Dec 29. PMID: 29458727.
Guerra A, Musallam KM, Taher AT, Rivella S. Emerging Therapies. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2018 Apr;32(2):343-352. Epub 2017 Dec 15. Erratum in: Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2018 Jun;32(3):xiii. PMID: 29458736.
Aschemeyer S, Qiao B, Stefanova D, Valore EV, Sek AC, Ruwe TA, Vieth KR, Jung G, Casu C, Rivella S, Jormakka M, Mackenzie B, Ganz T, Nemeth E. Structure-function analysis of ferroportin defines the binding site and an alternative mechanism of action of hepcidin. Blood. 2018 Feb 22;131(8):899-910. Epub 2017 Dec 13. PMID: 29237594.
Casu C, Presti VL, Oikonomidou PR, Melchiori L, Abdulmalik O, Ramos P, Rivella S. Short-term administration of JAK2 inhibitors reduces splenomegaly in mouse models of β-thalassemia intermedia and major. Haematologica. 2018 Feb;103(2):e46-e49. Epub 2017 Nov 2. PMID: 29097498.
Taher AT, Karakas Z, Cassinerio E, Siritanaratkul N, Kattamis A, Maggio A, Rivella S, Hollaender N, Mahuzier B, Gadbaw B, Aydinok Y. Efficacy and safety of ruxolitinib in regularly transfused patients with thalassemia: results from a phase 2a study. Blood. 2018 Jan 11;131(2):263-265. Epub 2017 Nov 2. PMID: 29097381.
Oikonomidou PR, Rivella S. What can we learn from ineffective erythropoiesis in thalassemia? Blood Rev. 2018 Mar;32(2):130-143. Epub 2017 Oct 3. PMID: 29054350.
Pasricha SR, Lim PJ, Duarte TL, Casu C, Oosterhuis D, Mleczko-Sanecka K, Suciu M, Da Silva AR, Al-Hourani K, Arezes J, McHugh K, Gooding S, Frost JN, Wray K, Santos A, Porto G, Repapi E, Gray N, Draper SJ, Ashley N, Soilleux E, Olinga P, Muckenthaler MU, Hughes JR, Rivella S, Milne TA, Armitage AE, Drakesmith H. Hepcidin is regulated by promoter-associated histone acetylation and HDAC3. Nat Commun. 2017 Sep 1;8(1):403. PMID: 28864822.
Nowak RB, Papoin J, Gokhin DS, Casu C, Rivella S, Lipton JM, Blanc L, Fowler VM. Tropomodulin 1 controls erythroblast enucleation via regulation of F-actin in the enucleosome. Blood. 2017 Aug 31;130(9):1144-1155. Epub 2017 Jul 20. PMID: 28729432.
Iolascon A, Andolfo I, Barcellini W, Corcione F, Garçon L, De Franceschi L, Pignata C, Graziadei G, Pospisilova D, Rees DC, de Montalembert M, Rivella S, Gambale A, Russo R, Ribeiro L, Vives-Corrons J, Martinez PA, Kattamis A, Gulbis B, Cappellini MD, Roberts I, Tamary H; Working Study Group on Red Cells and Iron of the EHA. Recommendations regarding splenectomy in hereditary hemolytic anemias. Haematologica. 2017 Aug;102(8):1304-1313. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2016.161166. Epub 2017 May 26. PMID: 28550188.
Crielaard BJ, Lammers T, Rivella S. Targeting iron metabolism in drug discovery and delivery. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2017 Jun;16(6):400-423. Epub 2017 Feb 3. PMID: 28154410.
Li H, Choesang T, Bao W, Chen H, Feola M, Garcia-Santos D, Li J, Sun S, Follenzi A, Pham P, Liu J, Zhang J, Ponka P, An X, Mohandas N, Fleming RE, Rivella S, Li G, Ginzburg YZ. Decreasing TfR1 expression reverses anemia and hepcidin suppression in β-thalassemic mice. Blood. 2017 Mar 16;129(11):1514-1526.. Epub 2017 Feb 1. Erratum in: Blood. 2017 Dec 21;130(25):2809. PMID: 28151426.
Muckenthaler MU, Rivella S, Hentze MW, Galy B. A Red Carpet for Iron Metabolism. Cell. 2017 Jan 26;168(3):344-361. PMID: 28129536.
Dong AC, Rivella S. Gene Addition Strategies for β-Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;1013:155-176. PMID: 29127680.
Casu C, Oikonomidou PR, Chen H, Nandi V, Ginzburg Y, Prasad P, Fleming RE, Shah YM, Valore EV, Nemeth E, Ganz T, MacDonald B, Rivella S.: Minihepcidin peptides as disease modifiers in mice affected by β-thalassemia and polycythemia vera. Blood. 2016 May 6. pii: blood-2015-10-676742.
Oikonomidou PR, Casu C, Yang Z, Crielaard B, Shim JH, Rivella S, Vogiatzi MG.: Polycythemia is associated with bone loss and reduced osteoblast activity in mice. Osteoporos Int. 2016 Apr;27(4):1559-68.
Casu C, Aghajan M, Oikonomidou PR, Guo S, Monia BP, Rivella S. Combination of Tmprss6-ASO and the iron chelator deferiprone improves erythropoiesis and reduces iron overload in a mouse model of beta-thalassemia intermedia. Haematologica. 2016 Jan;101(1):e8-e11. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2015.133348. Epub 2015 Sep 24.
Chen H, Choesang T, Li H, Sun S, Pham P, Bao W, Feola M, Westerman M, Li G, Follenzi A, Blanc L,Rivella S, Fleming R, Ginzburg Y.: Increased hepcidin in transferrin-treated thalassemic mice correlates with increased liver BMP2 expression and decreased hepatocyte ERK activation. Haematologica. 2016 Mar;101(3):297-308.
Valdés-Ferrer SI, Papoin J, Dancho ME, Olofsson P, Li J, Lipton JM, Avancena P, Yang H, Zou YR, Chavan SS, Volpe BT, Gardenghi S, Rivella S, Diamond B, Andersson U, Steinberg BM, Blanc L, Tracey KJ.: HMGB1 mediates anemia of inflammation in murine sepsis survivors. Mol Med. 2015 Dec 29.
Das N, Xie L, Ramakrishnan SK, Campbell A, Rivella S, Shah YM.: Intestine-specific Disruption of Hypoxia-inducible Factor (HIF)-2α Improves Anemia in Sickle Cell Disease. J Biol Chem. 2015 Sep 25;290(39):23523-7.
Breveglieri G, Mancini I, Bianchi N, Lampronti I, Salvatori F, Fabbri E, Zuccato C, Cosenza LC, Montagner G, Borgatti M, Altruda F, Fagoonee S, Carandina G, Rubini M, Aiello V, Breda L, Rivella S, Gambari R: Generation and characterization of a transgenic mouse carrying a functional human beta-globin gene with the IVSI-6 thalassemia mutation. BioMed Research International Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:687635
Yien Yvette Y, Gnanapragasam Merlin Nithya, Gupta Ritama, Rivella Stefano, Bieker James J: Alternative splicing of EKLF/KLF1 in murine primary erythroid tissues. Experimental hematology 43(1): 65-70, Jan 2015.
Zhang Xin, Campreciós Genís, Rimmelé Pauline, Liang Raymond, Yalcin Safak, Mungamuri Sathish Kumar, Barminko Jeffrey, D'Escamard Valentina, Baron Margaret H, Brugnara Carlo, Papatsenko Dmitri, Rivella Stefano, Ghaffari Saghi: FOXO3-mTOR metabolic cooperation in the regulation of erythroid cell maturation and homeostasis. American journal of hematology 89(10): 954-63, Oct 2014.
Guimarães Jacqueline S, Cominal Juçara G, Silva-Pinto Ana Cristina, Olbina Gordana, Ginzburg Yelena Z, Nandi Vijay, Westerman Mark, Rivella Stefano, de Souza Ana Maria: Altered erythropoiesis and iron metabolism in carriers of thalassemia. European journal of haematology Oct 2014.
Deng Wulan, Rupon Jeremy W, Krivega Ivan, Breda Laura, Motta Irene, Jahn Kristen S, Reik Andreas, Gregory Philip D, Rivella Stefano, Dean Ann, Blobel Gerd A: Reactivation of developmentally silenced globin genes by forced chromatin looping. Cell 158(4): 849-60, Aug 2014.
Kautz Léon, Jung Grace, Valore Erika V, Rivella Stefano, Nemeth Elizabeta, Ganz Tomas: Identification of erythroferrone as an erythroid regulator of iron metabolism. Nature genetics 46(7): 678-84, Jul 2014.
Kautz Léon, Jung Grace, Valore Erika V, Rivella Stefano, Nemeth Elizabeta, Ganz Tomas: Identification of erythroferrone as an erythroid regulator of iron metabolism. Nature genetics 46(7): 678-84, Jul 2014.
Martin Leenus, Grigoryan Arsen, Wang Ding, Wang Jinhua, Breda Laura, Rivella Stefano, Cardozo Timothy, Gardner Lawrence B: Identification and characterization of small molecules that inhibit nonsense-mediated RNA decay and suppress nonsense p53 mutations. Cancer research 74(11): 3104-13, Jun 2014.
Coe Lindsay M, Madathil Sangeetha Vadakke, Casu Carla, Lanske Beate, Rivella Stefano, Sitara Despina: FGF-23 is a negative regulator of prenatal and postnatal erythropoiesis. The Journal of biological chemistry 289(14): 9795-810, Apr 2014.
Lectures by Invitation
Rivella S. Novel approaches to treat disorders of red cell production [lecture]. NIH-NHLBI; 2015 Dec; Washington, DC.
Rivella S. First Annual Toshia Asakura Lecture: Sickle Cell Disease: From Disease Discovery to Gene Therapy [lecture]. Children Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP); 2015 Nov; Philadelphia, PA.
Rivella S. Novel Therapies for Hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. Rana therapeutics; 2015 Nov; Boston, MA.
Rivella S. Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. American University of Lebanon; 2015 Nov; Beirut, Lebanon.
Rivella S. Novel therapeutic approaches for disorders of aberrant erythropoiesis, iron metabolism and inflammation [lecture]. CHOP, Hematology; 2015 Oct; Philadelphia, PA.
Rivella S. Session Emerging Therapies: Using Murine Thalassemia Models to Evaluate Novel Therapies [lecture]. 10th Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Meeting; 2015 Oct; Chicago, IL.
Rivella S. New Therapeutic approaches to Thalassemia excluding gene therapy, in Red Cell Biology Thirty Years After. [lecture] Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità, Università degli studi di Milano, Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico; 2015 Sep; Milan, Italy.
Rivella S. A double knock out of Hepcidin and Il6 demonstrates independent roles of the two genes in anemia of inflammation [lecture]. Bioiron, Zhejiang University; 2015 Sep; Hangzhou, China.
Rivella S. Lack of beta-1 integrin limits stress erythropoiesis and splenomegaly in beta-thalassemia [lecture]. Bioiron, Zhejiang University; 2015 Sep; Hangzhou, China.
Rivella S. Exploiting hepcidin and its pathway to limit iron absorption and erythroid iron intake [lecture]. Bioiron, Zhejiang University; 2015 Sep; Hangzhou, China.
Rivella S. Genetic treatment of hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. Kadmon Pharmaceuticals; 2015 Sep; New York, NY.
Rivella S. Addressing unmet therapeutic goals in patients with thalassemia: what does the future hold? [lecture] Novartis Advisory Board on Hemoglobinopathies; 2015 Jul; Barcelona, Spain.
Rivella S. Forced chromatin looping increases fetal globin expression to curative levels in sickle cell anemia [lecture]. Gordon Conference on Red cells; 2015 Jun; Holderness, NH.
Rivella S. Genome editing for disease correction [lecture]. Sickle Cell in Focus (SCiF); 2015 Jun; London, UK.
Rivella S. Combination of gene transfer and forced chromatin looping concurrently decreases sickle cell hemoglobin and reactivates the synthesis of fetal hemoglobin in patient cells [lecture]. Plenary Session, Presidential Symposium, European Hematology Association (EHA); 2015 Jun; Vienna, Austria.
Rivella S. The heme and iron connection: From Disease Models Of Abnormal Iron Metabolism And Erythropoiesis To Novel Therapies [lecture]. European Hematology Association (EHA); 2015 Jun; Vienna, Austria.
Rivella S. Ironing and looping erythropoiesis: new potential therapeutics for old diseases [lecture]. University of Milan; 2015 May; Milan, Italy.
Rivella S. New therapies for the treatment of hemoglobinopathies: from modulating iron metabolism to gene therapy [lecture]. Graduate Program in Areas of Basic and Applied Biology (GABBA); 2015 May; Porto, Portugal.
Rivella S. How do JAK2 inhibitors and hepcidin mimetics modulate iron metabolism and ineffective erythropoiesis? [lecture] Berlin-Global Iron Summit; 2015 Mar; Berlin, Germany.
Rivella S. Iron Age: Novel Targets for Iron Overload [lecture]. ASH; 2014 Dec; San Francisco, CA.
Rivella S. The role of iron and macrophages in normal and aberrant erythropoiesis [lecture]. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine; 2015 Nov; UK.
Rivella S. Ironing and looping erythropoiesis: new potential therapeutics for old diseases [lecture]. NYU College of Dentistry; 2014 Nov; NY, NY.
Rivella S. Ironing and looping erythropoiesis: new potential therapeutics for old diseases [lecture]. University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS); 2014 Nov; Worchester, MA.
Rivella S. Ironing and looping erythropoiesis: new potential therapeutics for old diseases [lecture]. Professor Round's-Pediatrics Weill-Cornell Medical Center; 2014 Oct; New York, NY.
Rivella S. The role of iron and macrophages in normal and aberrant erythropoiesis [lecture]. Columbia University, Department of Physiology; 2014 Oct; New York, NY.
Rivella S. Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Anemia [lecture]. New York Blood Center; 2014 Sep; New York, NY.
Rivella S. Molecules at the crossroad between erythropoiesis and iron metabolism [lecture]. Bayer Pharmaceuticals; 2014 Sep; San Francisco, CA.
Rivella S. Expectations, achievements and challenges of gene transfer for the cure of hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. 57th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 2014 Sep; Ferrara, Italy.
Rivella S. Gene therapy for hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. Division of Hematology, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; 2014 Jul; Philadelphia, PA.
Rivella S. New potential therapeutics for hemoglobinopathies: from regulation of erythropoiesis to gene therapy [lecture]. San Raffaele Institute; 2014 Jun; Milan, Italy.
Rivella S. New therapeutics for hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. Graduate Program in Areas of Basic and Applied Biology (GABBA); 2014 May; Porto, Portugal.
Rivella S. The role of iron and macrophages in normal and aberrant erythropoiesis [lecture]. Division of Hematology; 2014 Apr; The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Philadelphia, PA.
Rivella S. New potential therapeutic approaches for hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. Universita' degli Studi; 2014 Apr; Milan, Italy.
Rivella S. Gene therapy for Hemoglobinopathies: Time for clinical trials? [lecture]. Sickle Cell Disease, European Hematology Association (EAH); 2014 Apr; Milan, Italy.
Rivella S. New potential therapeutics for hemoglobinopathies: from regulation of erythropoiesis to gene therapy [lecture]. Imperial College; 2014 Mar; London, UK.
Rivella S. New potential therapeutic approaches for hemoglobinopathies [lecture]. King's College; 2014 Mar; London, UK.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Crielaard BJ and Rivella S: Disorders of iron metabolism: iron deficiency and iron overload and anemia of chronic diseases in Pathobiology of Human Disease: A Dynamic Encyclopedia of Disease Mechanisms; Elsevier 2014.
Breda Laura, Rivella Stefano: Modulators of erythropoiesis: emerging therapies for hemoglobinopathies and disorders of red cell production. Hematology/oncology clinics of North America 28(2): 375-86, Apr 2014.
Dong A and Rivella S: Gene addition strategies for the beta-thalassemias and SCD in Gene and Cell Therapies for Beta-Globinopathies. Editors Drs. Punam Malik MD, and John Tisdale, PhD; Springer Science 2013 Apr;161(4):293-306.
Rivella S, Giardina JP: Thalassemia Syndromes. 6th Edition of Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, Elsevier 2012.
Rivella S: Disorders of red cell production and the iron-loading anemias in Iron Physiology and Pathophysiology in Humans. Editors: Anderson JG and McLaren GD. Humana Press 2012.
Gardenghi S, Rivella S: New insight on the management of ineffective erythropoiesis and iron overload in ß-thalassemia and related hemoglobinopathies. Book of the European Hematology Association (EHA). 2012.
Tribioli C, Maestrini E, Bione S, Tamanini F, Mancini M, Sala C, Torri G, Rivella S, Toniolo D: Identification of genes and construction of a transcriptional map in Xq28. Identification of Transcribed Sequences-Plenum Press 1994.