Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, MD, MSEd
Locations: Main Building
About Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, MD, MSEd
Program Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Advisory Dean, Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Hospital Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2018, The Most Influential or Significant Work in Informatics, American Medical Informatics Association in the Year in Review
2018, COMSEP Award of Excellence for Research Poster
2015-2016, Faculty Honor Roll, CHOP
2015, Chair-Elect, Research and Scholarship Task Force, Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics
2015, Academic Pediatric Association Ray E. Helfer Award for Innovation in Pediatric Education
2012, Excellence Award for Innovation in Medical Education for poster presented at COMSEP
2012, Nominated for Physician Partnering Award, SSU, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Peds 200 is ranked #1 clerkship August 2012-present, Perelman School of Medicine
2001, Alpha Omega Alpha, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1997, Magna Cum Laude, Tufts University
1996, Dean's Award for Women in Education, Tufts University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2010-present, Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics Research Task Force
- 2015-2020, Chair
2009-present, Academic Pediatric Association
2008-present, Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics
2004-present, American Academy of Pediatrics (Section of Hospital Medicine Section of Young Physicians)
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2018-presen, Peer reviewer, Journal of Hospital Medicine
2014-present, Peer Reviewer, Association of American Medical Colleges Conference, Domain of Medical Education
2014-present, Peer reviewer, Hospital Pediatrics
2014-present, Peer reviewer, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Workshops and Abstracts
2012-present, Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, Journal Club Reviewer and Contributor
2010-present, Peer reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2010-present, Pediatric Academic Society Abstract/Workshop reviewer, domain of Scholarship in Education and General Pediatrics
2010-present, Peer reviewer, MedEd Portal
2010-present, Council on Medical Student Education, Pediatrics Abstract Reviewer
Academic Committees
2018-present, Grants Committee, COMSEP
2018-present, Medical Faculty Senate Steering Committee
2018-present, Reviewer, SPARK Med Ed Review Committee
2018-present, Search Committee for Associate Chair in Education, Department of Pediatrics,
2017-present, Pathway Committee to De-label Penicillin Allergy
2017-present, Perelman School of Medicine COAP
2016-present, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Advisory Board
2016-present, Debriefing Collaborative Committee
2015-present, Clinical Competency Committee for Pediatric Residency Program
2015-present, LCME: Curricular Assessment, Management, and Teaching Committee, Perelman School of Medicine
2014-present, Perelman School of Medicine Admissions Committee
2014-present, Department of Pediatrics Education Committee
2012-present, Interviewer for Perelman School of Medicine Admissions Committee
2008-present, Pediatric Residency Program Intern Selection Committee
2008-present, Curriculum Committee at Perelman School of Medicine
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MSEd, Medical Education - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA (Chief Resident)
Pete Devon E, Tenney-Soeiro R, Ronan J, Balmer DF. : "A Pediatric Pre-Intern Bootcamp: Program Development and Evaluation Informed by a Conceptual Framework" Acad Pediatr March 2019.
Orenstein EW, Rasooly IR, Mai MV, Dziorny AC, Phillips W, Utidjian L, Luberti A, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Bonafide CP. : "Influence of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns among Pediatric Residents" J Am Med Inform Assoc Nov 2018.
Sox CM, Tenney-Soeiro R, Lewin LO, Ronan J, Brown M, King M, Thompson R, Noelk M, Sutherell JS, Silverstein M, Cabral HJ, Dell M. : "Efficacy of a Web-Based oral Case Presentation Instruction Module: Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial" Acad Pediatr July 2018.
Sox CM, Tenney-Soeiro R, Lewin LO, Ronan J, Brown M, King M, Thompson R, Noelck M, Sutherell JS, Silverstein M, Cabral HJ, Dell M.: "Efficacy of a Web-Based Oral Case Presentation Instruction Module: Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial" Academic Pediatrics January 2018.
Balmer DF, Tenney-Soeiro R, Mejia E, Rezet B.: "Positive Change in Feedback Perceptions and Behavior: A 10- Year Follow Up Study" Pediatrics 141, January 2018.
Pete Devon E, Ronan J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Balmer D. : "Current State of the Intern Prep Course: Findings from a National Survey of Pediatric Clerkship Directors" Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health 4(6), August 2017.
Beck Dallaghan GL, Alerte AM, Ryan MS, Patterson PB, Petershack J, Christy C, Mills WA Jr, Paul CR, Peltier C, Stamos JK, Tenney-Soeiro R, Vercio C.: "Recruiting and Retaining Community-Based Preceptors: A Multicenter Qualitative Action Study of Pediatric Preceptors" Academic Medicine August 2017.
Beck Dallaghan GL, Alerte AM, Ryan MS, Patterson PB, Petershack J, Christy C, Mills WA Jr, Paul CR, Peltier C, Stamos JK, Tenney-Soeiro R, Vercio C.: "Recruiting and Retaining Community-Based Preceptors: A Multicenter Qualitative Action Study of Pediatric Preceptors." Academic Medicine March 2017.
Turner TL, Bhavaraju VL, Luciw-Dubas UA, Hicks PJ, Multerer S, Osta A, McDonnell J, Poynter S, Schumacher DJ, Tenney-Soeiro R, Waggoner-Fountain L, Schwartz A; and the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network-National Board of Medical Examiners Pediatrics Milestones Assessment Group: "Validity Evidence From Ratings of Pediatric Interns and Subinterns on a Subset of Pediatric Milestones" Academic Medicine February 2017.
Fieldston ES, Jonas JA, Lederman VA, Zahm AJ, Xiao R, DiMichele CM, Tracy E, Kurbjun K, Tenney-Soeiro R, Geiger DL, Hogan A, Apkon M.: "Developing the Capacity for Rapid-Cycle Improvement at a Large Freestanding Children's Hospital" Hospital Pediatrics. Shawn Ralston (eds.). 6(8): 441-448, August 2016.
Hicks P, Margolis M, Poynter S, Chaffinch C, Tenney-Soeiro R, Turner T, Waggoner-Fountain L, Lockridge R, Clyman SG, and Schwartz A, for the APPD LEARN-NBME Pediatrics Milestones Assessment Group: "The Pediatrics Milestones Assessment Pilot: Development of Workplace-Based Assessment Content, Instruments, and Processes" Academic Medicine. David P. Sklar (eds.). AAMC, epub ahead of print: 1-9, January 2016.
Vukin E, Greenberg R, Auerbach M, Chang L, Scotten M, Tenney-Soeiro R, Trainor J, Dudas R. : "Use of Simulation-Based Education: A National Survey of Pediatric Clerkship Directors" Academic Pediatrics. Peter G. Szilagyi (eds.). Elsevier, 14(4): 369-374, July-August 2014.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Herrick H, Tenney-Soeiro R, Patterson C, Gerhardt K, Switalski S, Robinson L, Ades A. : "An Interprofessional Unit Based Feedback Workshop" Poster presented at Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD April 2019.
Goldstein L, Capponi S, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R. : "The Advanced Skills Program: A Supplement to the Pediatric Residency Curriculum" poster presented at Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD April 2019.
Herrmann LE, Tchou MJ, Parsons A, Muthu N, Tenney-Soeiro R, Fieldston E, Lindell RB, Dziorny A, Gosdin C, Bamat TW, Dewan M.: "Impact of a pediatric value curriculum on resident attitudes and practice: a qualitative analysis" Poster presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference in Atlanta, GA July 2018.
Beck Dallaghan GL, Alerte A, Christy C, Kantor J, Mills W, Paul C, Ryan M, Tenney-Soeiro R, Vercio C, Wai A, Macyko C, Patterson P, Peltier C, Petershack J, Van Opstal E. : "The Decline in Community Preceptors: An Exploration of Pediatricians Who No Longer Teach Medical Students" poster presented at COMSEP, Denver, CO April 2018.
Pete Devon E, Ronan J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Young D, Balmer D.: "Intern preparatory courses: A national survey of pediatric educators" poster presented at CHOP Education Symposium January 2018.
Orenstein EW, Rasooly I, Wanczyk Phillips BS, Mai MV, Dziorny A, Utidjian L, Luberti A, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Bonafide C.: "The Impact of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns Among Pediatric Residents" Poster presented at CHOP Education Symposium January 2018.
Pete Devon E, Ronan J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Balmer D.: "Intern Preparatory Courses: A National Survey of Pediatric Educators" poster presented at PAS, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Orenstein M, Dalembert G, Hames N, Tenney-Soeiro R, Zaoutis L: "Back to Osler's Sea- A Pilot Program to Return Pediatric Learners to the Bedside" Poster presented at PAS, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Hope K, Heneghan M, Wu K, Burlingame C, Dougherty N, Hart J, Ossola E, Rezet B, Salmon E, Shaw K, Simpkins D, Tanzer L, Taylor A, Tenney-Soeiro R, Washington N, Bamat N. : "No Cause for Alarm: Decreasing Inappropriate Pulse Ox Use in Bronchiolitis" poster presented at CHOP Patient Safety and Quality Day May 2017.
Balmer D, Tenney-Soeiro R, Rezet B.: "Limited Change in Contextual Conditions that Impact Feedback: A 10-year, Qualitative Follow-Up Study on a General Pediatric Service" poster presented at PAS, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Mejia E, Dewan M, Salmon E, Dalembert G, Hermann L, Tchou M, Carlisle M, Poynter S, Gosdin C, Rezet B, Tenney-Soeiro R, Bamat T.: "An Intensive Healthcare Value Curriculum: Using Quality Improvement Methodology to Enhance Pediatric Resident Knowledge of Value" Poster presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors meeting, Anaheim, CA April 2017.
Mejia E, Balmer D, Salmon E, Dalembert G, Feiler E, Williams M, Tenney-Soeiro R, Rezet B. : "Aligning feedback with personal learning goals: A pilot intervention" Poster presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors in Anaheim, CA. April 2017.
Pete Devon E, Ronan J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Young D, Balmer D. : "Pediatric Pre-Intern Bootcamp: A National Survey of Pediatric Educators" Poster presented at Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics in Portland, OR. March 2017.
Lectures by Invitation
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Introduction to Curriculum Development", Workshop presented at Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. March 2019.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "An Interprofessional Unit Based Feedback Workshop", platform presentation at the Eastern Society for Pediatric Research Scientific Meeting, Baltimore, MD. April 2019.
Tenney-Soeiro R. Facilitator in Teaching 101 at Perelman School of Medicine for "Teaching in Small Groups". Feb 2019.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Designing a Curriculum", workshop presented at the Medical Education Frontiers Program, Perelman School of Medicine. Feb 2019.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Feedback and Coaching Your Learners Using a Growth Mindset", University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA. Dec 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Introduction to Curriculum Development", Workshop presented at Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Current Trends in Learner Assessment" presented at the 2018 Beijing International Sleep Medicine Forum 4th Peking University-Univ of Pennsylvania Joint Sleep Medicine Forum; Beijing, China. Nov 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Promote Yourself: Demonstrating Teaching Excellence with an Educator's Portfolio", Workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada. May 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Back to the Bedside: Strategies for Teaching Physical Diagnosis in the Age of Technology", workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada. May 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Introduction to Curriculum Development", Workshop presented at, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. May 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "The Impact of Simulation on Electronic Health Record use Patterns Among Pediatric Residents", oral abstract presented at Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada. May 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Impact of a Pediatric Value Curriculum on Resident Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior"; platform presentation at Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Atlanta, GA. Apr 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Innovation to Publication in Five Simple Steps", Workshop presented at COMSEP, Denver, CO. Apr 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. American Austrian Foundation Seminar in Salzburg, Austria, Topics: "Curriculum Design", "Assessment and Evaluation of Learning", "Teaching Skills", and "Teaching in Rounds". Feb 2018.
Tenney-Soeiro R. Grand Rounds presentation: "Moving from Feedback to Coaching: Using the Growth Mindset for Lifelong Learning." Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, PA. Aug 2017.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Introduction to Curriculum Development", Workshop presented at Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. May 2017.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Promote Yourself: Demonstrating Teaching Excellence with an Educator's Portfolio" workshop presented at Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics in Portland, OR. Apr 2017.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Pre Conference Workshop 3: Medical Education Scholarship 101" workshop presented at Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics in Portland, OR. Mar 2017.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Leadership in Medical Education Begins with Negotiation" workshop presented at Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics in Portland, OR. Mar 2017.
Tenney-Soeiro R. "Improving the Feedback Process: Maximizing Learning and Minimizing Stress", lecture given to CHOP Neonatology Fellows at their Annual Fellows Retreat, Pennsylvania. Jan 2017.
Wu H, Wang L, Tenney-Soeiro R: Gunner Goggles Pediatrics: Honors Shelf Review. Book. Wu H, Wang L, Tenney-Soeiro R (eds.). Elsevier, 2019. Faculty Editor.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Tenney-Soeiro R: Chapter 25, "Advising and Mentoring Medical Students" Guidebook for Clerkship Directors, 5th edition. Morgenstern BZ. (eds.). Alliance for Clinical Education, 2019.
Samir S. Shah, Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, Matthew Test: Chapter 11 "Fever" Symptom Based Diagnosis in Pediatrics, 2nd edition. Samir S. Shah and Stephen Ludwig (eds.). McGraw-Hill Education, Page: 279-304, 2014.
Heidi C. Werner, Samir S. Shah, Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, Pratichi K. Goenka: Chapter 12 "Constipation" Symptom Based Diagnosis in Pediatrics, 2nd edition. Samir S. Shah and Stephen Ludwig (eds.). McGraw-Hill Education, Page: 305-325, 2014.
Amy T. Waldman, Matthew Test, Samir S. Shah, Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, Pratichi K. Goenka: Chapter 19 "Seizures" Symptom Based Diagnosis in Pediatrics, 2nd edition. Samir S. Shah and Stephen Ludwig (eds.). McGraw-Hill Education, Page: 475-500, 2014.
Tenney-Soeiro R: Chapter 49: "Meningitis" Pediatrics: A Competency-Based Companion. McMahon M and Stryjewski G (eds.). Elsevier, Page: 326-334, 2011.