I Survived, Now What? Treating the Musculoskeletal Consequences of Maturing with a Chronic Health Condition

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104  

May 11, 2023-May 13, 2023, 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (ET)


Children with medical problems and/or physical disabilities are surviving to adulthood. Adults with chronic health conditions are living longer. As these patients “survive” their health conditions, atypical breathing patterns and atypical postural control strategies often develop and cause repetitive stress on the musculoskeletal system. The consequences can be chronic pain, inefficient motor plans and/or physical dysfunction, all of which limit health and participation. Current research supports this paradigm, showing a higher incidence of chronic pain and decreased quality of life among children and adults with long-term health conditions.

The focus of this course is on identifying, treating and anticipating/preventing common consequential spinal and rib cage restrictions: thoracic kyphosis, scoliosis, pectus deformities, rib flares, asymmetries, tightness, etc. These musculoskeletal restrictions can limit breathing (health) and/or shoulder, trunk and hip/pelvis mobility (participation). Labs present manual therapy techniques (soft tissue techniques, joint mobilizations) and neuromotor re-education techniques. While Dr. Massery’s primary focus is on pediatrics and young adults, the material is pertinent across the whole lifespan.

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