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Integrative Tools for Sleep: Yoga

Integrative Tools for Sleep: Yoga

Along with CHOP’s sleep hygiene guidelines, there are several simple, integrative practices that you and your child can do each night to promote a restful sleep. These practices include yoga, massage, acupressure, and progressive muscle relaxation.


Yoga promotes relaxation and calms the nervous system. Yoga-based practices such as meditation and breathwork can also be helpful in promoting relaxation. Below are just a few examples of how to incorporate yoga to promote a restful sleep. The postures can be done on a mat on the floor or in the hospital bed.

Yoga postures

Child’s pose

  • Yoga for Sleep - Child’s pose

    Kneel with your knees apart, bringing your big toes together.

  • Separate your knees as far apart as is comfortable. You can rest your belly down on the thighs or bring a pillow or blanket between the knees for added comfort.
  • Breathe in and lengthen the spine.
  • Breathe out and allow your belly and hips to soften and relax.
  • Stay here for a few breaths.  Then gently roll to one side, hugging the knees into the chest. Get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Legs up the wall

  • Yoga for Sleep - Legs up the wall

    Begin lying down, bringing your bottom as close to the wall as is comfortable.  

  • Lift your legs straight up toward the ceiling. Gently allow the back of your legs to rest against the wall.
  • Relax your arms down by your side or place the palms on the belly.
  • Rest in this pose for a few minutes. Then gently roll to one side, hugging the knees into the chest. Get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Reclined butterfly

  • Yoga for Sleep - Reclined butterfly

    Begin lying down, bending your knees and bringing the soles of your feet together.

  • Allow your knees to gently fall open and the hips to relax.
  • Your arms can rest down by your sides, on the belly, or over the heart.  
  • Relax here for a few minutes. Then gently roll to one side, hugging the knees into the chest. Get ready for a good night’s sleep.

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