Abramson Cancer Center (ACC)

3400 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Please allow for extra travel time to your appointments due to road closures and traffic congestion caused by multiple construction projects around CHOP and Penn. Please check traffic and public transit updates before you go, and check for parking instructions on CHOP’s Philadelphia Campus.
If you anticipate delays or feel you won't be able to make it to your appointment, please call ahead and we'll do our best to accommodate any changes.
Travel advisories
Please allow for extra travel time to your appointments due to road closures and traffic congestion caused by multiple construction projects around CHOP and Penn. Please check traffic and public transit updates before you go, and check for parking instructions on CHOP’s Philadelphia Campus.
If you anticipate delays or feel you won't be able to make it to your appointment, please call ahead and we'll do our best to accommodate any changes.
The University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center is dedicated to the eradication of cancer as a cause of human disease and suffering.
Our Mission: At the Abramson Cancer Center we are dedicated to only one purpose- the eradication of cancer as a cause of human disease and suffering.
The University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center was founded in 1973 to serve as the focus of cancer-related research, patient care, and educational activities at the University of Pennsylvania. It is one of only 27 cancer centers in the country approved and designated by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center and has been continuously funded by the National Cancer Institute since its founding.
The Pediatric Oncology Program of the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania is focused on eradicating the problem of childhood cancer through an integrated program of basic, translational and clinical research. Through the creation of a multidisciplinary research unit that currently has 36 full members and 3 affiliate members from multiple Divisions within the Department of Pediatrics including oncology, hematology, genetics and psychology as well as the Department of Pathology, the Program is broad and deep enough to impact each critical area of the pediatric cancer problem, with key advances enabled by integration throughout the Abramson Cancer Center (ACC). Major new funded research efforts include germline and tumor-directed genomics efforts, focused efforts on mechanisms of DNA damage/repair and epigenomic aberrations in cancer, molecular target discovery and drug development efforts, and continued expansion of our clinical research program, especially investigator-initiated early phase clinical trials, with 158 currently open clinical research protocols. There were 728 peer-reviewed publications from Program members during the past four years, as well as 74 scholarly reviews, demonstrating intra- and inter-programmatic interaction. Intra-programmatic collaborations are enhanced by the physical co-localization of all members, regardless of Departmental affiliation, within the newly formed Center for Childhood Cancer Research in the new Colket Translational Research Building. Inter-programmatic collaboration will be enhanced by continued growth of our interactions with the Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, and focused recruitment to build trans-disciplinary programs in diseases that affect adolescents and young adults such as sarcomas and lymphomas, as well has continuing to grow our collaborative research efforts in cancer survivorship.
Patient Family Resources
These are some of the most frequently accessed resources for families receiving care at CHOP.