Ainsley’s Angels is an organization that promotes special needs inclusivity in local running communities. It was founded in 2011 by retired U.S. Marine Maj. Kim Rossiter and his wife, Lori. When the family received news about their daughter’s terminal illness, they turned to running to enjoy the remaining time they had together.
Ainsley’s Angels is open to everyone – whether you are an individual with special needs, a neurodevelopmentally typical peer, sibling or parent. Athlete riders are propelled in specially designed running chairs by Angel runners. Together, runner and rider experience the joy, exhilaration and comradery of competitive racing.
The group’s mission is to “build awareness about the importance of inclusion, through action, while transforming populations into all-inclusive populations.” You can find Ainsley’s Angels chapters in nearly 70 communities in 30 states across the country including Southeast Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and New York.
I had the great fortune of running with Ainsley’s Angels for several years. I pushed my brother, Matty, who has cerebral palsy (see picture). The pure joy these events provide is nothing short of life-changing for everyone involved!
Ainsley’s Angels is always looking for runners, athlete riders and guardian angels to help with races. Riders must be age 2 or older and have a disability or condition that prohibits them from participating in running events without support. Come join us on a run!
For more information about Ainsley’s Angles, visit www.ainsleysangels.org. To contact a local chapter, email Amanda Piccililli at southeastpa@ainsleysangels.org or Dave Goldstein at southjersey@ainsleysangels.org.
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Ainsley’s Angels is an organization that promotes special needs inclusivity in local running communities. It was founded in 2011 by retired U.S. Marine Maj. Kim Rossiter and his wife, Lori. When the family received news about their daughter’s terminal illness, they turned to running to enjoy the remaining time they had together.
Ainsley’s Angels is open to everyone – whether you are an individual with special needs, a neurodevelopmentally typical peer, sibling or parent. Athlete riders are propelled in specially designed running chairs by Angel runners. Together, runner and rider experience the joy, exhilaration and comradery of competitive racing.
The group’s mission is to “build awareness about the importance of inclusion, through action, while transforming populations into all-inclusive populations.” You can find Ainsley’s Angels chapters in nearly 70 communities in 30 states across the country including Southeast Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and New York.
I had the great fortune of running with Ainsley’s Angels for several years. I pushed my brother, Matty, who has cerebral palsy (see picture). The pure joy these events provide is nothing short of life-changing for everyone involved!
Ainsley’s Angels is always looking for runners, athlete riders and guardian angels to help with races. Riders must be age 2 or older and have a disability or condition that prohibits them from participating in running events without support. Come join us on a run!
For more information about Ainsley’s Angles, visit www.ainsleysangels.org. To contact a local chapter, email Amanda Piccililli at southeastpa@ainsleysangels.org or Dave Goldstein at southjersey@ainsleysangels.org.
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