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Mother Calls CHOP ‘A Huge Blessing’ After Fetal Surgery For Unborn Child Amid Pandemic

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Mother Calls CHOP ‘A Huge Blessing’ After Fetal Surgery For Unborn Child Amid Pandemic
July 9, 2020

Families frequently travel to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) from all over the United States for care, and specifically for fetal surgery in the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment. Often times, they need to remain close to the hospital following surgery which can be challenging, however, the COIVD-19 pandemic has added many new layers. Meet the Kennedy family who traveled from South Carolina to undergo fetal surgery for spina bifida for their unborn baby. Despite being far from home, they were able to stay close by as they await the birth of their daughter thanks to a unique partnership with Hosts for Hospitals. Watch this CBS3 story for more.

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