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Guide to Your Child's Surgery

Guide to Your Child's Surgery

Doctor and patient in inpatient clinical care setting

We understand that a child's operation is a stressful experience for the entire family. At The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, you can rest assured that your child is in good hands.

Our staff are experts in caring for children and their families. Your child's surgical team, and everyone at CHOP who helps care for your child, will do everything possible to make his experience safe, convenient and comfortable.

Here, we've gathered information about what you and your child can expect before, during and after surgery at CHOP. We hope it will help your family as your child goes through the surgical process — from your pre-operative appointment to the recovery period at home.

Before Your Child's Surgery

The Day of Surgery

Knowing what to expect the day of your child's surgery can help everyone in the family deal with any anxiety they're feeling.

After Your Child's Surgery

Recovering from surgery can be difficult for anyone, but especially children. Help prepare your child so he can better cope with his discomfort.

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