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What to Pack for Your Child's Surgery

What to Pack for Your Child's Surgery

What you pack for your child's surgery will depend on whether your child is staying overnight, and if so, for how long. Here are some basic things you and your child will need.

If your child is staying overnight or longer, you'll want a suitcase with a change of clothing for you and your child. We provide children's pajamas and slippers, diapers, soap and shampoo, but you may want to bring your own.

Be sure to label all the personal items your child takes to the hospital or surgery center.

General items

  • Insurance and/or medical assistance information (including subscriber and access cards)
  • Name and phone number of your family physician, as well as any others involved in your child's healthcare
  • Phone numbers of friends and relatives you may need to call
  • Things to do while you're waiting during your child's surgery, such as a book, a needlework project or word puzzles

For infants and younger children

  • Any security items your child needs/wants (such as a favorite stuffed animal, blanket or pacifier)
  • An empty bottle or sippy cup to use after the surgery

For school-age children and teens

  • Favorite toy or item from home (keep these items small)
  • Personal CD/cassette player or handheld game with headphones to help them relax
  • Books and magazines
  • Cosmetics
  • School work
  • Bathrobe

Don't bring

  • Electrical items: small appliances — such as irons, televisions and radios — can be a fire and electrical hazard.
  • Medications: unless your child's physician specifically requests that you bring them, leave them at home. You may, however, want to bring a list of medicines that your child takes.
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