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Residents-as-Teachers Curriculum

Residents-as-Teachers Curriculum

The CHOP Residency Program is committed to providing our residents with a strong foundation in education through the three-year residents-as-teachers curriculum.

Intern year

Medical student education is the focus of the teaching curriculum in the first year of training.

Residents meet several times a year in small groups, facilitated by faculty, to learn core teaching skills, such as providing feedback and teaching at the bedside. The learning groups serve as an environment in which to practice new skills, discuss challenges and explore the experience of being both a learner and a teacher.

Supervisory residents

Starting in the second year, the focus of the teaching curriculum shifts to the residents’ role as a rising senior and the challenges of leading a team. During their block as a floor senior, the second year residents participate in discussions, rounds observations, and feedback sessions with the chief residents designed to enhance their experiences in a supervisory role.

Residents also participate in education-focused leadership retreats in preparation for leading rounds and managing teams effectively.

The Teach Senior Block is the main focus of the teaching curriculum in the third year, during which time the residents lead a variety of medical student educational activities, such as core curricular didactics and bedside teaching. They also have the opportunity to precept intern-directed activities. Residents also meet with a faculty member to discuss the tools and skills needed for debriefing.

Third-year residents are observed during didactic and bedside teaching sessions by faculty members and provided with feedback. Each third year resident leads a noon conference on a primary care topic and facilitates a case presentation with an intern; many incorporate some aspect of teaching into their Advocacy Project or participate in an Advanced Skills curriculum in medical education.

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