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Nine Ways to Show Your Child Love

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son leaning head on fathers shoulder

In this fast-paced world, we all need reminders to slow down, focus on what’s important, and better appreciate the people around us — especially the littlest people in our lives.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: What You Need to Know

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female athlete

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), which is often to blame for these deaths, is rare in children and adolescents. Still, it can affect anyone, even those who are young and physically fit. 

Eczema: Beating the Itch

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closeup of little boy

Winter weather is the cause of all sorts of health issues. For many kids, exposure to the dry winter air can lead to flare-ups of eczema.

Winter Indoor Fun

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smiling boy

Too cold to go outdoors? You can have plenty of fun indoors instead. Inside, there are plenty of exciting activities, some of which just might make your kids forget there is a television in the house! 

Winter Sports Safety

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boy wearing jacket with hood

Just because a cold wind is blowing doesn’t mean you have to be trapped inside. There are so many fun outdoor winter activities — sledding, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowman building or just a good old fashioned snowball fight.

Healthy Eating Tips

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CHOP Healthy Child

You don't have to make huge changes in your child's diet to get on the healthy path — and you don't have to deny your kids special treats.

How to Have the Safest Holidays

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little girl smiling

What good is it to spend three days cooking a beautiful holiday meal if your entire family comes down with food poisoning? If you’re not careful, unsafe food handling can turn the dream holiday dinner into a nightmare.

Great Ways to Be Grateful

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little girl smiling

When we gather around the holiday table with our friends, family and loved ones, we often take a moment to reflect on the year and talk about what we are thankful for. The holidays are a wonderful opportunity to start to teach your children about gratitude.

The Dangers of Sofa Sleeping for Babies

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sleeping baby

“Naptime” — the word is music to a sleep-deprived parent’s ears. But when choosing a spot to put your baby down for a snooze, there’s one place in particular you should avoid: the sofa.