Stroke Notes

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World Stroke Day — October 29

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Help Children’s Hospital spread awareness about pediatric stroke during World Stroke Day and every day.

Pediatric Stroke: Chase’s Story

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Chase sitting in his room with a basketball trophy

Chase suffered a massive stroke when he was 7. Surgery followed by therapy with CHOP’s Pediatric Stroke Program helped him regain most of his mobility.

Recent Pediatric Stroke Research

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Our latest pediatric stroke research explores the risk for seizure after stroke, as well as how stroke recurrence is related to which brain blood vessels were involved.

Arterial Ischemic Stroke: Bella’s Story

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Bella suffered a stroke as a baby, and her road to recovery has included years of therapy with CHOP’s Pediatric Stroke Program. Now 8, she dreams of becoming an engineer.

How Does Stroke Affect Thinking and Behavior?

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Many parents ask how a stroke will affect their child’s thinking and behavior. Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are seeking answers to this question.

Stroke Can Happen at Any Age

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It’s important to remember that stroke doesn’t just strike adults — children, at any age, are also at risk. Make sure you know how to identify the signs of stroke in children, and spread the word!