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Peter and His Grandson Bart

Peter and His Grandson Bart

Peter and His Grandson Bart

When Bart was 6 months old, he was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and related complications. He needed complex, life-saving surgery from multiple specialists.

Peter and Bart

Without hesitation, his parents chose Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

When Bart arrived at CHOP, his cardiologists discovered that the anatomy of his heart was unique — instead of pumping his blood forward like in healthy children, his blood pumped backwards. 

To correct the anomaly in Bart's heart, his doctors needed to act quickly. They invented a new procedure to reverse the direction of Bart's blood flow. Thanks to his doctors' skills and innovative thinking, the procedure was a success. 

'Real-life super heroes'

Bart is now a healthy and happy 24-year-old. He's had no complications from the surgery, and has no restrictions to his activities.

Bart’s grandfather, Peter, says the members of the medical team who cared for Bart at CHOP are “real-life super heroes.” He was impressed with the care his grandson received, but unsure how to demonstrate his gratitude.

Until he heard about the Grandparents Fund.

The fund, which raises money for CHOP’s Child Life, Education and Creative Arts Therapy, gives grandparents like Peter the opportunity to help other families dealing with the uncertainty of childhood illness.

Make your mark

Your gift to the Grandparents Fund will improve the lives of sick children — like the one featured above — and help CHOP continue to provide vital services to patients.

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