Nurturing Dynamic Discoveries: The Morgan Center for Research and Innovation

Creating Transformative Career Opportunities
Philadelphia joins Bloomberg Philanthropies’ first-of-its-kind initiative that connects students to job opportunities with family-sustaining wages in 10 communities across the U.S.

A Lifesaving Fetal Heart Surgery
CHOP’s Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment and Fetal Heart Program, successfully remove rare tumor from baby’s heart while still in the womb.

Gene Therapy for Genetic Hearing Loss
CHOP announces the initial results of an experimental gene therapy treatment of a patient with hereditary hearing loss in the United States.

FDA Approves Two Gene Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease
These historic approvals were based on the results of clinical trials across multiple sites, including CHOP, and are now giving patients with sickle cell new options – and new hope.

CHOP’s Center for Violence and Prevention Marks Major Milestone
CHOP's Center for Violence Prevention (CVP) celebrates 10 years of programming and research focused on reducing exposure to and impact of violence on youth and their families.

Conjoined Twins, Separated
The boys, who live with their family in Philadelphia, shared the lowest part of their sternum, diaphragm, abdominal wall, and liver.

Childhood Adversity Linked to Adolescent Stress and Mental Health Challenges
Newly published study by CHOP research is the first to validate allostatic load as measurable in teens.

Dr. Tami Benton Named Incoming President of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
CHOP’s Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Executive Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences was welcomed as AACAP’s 36th president for the 2023-2025 term.

CHOP Researchers Announce Promising Results from First-of-its-Kind, Multicenter, Phase 1 Gene Therapy Trial for Danon Disease
CHOP researchers announced encouraging results from the first ever gene therapy trial for Danon disease (DD), a rare, X-linked heart condition caused by a single gene mutation. The results of the RP-A501 Phase 1 trial were presented at a late breaking session at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024 in Chicago and in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Our numbers
With 34,829 inpatient admissions, 1.6 million outpatient visits and more than $368.7 million in external research funding, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is a big place by almost any measure. Learn about our financial summary, hospital statistics and research statistics.