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Infants with Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie) Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care

Primary Care and Outpatient Specialty Care Clinical Pathway for the Care of Infants with Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)

  • Definition of Ankyloglossia
    • Tongue is limited in range of movement and subsequent function, due to presence of restrictive sublingual frenulum
Primary Care Team Assessment
  • Restrictive Lingual Frenulum
    • with abnormal assessment
      and definitive impact on feeding
  • Unclear Restrictive Lingual Frenulum
    • and feeding is impacted
  • Expedited ENT Referral
  • Discussion with ENT or medical/dental provider
  • Consider Lactation Consult
    • Milk production concerns
    • Difficulty with latch
    • Breast or nipple pain/trauma
  • Continue to monitor growth
  • Support breast/chestfeeding
  • Re-evaluate feeding at routine visits
  • Consider Lactation Consult
    • Milk production concerns
    • Difficulty with latch
    • Breast or nipple pain/trauma
  • Consider speech (SLP) consult
    • Difficulty with bottle feeding
  • Post procedure follow-up with PCP
    • Monitor weight
    • Continue lactation and/or SLP referral for resolution of any continued feeding challenges
  • Restrictive
    Lingual Frenulum

    with impact on feeding identified
  • No Restrictive Lingual Frenulum but continued feeding difficulties
Expedited ENT Referral
  • Consider other causes
  • Monitor feeding and nutrition
  • SLP may refer to interdisciplinary feeding team if concerns appear more complex


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