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Hajime Takano, PhD

Hajime Takano, PhD

Hajime Takano, PhD

Hajime Takano, PhD, is a researcher at CHOP and an assistant professor of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.


About Hajime Takano, PhD



Research Assistant Professor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Education & training

Graduate Degree

Postdoctoral Training, Institute for Physical Research and Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

PhD - Bioengineering – Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Team affiliations

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Duygu Kuzum, Hajime Takano, Euijae Shim, Jason Reed, Halvor Juul, Andrew Richardson, Julius de Vries, Hank Bink, Marc Dichter, Timothy Lucas, Douglas Coulter, Ertugrul Cubukcu, and Brian Litt: Transparent, Flexible, Low Noise Graphene Electrodes for Simultaneous Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging. Nat Commun. 2014 Oct 20;5:5259. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6259.

Dustin Shilling, Marioly Muller, Hajime Takano, Don-On Daniel Mak, Ted Abel, Doug Coulter and J. Kevin Foskett: Suppression of InsP3 receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling alleviates mutant presenilin-linked familial Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Journal of Neuroscience 34(20): 6910-6923, 2014. 

Joshua Jackson, John O'Donnell, Hajime Takano, Douglas Coulter, and Michael Robinson: Neuronal activity and glutamate uptake decrease mitochondrial mobility in astrocytes and position mitochondria near glutamate transporters. Journal of Neuroscience 34(5): 1613-1624, 2014. 


Weerakkody TN, Patel TP, Yue C, Takano H, Anderson HC, Meaney DF, Coulter DA, Wolfe JH: Engraftment of nonintegrating neural stem cells differentially perturbs cortical activity in a dose-dependent manner. Molecular Therapy Online: 2013.  

E. Yu, C. Dengler, S. Frausto, M. Putt, C. Yue, H. Takano, D. Coulter: Protracted Postnatal Development of Sparse, Specific Dentate Granule Cell Activation in the Mouse Hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience 33(7): 2947-2960, 2013.  

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