Jessica A. Berger, MD, MHS
About Jessica A. Berger, MD, MHS
Attending Anesthesiologist
Awards and Honors
2019, Elizabeth Martinez, MD Leadership Award granted to a graduating anesthesiology resident for demonstrating outstanding qualities of leadership, May 2019
2014, Student Travel Award, Eastern Society for Pediatric Research
2014, Ferris Prize, awarded to a graduating Yale Medical Student with an outstanding medical thesis
2012, Leon Rosenberg, MD Medical Student Research Fellowship Fund in Genetics
2010, Marguerite Rush Lerner Award for Outstanding Creative Writing
Leadership and Memberships
2014-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
- Trainee member
2017-present, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia
- Trainee member
Education & training
Medical Degree
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Pediatrics - Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Combined Pediatrics and Anesthesiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD