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Ian M. Campbell, MD, PhD

Ian M. Campbell, MD, PhD

Ian M. Campbell, MD, PhD

Ian M. Campbell, MD, PhD, is an attending physician in the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics (DBHi) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Locations: Main Building

About Ian M. Campbell, MD, PhD


Attending Physician

Awards and Honors

40th Annual David W. Smith Dysmorphology Conference Best Oral Presentation

ASCI/AAP Joint Meeting Travel Award

Baylor College of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program Publication Award

ASHG/Charles J Epstein Trainee Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Research

Deborah K. Martin Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biomedical Sciences

Genomic Disorders Travel Bursary, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

The Outstanding Undergraduate: Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Concentration

Texas Department of State Health Services Genetics Internship

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for Individual Predoctoral Fellows in MD/PhD Programs F31 NS083159

Baylor College of Medicine MSTP Training Grant T32 GM007330

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Society for Human Genetics

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor, TX


Human Genetics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Campbell IM, Sheppard SE, Crowley TB, McGinn DE, Bailey A, McGinn MJ, Unolt M, Homans JF, Chen EY, Salmons HI, Gaynor JW, Goldmuntz E, Jackson OA2, Katz LE, Mascarenhas MR, Deeney VFX, Castelein RM, Zur KB, Elden L, Kallish S, Kolon TF, Hopkins SE, Chadehumbe MA, Lambert MP, Forbes BJ, Moldenhauer JS, Schindewolf EM1, Solot CB, Moss EM, Gur RE, Sullivan KE, Emanuel BS, Zackai EH, McDonald-McGinn DM. What is new with 22q? An update from the 22q and You Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Am J Med Genet A. 2018 Oct;176(10):2058-2069. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.40637.


Liu P, Yuan B, Carvalho CM, Wuster A, Walter K, Zhang L, Gambin T, Chong Z, Campbell IM, Coban Akdemir Z, Gelowani V, Writzl K, Bacino CA, Lindsay SJ, Withers M, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Wiszniewska J, Scull J, Stankiewicz P, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Zhang F, Chen K, Gibbs RA, Rautenstrauss B, Cheung SW, Smith J, Breman A, Shaw CA, Patel A, Hurles ME, Lupski JR. An Organismal CNV Mutator Phenotype Restricted to Early Human Development. Cell. 2017 Feb 23;168(5):830-842


James RA, Campbell IM, Chen ES, Boone PM, Rao MA, Bainbridge MN, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Eng CM, Posey JE, Shaw CA. A visual and curatorial approach to clinical variant prioritization and disease gene discovery in genome-wide diagnostics. Genome Med. 2016 Feb 2;8(1):13

Campbell IM, Gambin T, Jhanghiani S, Grove ML, Veeraraghavan N, Muzny D, Shaw CA, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E, Yu F, Lupski JR. Multiallelic Positions in the Human Genome: Challenges for Genetic Analyses. Hum. Mutat. 2016 Mar;37(3):231-234


Yuan B, Liu P, Gupta A, Beck CR, Tejomurtula A, Campbell IM, Gambin T, Simmons AD, Withers MA, Harris RA, Rogers J, Schwartz DC, Lupski JR. Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Human NPHP1 Locus Reveal Complex Genomic Architecture and Its Regional Evolution in Primates. PLoS Genet. 2015 Dec 7;11(12):e1005686

Yuan B, Liu P, Gupta A, Beck CR, Tejomurtula A, Campbell IM, Gambin T, Simmons AD, Withers MA, Harris RA, Rogers J, Schwartz DC, Lupski JR. Comparative genomic analyses of the human NPHP1 locus reveal complex genomic architecture and its regional evolution in primates. PLoS Genetics. 2015 Dec 7;11(12):e1005686

Karaca E, Harel T, Pehlivan D, Jhangiani S, Gambin T, Akdemir ZC, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Erdin S, Bayram Y, Campbell IM, Hunter JV, Atik MM, Van Esch H, Yuan B, Wiszniewski W, Isikay S, Yesil G, Yuregir OO, Bozdogan ST, Aslan H, Aydin H, Tos T, Aksoy A, De Vivo DC, Geckinli BB, Sezer O, Gul D, Durmaz B, Cogulu O, Ozkinay F, Topcu V, Candan S, Cebi AH, Ikbal M, Gulec EY, Gezdirici A, Koparir E, Ekici F, Coskun S, Cicek S, Karaer K, Koparir A, Duz B, Kirat E, Fenercioglu E, Ulucan H, Seven M, Guran T, Elcioglu N, Yildirim S, Aktas D, Alikaşifoğlu M, Ture M, Yakut T, Yuksel A, Ozen M, Muzny D, Gahl WA, Boerwinkle E, Chung EK, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR. Genes that affect brain structure and function identified by rare variant analyses of Mendelian neurologic disease. Neuron. 2015 Nov 4;88(3):499-513

Mayle R, Campbell IM, Beck CR, Yu Y, Wilson M, Shaw CA, Bjergbaek L, Lupski JR, Ira G. DNA REPAIR. Mus81 and converging forks limit the mutagenicity of replication fork breakage. Science. 2015 Aug 14;349(6249):742-7

Gambin T, Jhangiani SN, Below JE, Campbell IM, Wiszniewski W, Muzny DM, Staples J, Morrison AC, Bainbridge MN, Penney S, McGuire AL, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Boerwinkle E. Secondary findings and carrier test frequencies in a large multiethnic sample. Genome Med. 2015 Jun 13;7(1):54.

Gu S, Yuan B, Campbell IM, Beck CR, Carvalho CM, Nagamani SC, Erez A, Patel A, Bacino CA, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P, Cheung SW, Bi W, Lupski JR. Alu-mediated diverse and complex pathogenic copy-number variants within human chromosome 17 at p13.3. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Jul 15;24(14):4061-77

Campbell IM, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P, Lupski JR. Somatic Mosaicism: Implications for Disease and Transmission Genetics. Trends Genet. 2015 Jul;31(7):382-92

Shaw CA and Campbell IM. Variant interpretation through Bayesian fusion of frequency and genomic knowledge. Genome Med. 2015 Jan 28;7(1):4.

Startek M, Szafranski P, Gambin T, Campbell IM, Hixson P, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P, Gambin A. Genome-wide analyses of LINE-LINE-mediated nonallelic homologous recombination. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan 22;:gku1394.


Campbell IM*, Dittwald P*, Gambin T*, Beck CR, Shuvarikov A, Hixson P, Patel A, Gambin A, Shaw CA, Rosenfeld JA, Stankiewicz P. Human Endogenous Retroviral Elements Promote Genome Instability via Nonallelic Homologous Recombination. BMC Biology. 2014 Sep 23;12:74 * Equal contribution.

Campbell IM, Stewart JR, James RA, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P, Olofsson P, Shaw CA. Parent of origin, mosaicism, and recurrence risk: probabilistic modeling explains the broken symmetry of transmission genetics. Am J Hum Genet. Oct 2;95(4):345-59.

Campbell IM*, James RA*, Chen ES, Shaw CA. NetComm: a network analysis tool based on communicability. Bioinformatics. 2014 Aug 13. 2014 Aug 13. pii: btu536.

Campbell IM*, Yuan B*, Robberecht C, Pfundt R, Szafranski P, McEntagart ME, Nagamani SCS, Erez A, Bartnik M, Wisniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Plunkett KS, Pursley AN, Kang S-HL, Bi W, Lalani SR, Bacino CA, Vast M, Marks K, Patton M, Olofsson P, Patel A, Veltman JA, Cheung S-W, Shaw CA, Vissers LELM, Vermeesch JR, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P. Parental Somatic Mosaicism Is Under-recognized and Influences Recurrence Risk of Genomic Disorders. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 Aug 7;95(2):173–82. PMCID: PMC4129404

Boone PM, Yuan B, Campbell IM, Scull JC, Withers MA, Baggett BC, Beck CR, Shaw CJ, Stankiewicz P, Moretti P, Goodwin WE, Hein N, Fink JK, Seong M-W, Seo SH, Park SS, Karbassi ID, Batish SD, Ordóñez-Ugalde A, Quintáns B, Sobrido M-J, Stemmler S, Lupski JR. The Alu-Rich Genomic Architecture of SPAST Predisposes to Diverse and Functionally Distinct Disease-Associated CNV Alleles. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 Aug 7;95(2):143-61. PMCID: PMC4129405

Bayer D, Martinez C, Sorte H, Forbes L, Demmler-Harrison G, Hanson I, Pearson N, Noroski L, Bellini W, Leduc M, Yang Y, Eng C, Patel A, Rodningen O, Muzny D, Gibbs R, Campbell IM, Baker M, Zhang V, Lupski J, Orange J, Seeborg F, Stray-Pedersen A. Vaccine-Associated Varicella and Rubella Infections In Severe Combined Immunodeficiency with Isolated CD4 Lymphocytopenia and Mutations in IL7R Detected by Tandem Whole Exome Sequencing and Chromosomal Microarray. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2014 Jul 21.

Karaca E, Weitzer S, Pehlivan D, Shiraishi H, Gogakos T, Hanada T, Jhangiani SN, Wiszniewski W, Withers M, Campbell IM, Erdin S, Isikay S, Franco LM, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Gambin T, Gelowani V, Hunter JV, Yesil G, Koparir E, Yilmaz S, Brown M, Briskin D, Hafner M, Morozov P, Farazi TA, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Trattnig S, Friske J, Kronnerwetter C, Bainbridge MN, Gezdirici A, Seven M, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Ozen M, Baylor Hopkins Center for Mendelian Genomics, Clausen T, Tuschl T, Yuksel A, Hess A, Gibbs RA, Martinez J, Penninger JM, Lupski JR. Human CLP1 mutations alter tRNA biogenesis, affecting both peripheral and central nervous system function. Cell. 2014 Apr 24;157(3):636–50. PMCID: PMC4146440


Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Lotze T, Jamal L, Penney S, Campbell IM, Pehlivan D, Hunter JV, Woodbury SL, Raymond G, Adesina AM, Jhangiani SN, Reid JG, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Lupski JR, Gibbs RA, Wiszniewski W. Mutations in VRK1 associated with complex motor and sensory axonal neuropathy plus microcephaly. JAMA Neurol. 2013 Dec;70(12):1491–8. PMCID: PMC4039291

Harrison SM*, Campbell IM*, Keays M, Granberg CF, Villanueva C, Tannin G, Zinn AR, Castrillon DH, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P, Baker LA. Screening and familial characterization of copy-number variations in NR5A1 in 46,XY disorders of sex development and premature ovarian failure. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Oct;161(10):2487–94. PMCID: PMC3788034

Shuvarikov A*, Campbell IM*, Dittwald P, Neill NJ, Bialer MG, Moore C, Wheeler PG, Wallace SE, Hannibal MC, Murray MF, Giovanni MA, Terespolsky D, Sodhi S, Cassina M, Viskochil D, Moghaddam B, Herman K, Brown CW, Beck CR, Gambin A, Cheung S-W, Patel A, Lamb AN, Shaffer LG, Ellison JW, Ravnan JB, Stankiewicz P, Rosenfeld JA. Recurrent HERV-H-mediated 3q13.2-q13.31 deletions cause a syndrome of hypotonia and motor, language, and cognitive delays. Hum. Mutat. 2013 Oct;34(10):1415–23.

Campbell IM, Rao M, Arredondo SD, Lalani SR, Xia Z, Kang S-HL, Bi W, Breman AM, Smith JL, Bacino CA, Beaudet AL, Patel A, Cheung S-W, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P, Ramocki MB, Shaw CA. Fusion of Large-Scale Genomic Knowledge and Frequency Data Computationally Prioritizes Variants in Epilepsy. PLoS Genet. 2013 Sep;9(9):e1003797. PMCID: PMC3784560

Wiszniewski W, Hunter JV, Hanchard NA, Willer JR, Shaw C, Tian Q, Illner A, Wang X, Cheung SW, Patel A, Campbell IM, Hixson P, Ester AR, Azamian MS, Potocki L, Zapata G, Hernandez PP, Ramocki MB, Santos-Cortez RLP, Wang G, York MK, Justice MJ, Chu ZD, Bader PI, Omo-Griffith L, Madduri NS, Scharer G, Crawford HP, Yanatatsaneejit P, Eifert A, Kerr J, Bacino CA, Franklin AIA, Goin-Kochel RP, Simpson G, Immken L, Haque ME, Stosic M, Williams MD, Morgan TM, Pruthi S, Omary R, Boyadjiev SA, Win KK, Thida A, Hurles M, Hibberd ML, Khor CC, Van Vinh Chau N, Gallagher TE, et al. TM4SF20 Ancestral Deletion and Susceptibility to a Pediatric Disorder of Early Language Delay and Cerebral White Matter Hyperintensities. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 Jun 26. PMCID: PMC3738832

Boone PM, Campbell IM, Baggett BC, Soens ZT, Rao MM, Hixson PM, Patel A, Bi W, Cheung S-W, Lalani SR, Beaudet AL, Stankiewicz P, Shaw CA, Lupski JR. Deletions of recessive disease genes: CNV contribution to carrier states and disease-causing alleles. Genome Res. 2013 May 16. PMCID: PMC3759716


Chotewutmontri P, Reddick LE, McWilliams DR, Campbell IM, Bruce BD. Differential Transit Peptide Recognition During Preprotein Binding and Translocation into Chloroplasts. Plant Cell 2012 Jul;24(7):3040-59 PMCID: PMC3426131

Campbell IM*, Yatsenko SA*, Hixson P, Reimschisel T, Thomas M, Wilson W, Dayal U, Wheless JW, Crunk A, Curry C, Parkinson N, Fishman L, Riviello JJ, Nowaczyk MJM, Zeesman S, Rosenfeld JA, Bejjani BA, Shaffer LG, Cheung S-W, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P, Scaglia F. Novel 9q34.11 gene deletions encompassing combinations of four Mendelian disease genes: STXBP1, SPTAN1, ENG, and TOR1A. Genet Med. 2012 Oct;14(10):868–76. PMCID: PMC3713627

Boone PM, Soens ZT, Campbell IM, Stankiewicz P, Cheung S-W, Patel A, Beaudet AL, Plon SE, Shaw CA, McGuire AL, Lupski JR. Incidental copy-number variants identified by routine genome testing in a clinical population. Genet Med. 2012 Aug 9. PMCID: PMC3705759


Campbell IM, Kolodziejska KE, Quach MM, Wolf VL, Cheung S-W, Lalani SR, Ramocki MB, Stankiewicz P. TGFBR2 deletion in a 20-month-old female with developmental delay and microcephaly. Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Jun;155(6):1442–7. PMCID: PMC3646644


Reddick LE, Vaughn MD, Wright SJ, Campbell IM, Bruce BD: In vitro comparative kinetic analysis of the chloroplast Toc GTPases.  J Bio Chem 2007; 15: 11410-26

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