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Naema Chowdhury, MD

Naema Chowdhury, MD

Naema Chowdhury, MD

Naema Chowdhury, MD, is pulmonologist with the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

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About Naema Chowdhury, MD



Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

American Academy of Pediatrics
 - Section on International Child Health
American College of Chest Physicians
American Thoracic Society

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - St. Georges University, School of Medicine, Grenada, WI


Pediatrics - Maimonides Infant and Children’s Hospital, Brooklyn, NY


Pediatric Pulmonology - University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL

Additional Training

Summer Outcomes Research Training - University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL

Team affiliations

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Chowdhury N, Giles BL, Dell SD. Full-Term Neonatal Respiratory Distress and Chronic Lung Disease. Pediatric Annals 2019.

Morgan S, Mathai G, Thomas G, Chowdhury N, Giles BL. Evaluation of Aerosolized Medication Dose Delivery Utilizing a Syringe Pump and Vibrating Mesh Nebulization Via Infant High-Flow Nasal Cannula. Respiratory Care October 2019.

Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)


Chowdhury N, Giles BL. The Effect on Lung Function with Tiotropium in Severe Asthma Pediatric Patients. ATS National Conference 2021.


Chowdhury N, Giles BL, Morgan S, Dowell M. Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation as an Alternative Method of Airway Clearance for Pediatric Patients on Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation.ATS National Conference 2020.

Lectures by Invitation


Chowdhury N. Evaluation and Management of Respiratory Distress in the Newborn. Bangladesh Pediatric Association. 2020.

Chowdhury N. Critical Care Management of Pediatric Covid-19 patients. Bangladesh Pediatric Association. 2020.


Chowdhury N. Pediatric Inhalational Injury. Department of Pediatrics, Comer Childrens Hospital, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL. 2019.

Chowdhury N. Differentials of Wheezing. Resident Lecture Series, Department of Pediatrics, Comer Childrens Hospital, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL. 2019.

Chowdhury N. Sports, Humidity and Asthma. South Side Pediatric Asthma Center Education Symposium. Chicago, IL. 2019.

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