Victoria A. Miller, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Victoria A. Miller, PhD
Pediatric Psychologist
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2014, Recipient, Marjorie A. Bowman New Investigator Research Award, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
2009 Fellow, NICHD Summer Institute on Applied Research in Child and Adolescent Development (June 21-26)
1999-2004 Trainee, Research Training in Pediatric Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health (T32 training grant, Case Western Reserve University, 5T32MH018830, PI: Drotar)
1999 Recipient, Armington Research Program on Values in Children grant, Case Western Reserve University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
2006-present, Society for Research in Child Development
1999-present, American Psychological Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
2010-present, Editorial Board, Journal of Pediatric Psychology
2010-present, Associate Editor, AJOB Empirical Bioethics
2013 Guest Editor, AJOB Empirical Bioethics, Special Issue: “Contributions of Psychological Science to Empirical Bioethics”
Research Interests
Independent self-management of chronic illness (e.g., cystic fibrosis, type 1 diabetes, asthma), with a particular focus on the development of decision making autonomy and competence. Informed consent and assent in pediatric medical settings, with specific projects and papers related to physician-parent-patient communication, parental decision making control, and children’s role in decision making.
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical Psychology - Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Department of Psychology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Center for Research Integrity, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Miller, V.A. & Jawad, A. (2014). Relationship of youth involvement in diabetes-related decisions to treatment adherence. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 21, 183-189.
Ginsberg, J.P., Li, Y., Carlson, C.A., Gracia, C.R., Hobbie, W.L., Miller, V.A., Mulhall, J., Shnorhavorian, M., Brinster, R.L., & Kolon, T.F. (2014). Testicular tissue cryopreservation in prepubertal male children: An analysis of parental decision-making. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 61(9), 1673-1678.
Millington, K., Miller, V.A., Rubenstein, R., & Kelly, A. (2014). Patient and parent perceptions of the diagnosis and management of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology, 1(3), 100-107.
Hill, D.L., Miller, V.A., Walter, J.K., Carroll, K.W., Morrison, W.E., Munson, D.A., Kang, T.I., Hinds, P.S., Feudtner, C. (2014). Regoaling: A conceptual model of how parents of children with serious illness change medical care goals. BMC Palliative Care, 13(1). 9. DOI: 10.1186/1472-684X-13-9.
Lipstein, E.A., Brinkman, W.B., Fix, A., Hendrix, K.S., Kryworuchko, J., Miller, V.A., Prosser, L.A., Ungar, W., & Fox, D. (2014). An emerging field of research: Challenges in pediatric decision making. Medical Decision Making. DOI: 10.1177/0272989X14546901.
Miller, V.A., Baker, J.N., Leek, A.C., Drotar, D., Kodish, E. (2014). Patient involvement in informed consent for pediatric cancer research. Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000000112.
Miller, V.A., Cousino, M., Leek, A.C., & Kodish, E. (2014). Hope and persuasion by physicians during informed consent. Journal of Clinical Oncology. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2014.55.2588. 3. Miller, S.D., Li, Y., Meyers, K.E.C., Caplan, A., Miller, V.A., & Ginsberg, J.P. (2014). Fertility preservation in paediatric nephrology: Results of a physician survey. Journal of Renal Care. DOI: 10.1111/jorc.12079.
Feudtner, C., Walter, J.K., Faerber, J.A., Hill, D.L., Carroll, K.W., Mollen, C., Miller, V.A., Morrison, W., Munson, D., Kang, T., & Hinds, P. (2014). Good parent beliefs of parents of seriously ill children. JAMA Pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.2341.
Walter, J., Odeniyi, F., Faerber, J., Fiks, A., Miller, V.A., & Feudtner, C. (2014, May). Parental preferences for shared decision making in children with special health care needs. Paper presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Bernhardt, B.A., Tomlinson, A.N, Miller, V.A., Pyeritz, R.E., Dechene, E., Merz, J., Ulrich, C., Spinner, N.B., Krantz, I.D. (2014, March). Experience with informed consent for whole exome sequencing in children. Paper presented at the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Tomlinson, A.N., Miller, V.A., Pyeritz, R.E., DeChene, E.T., Merz, J.F., Ulrich, C., Spinner, N.B., Krantz, I.D., & Bernhardt, B.A. (2014, March). Complex decisions about complex data: An analysis of informed consent for pediatric whole exome sequencing. Poster presented at the American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting. Nashville, TN.
Swartzendruber, T.R., Friedrich, E.A., & Miller, V.A. (2014, March). Children’s involvement in decisions about research enrollment: Associations with fairness, voice, and satisfaction with the decision making process. Poster presented at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Landers, S.E., Jawad, A.F., & Miller, V.A. (2014, March). Child satisfaction with parent-child illness management discussions in youth with type 1 diabetes or cystic fibrosis. Poster presented at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Miller, V.A., Baker, J.N., Leek, A.C., Hizlan, S., Rheingold, S.R., Yamokoski, A.D., Drotar, D., Kodish, E. (2013). Adolescent perspectives on phase I cancer research. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 60(5), 873-878.
Hexem, K., Miller, V.A., Carroll, K., & Feudtner, C. (2013). Putting on a happy face: Emotional expression in parents of children with serious illness. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 45(3), 542-551.
Orioles, A., Miller, V.A., Kersun, L., Ferrara, M., & Morrison, W.E. (2013). “To be a phenomenal doctor you have to be the whole package:” Physicians’ interpersonal behaviors during difficult conversations in pediatrics. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16(8), 929-933.
Levenseller, B.L., Soucier, D.J., Miller, V.A., Harris, D., Conway, L., & Bernhardt, B. (2013). Stakeholders’ opinions on the implementation of pediatric whole exome sequencing: Implications for informed consent. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 23(4), 552-565.
Hill, D.L., Miller, V.A., Hexem, K.R., Carroll, K., Faerber, J.A., Kang, T., & Feudtner, C. (2013). Problems and hopes perceived by mothers, fathers, and physicians of children receiving palliative care. Health Expectations. doi: 10.1111/hex.12078.
Elliott, R.D., Miller, V.A., & Davies, W.H. (2013, May). Adaptation of the child-report Decision-Making Involvement Scale for emerging adults. Poster presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Gaber, M.M., Miller, V.A., & Davies, W.H. (2013, May). Parent-child communication in the prevention of the Choking Game. Poster presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Miller, V.A. (2013, April). Introduction to Symposium, “Ethical Challenges in Pediatric Psychology Research and Practice,” National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Friedrich, E., Swartzendruber, T., Berry, M., Ruwaih, N., & Miller, V.A. (2013, April). Characteristics and correlates of parent-child discussions about diabetes and cystic fibrosis management. Poster presented at the National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Berry, M. & Miller, V.A. (2013, April). Relationship of parental coercion and autonomy support to adherence in youth with type 1 diabetes or cystic fibrosis. Poster presented at the National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Elliott, R. D., Miller, V.A., & Davies, W.H. (2013, April). Convergent validity of the Decision-Making Involvement Scale with a measure of parenting style. Poster presented at the National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Gaber, M., Miller, V.A., & Davies, W.H. (2013, April). Predictors of parent-child prevention discussions about the choking game. Poster presented at the National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, V.A., Reynolds, W.W., & Nelson, R.M. (2009). Children in research: Linking assent and parental permission. In V. Ravitsky, A. Feister, & A. Caplan: The Penn Center guide to bioethics. New York: Springer, 473-482.