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Tori N. Sutherland, MD, MPH

Tori N. Sutherland, MD, MPH

Tori N. Sutherland, MD, MPH

Tori N. Sutherland, MD, MPH, is an attending anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


About Tori N. Sutherland


Attending Anesthesiologist

Assistant Professor of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Pediatric Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Awards and Honors

2018, Boston Children’s Hospital Folkman Research Day, Best Clinical Poster, Boston, MA
2015, BIDMC-Harvard School of Public Health Global Health Intensive award, Boston, MA
2008, Capstone award (Best Thesis), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
2006, Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, Watson Foundation, New York, “Maternal mortality reduction and obstetric patient safety”

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations 

2016-present, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia
2014-present, American Society of Anesthesiologists

Education & training

Graduate Degree

MPH - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

Medical Degree

MD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX


General Surgery - Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA


Anesthesiology - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA


Pediatric Anesthesiology - Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Team affiliations

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Teja BJ, Sutherland TN, Barnett SR, Talmor DS. Cost-Effectiveness Research in Anesthesiology. Anesth Analg. 2018 Mar 21. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003334. [Epub ahead of print]


Sutherland TN, Rusats EL, Mutangana A, Banguti P. Formulation of a National Surgical Plan in Rwanda: A Model for Integration of Physician and Non-Physician Anaesthetists. Br J Anaesth. 2017 Dec 1;119(6):1232-1233. doi: 10.1093/bja/aex397.


Sutherland T1, Musafiri S, Twagirumugabe T, Talmor D, Riviello ED. Oxygen as an Essential Medicine: Under- and Over-Treatment of Hypoxemia in Low- and High-Income Nations. Crit Care Med. 2016 Oct;44(10):e1015-6. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001912.

Sutherland T., David-Kasdan JA., Beloff J., Mueller A., Whang EE., Bleday R., Urman RD.  Patient and Provider-identified factors contributing to surgical readmission after colorectal surgery.  (2016)  J Invest Surg Feb;18(1-7).


Najjar P., Kachalia A., Sutherland T., Beloff J., David-Kasdan JA., Bates DW.,  Urman, RD. A multidisciplinary three-phase approach to improve the clinical utility of patient safety indicators. (2015) Qual Manag Health Care. 2015 Apr-Jun;24(2):62-8.

Sutherland T., Beloff, J., Lightowler M., Liu X., Kachalia A., Urman RD. Implementation of measures to improve SCIP perioperative beta-blocker compliance: quality and financial implications. (2015) Health Care Manager. Jul-Sep;34(3):192-8.

Sutherland T., Beloff, J., McGrath C., Liu X., Pimentel MT., Kachalia A., Bates D. Urman RD.  A single-center multidisciplinary initiative to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection rates: Quality and financial implications. (2015) Health Care Manager.  Jul-Sep;34(3):218-24.


Sutherland T., Beloff, J., Lightowler M., Liu X., Nascimben L., Kaye AD., Urman RD. Description of a multidisciplinary initiative to improve SCIP measures related to pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis compliance: a single-center success story. (2014) Patient Saf Surg. Sept 17; 8(1)37.

Sutherland T., Beloff, J., Lightowler M., Liu X., Nascimben L., Urman RD. Process measures to improve SCIP perioperative prophylactic antibiotic compliance: quality and financial implications.  Health Care Manager. 2014 Oct-Dec;33(4):289-96.


Sutherland T., Pearle M., Lotan Y. How much is a kidney worth? Cost-effectiveness of imaging after ureteroscopy for prevention of silent obstruction. (2013) J Urol;189(6):2136-41.

Sutherland T., Downing JM., Miller SM., Bishai DM, Butrick E., Kahn, J.  Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) for maternal hemorrhage saves lives and money for women in severe shock. (2013) PLoS One. 8(4):e62282.


Sutherland T., Pierce CB., Blomquist JL., Handa VL. Breastfeeding practices among first-time mothers and across multiple pregnancies. (2011) Maternal and Child Health Journal Aug 12, epub.


Sutherland T., Meyer C., Bishai D., Gellar S, Miller S. Community-based distribution of misoprostol for treatment or prevention of postpartum hemorrhage: Cost-effectiveness, mortality and morbidity reduction analysis. (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics Mar;108(3):289-94.

Sutherland T., Bishai  D. Cost-effectiveness of two maternal mortality interventions in rural India. (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 104(3):189-93.


Miller S., Turan J.M., Dau K., Fathalla M., Mourad M., Sutherland T., Hamza S., Lester F., Gibson E.B., Gipson R., Nada K., Hensleigh P. “Can the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) help women survive delays contributing to maternal mortality in low-resource settings?” (2007) Global Public Health Journal 2(2): 110-124.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Sutherland T., Lalwani K. Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. In Pediatric Anesthesia. Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 2018.

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