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Monica Williams, MD

Monica Williams, MD

Monica Williams, MD

Monica Williams, MD, is an attending anesthesiologist with the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Neurodevelopment, Cerebral palsy


About Monica Williams, MD


Attending Anesthesiologist

Research Interests

Kynuernine pathway

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA


Anesthesiology - Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC


Anesthesiology - Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC


Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Team affiliations

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Griffiths, M., Yang, J., Everett, A.D. Jenning, J.M. Freire, G. Williams, M.A. Nies, M. McGrath-Morrow, S.A. Collaco, J.M. Endostatin And ST2 are Predictors of Pulmonary Hypertension Disease Course in Infants. J. of Perinatology 2020;40:1625-1633. DOI: 10.1038/s41372-020-0671-8


Lee A.E., Pandiyan P., Liu M.M., Williams M.A., Everett A.D., Mueller G.P., Morriss M.C., Raman L., Carlson D., Gatson J.W. Tau is Elevated in Pediatric Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. ASAIO J. 2018;66(1)91-96. DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000923

Zhang Z., Jyoti A., Balakrishnan B., Williams M., Singh S., Chugani D., & Kannan S. Trajectory of Inflammatory and Microglial Activation Markers in the Postnatal Rabbit Brain Following Intrauterine Endotoxin Exposure. Neurobiology of Disease 2018;111:153-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.12.013

Lee, J. K., Williams, M., Reyes, M., & Ahn, E. S. Cerebrovascular Blood Pressure Autoregulation Monitoring and Postoperative Transient Ischemic Attack in Pediatric Moyamoya Vasculopathy. Pediatric Anesthesia 2018;28(2)94-102. DOI: 10.1111/pan.13293


Williams M., Zhang Z., Nance E., Drewes J.L., Lesniak W.G., Singh S., Chugani D.C., Rangaramanujam K., Graham D.R., Kannan S. Maternal Inflammation Results in Altered Tryptophan Metabolism in Rabbit Placenta and Fetal Brain. Dev Neurosci. 2017;39(5):399-412 DOI: 10.1159/000471509


Zhang Z., Bassam B., Thomas A.G., Williams M., Liu J., Nance E., Rojas C., Slusher B.S., Kannan S. Maternal Inflammation Leads to Impaired Glutamate Homeostasis and Up-Regulation of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Activated Microglia in the Fetal/Newborn Rabbit Brain. Neurobiol Dis. 2016;94:116-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2016.06.010


Williams M.A., Lee JK. Intraoperative Blood Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion: Strategies to Clarify Hemodynamic Goals. Pediatric Anesthesia 2014; 24(7):657-67. DOI: 10.1111/pan.12401.


Lee J.K., Williams M., Jennings J.M., Jamrogowicz J.L., Larson A.C., Jordan L.C., Heitmiller E.S., Hogue C.W., Ahn E.S. Cerebrovascular Autoregulation in Pediatric Moyamoya Disease. Pediatric Anesthesia 2013;23(6):547-556.

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