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Mama Care Prenatal Care and Support Group

Mama Care Prenatal Care and Support Group

What is Mama Care?

Mama Care combines prenatal care, education and social support into one group program for mothers delivering in the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit (SDU) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Each Mama Care group consists of four two- hour long sessions facilitated by SDU midwives and nurses. During each session you will have a private prenatal visit with a midwife as well as time for interactive discussion with other pregnant SDU patients.

Any additional services required such as ultrasounds, echocardiograms, or consults can be coordinated to occur around the group. A partner or support person is welcome to join you during the sessions. Snacks are provided.

With Mama Care, you will:

  • Enjoy unhurried time with your provider
  • Learn more about your care on the SDU
  • Form a supportive community with other SDU families
  • Share your experiences in a relaxed and fun setting

Topics covered include:

For more information, please talk to your CHOP healthcare team or call 800-468-8376.

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