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CHOP Concussion Expert Leads New Policy Statement on Vision Disorders After Head Injuries

News Brief
CHOP Concussion Expert Leads New Policy Statement on Vision Disorders After Head Injuries
July 17, 2022

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a new policy statement online today that provides guidance to pediatricians on what to do about potential vision disorders following a concussion. The AAP is joined by three other leading ophthalmology organizations as co-authors of this important policy statement.

Christina L. Master, MD, a sports medicine pediatrician and co-director of the Minds Matter Concussion Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), is lead author of this statement and accompanying clinical report, and several studies conducted by CHOP’s concussion researchers helped inform this important set of recommendations.

Concussion is a common childhood injury that affects 1.4 million children and adolescents nationwide each year. Many of these concussions happen during sports or other recreational activities, and patients can experience difficulty reading, blurred vision, trouble focusing, and eye fatigue as possible symptoms.

“While vision problems following a concussion typically resolve over time, they can have a substantial impact on children in their school and extra-curricular activities,” Master said in her AAP statement. “Pediatricians play a significant role in learning to identify kids who will need school accommodations and management of the injury throughout recovery, or even extra care from a specialist.”

Read the full press release from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Learn more about concussions and their impact on concussions from the Center for Injury Research and Prevention.

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