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Gregory Tasian, MD, Receives 2016 Young Physician-Scientist Award

News Brief
Gregory Tasian, MD, Receives 2016 Young Physician-Scientist Award
April 28, 2016

Gregory Tasian MD, MSc, MSCE

Over the last 25 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the prevalence of kidney stones in pediatric patients. CHOP urologist Gregory E. Tasian, MD, MSc, MSCE, has spearheaded important research committed to better understanding this disease and how it can be more effectively treated in children.

In recognition of his research and clinical efforts, Tasian recently received the 2016 Young Physician-Scientist Award. He accepted the award at a joint meeting of the Association of American Physicians, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, and the American Physician Scientists Association held in Chicago.

At the meeting, Tasian presented highlights from his 2014 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, which suggested that rising temperatures due to climate change could offer a possible explanation for the rising rates of kidney stones.

In another line of research, Tasian is seeking to identify certain dietary factors that may be contributing to why kidney stone disease is starting earlier in life.

The ultimate goal of this research is to develop interventions that will keep children and their families out of the hospitals. Developing a risk-based approach to increase fluid intake using mobile devices will help us provide care in the home and prevent future Emergency Department visits, inpatient admissions and surgeries.

Tasian’s research efforts were recently highlighted in a blog post from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Research Institute. Read more about his findings and other promising research projects underway.

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