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Single Cell Technology Zooms In for Clearer View of High-risk Pediatric Cancers

News Brief
Single Cell Technology Zooms In for Clearer View of High-risk Pediatric Cancers
December 9, 2018

Dr. Tan, an investigator in the Center for Childhood Cancer Research (CCCR) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and co-principal investigator Stephen Hunger, MD, Chief of the Division of Oncology and Director of the CCCR, were awarded a five-year research grant totaling $12.5 million to create the Center for Pediatric Tumor Cell Atlas as part of a 10-center national consortium.

Dr. Tan and Dr. Hunger will work closely with other key investigators at CHOP. The team is the only pediatric cancer group receiving the award on account of its world-class pediatric cancer researchers, large volume of patients, and unique ability to acquire biosamples of what is considered a rare disease — pediatric cancer. Their project is under the umbrella of the larger Moonshot Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) that aims to generate atlases of a diverse cancer patient population and high-risk cancers.

Read more on the Cornerstone blog.

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