Mary Kate F. Abbadessa, MSN, RN, ACCNS-P, CPEN
Areas of expertise: Pediatric Emergency Nursing, Sepsis, Trauma and Resuscitation
Locations: Main Building
About Mary Kate F. Abbadessa, MSN, RN, ACCNS-P, CPEN
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Emergency Department
Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN)
Pediatric Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist (ACCNS-P)
Awards and Honors
2018, CNO Safety Award
2018, Sepsis Alliance Erin’s Campaign for Kid’s Pediatric Nurse Award
2015, Lorri Rudolph Excellence In Nursing Education Award
Academic Excellence Honor in Graduate Studies
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society- Alpha Nu Chapter
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2017-present, Children’s Hospital Association Improving Pediatric Sepsis Outcomes Collaborative: Nursing Affinity Group Member
Emergency Nurses Association
Association for Nursing Professional Development
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Sigma Theta Tau – Alpha Nu Chapter
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
Hospital Resuscitation Committee, Co-Chair
Research Interests
Pediatric Emergency Nursing
Trauma and Resuscitation
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSN - Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Graduate Degree
MSN, Education - Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Additional Training
Post-Master's Certificate in Pediatric Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Esposito J, Lavelle J, M’Farrej M, Jhonsa A, Perry E, Felix A, Crescenzo K, Abbadessa MK, Hayes K. Responding to a Behavioral Health Crisis: Implementing a New Care Model in the Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care; 38(2): e1147-1150. 2022. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002407
Donoghue A, Heard D, Griffin R, Abbadessa MK, Gaines S, Je S, Hanna R, Erbayri J, Myers S, Niles D, Nadkarni V. Longitudinal effect of high frequency training on CPR performance during simulated and actual pediatric cardiac arrest. Resuscitation Plus. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100117
Lavoie M, Tay KY, Good G, Buchhalter L, Abbadessa MK, Gaines S, Myers S. Simulation a Dynamic Tool to Reorganize Pediatric Emergency Department Resuscitation During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Beyond. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2021. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002384
Abbadessa MK, Potts D, Gaines S. Triage. In: Shaw KN, Bachur RG, eds. Fleisher & Ludwig’s The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 8th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020.
Myers S, Abbadessa MK, Gaines S, Lavelle J, Ercolani J, Shotwell C, Donoghue M. Repurposing Video Review Infrastructure for Clinical Resuscitation Care in the Age of Covid-19. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2020.08.030
Souganidis E, Abbadessa MK, Ku B, Minich C, Lavelle J, Zorc J, Balamuth F. Analysis of Missed Sepsis Patients in a Pediatric Emergency Department with a vital Sign-Based Electronic Sepsis Alert. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002207
Blick C, Vinograd A, Chung J, Nguyen E, Abbadessa MKF, Gaines S, Chen A. Procedural competency for ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheter insertion for nurses in a pediatric emergency department. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2020. doi: 10.1177/1129729820937131
Donoghue A, Abbadessa MK, Hsieh T-C, Frankenberger W, Myers S. How Much Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Does a Pediatric Emergency Provider Perform in 1 Year? A Video-Based Analysis. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2020. doi:10.1097/pec.0000000000001625.
Donohue A, Myers S, Kerrey B, Sandler A, Keane R, Watanabe I, Hanna R, Abbadessa MK, Frey M, O’Connell, K. Analysis of CPR quality by individual providers in the pediatric emergency department. Resuscitation. 2020. Doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.05.026
Fesnak S, Abbadessa MK, Hayes K, et al. Sepsis in Complex Patients in the Emergency Department: Time to Recognition and Therapy in Pediatric Patients with High-Risk Conditions. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020; 36(2). doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002038
Abbadessa MK. Call to Action: The Need for Best Practice for Boarding the Pediatric Intensive Care Patient in the Emergency Department. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jen.2019.10.009
Frankenberger W, Ely B, Abbadessa MK, et al. Nursing Research Priorities in the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN): Reaching consensus through the Delphi Method. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jen.2019.07.014
Desai K, Vinograd AM, Abbadessa MKF, Chen AE. Longevity and Complication Rates of Ultrasound Guided Versus Traditional Peripheral Intravenous Catheters in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access. 2018;23(3):149-154. doi:10.1016/j.java.2018.06.002.
Jang HY, Wolfe H, Hsieh T-C, Abbadessa MK, et al. Infant chest compression quality: A video-based comparison of two-thumb versus one-hand technique in the emergency department. Resuscitation. 2018;122:36-40. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2017.11.044.
Balamuth F, Alpern E, Abbadessa MK, Hayes K, Schast A, Lavelle L, Fitzgerald J, Weiss S, Zorc J: Improving Recognition of Pediatric Severe Sepsis in the Emergency Department: Contributions of a Vital Sign Based Electronic Alert and Bedside Clinician Identification. Ann Emerg Med. 2017;70(6). doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2017.03.019.
Vinograd A, Zorc JJ, Dean AJ, Abbadessa MK, Chen AE: First attempt success, longevity and complication rates of ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous catheters in children. Pediatric Emergency Care. Pediatric Emergency Care, 2018;34(6):376-380. doi:10.1097/pec.0000000000001063.
Payal K. Gala, MD, Ashlee L. Murray, MD, Aileen P. Schast, PhD, Christian Minich, BA, Ashley L. Woodford, BS, Katie Hayes, BS, Mary Kate Funari, MSN, RN, CPEN, Richard Scarfone, MD, Fran Balamuth, MD, PhD, MSCE: Implementation of a Clinical Pathway to Avoid Lumbar Puncture in Febrile Young Infants Aged 29-56 Days Meeting a Set of Low Risk Criteria. Pediatrics 137(Supplement 3): 282A, February 2016.
Lavelle JM, Blackstone MM, Funari MK, Roper C, Lopez P, Schast A, Taylor AM, Voorhis CB, Henien M, Shaw KN: Two-Step Process for ED UTI Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates. Pediatrics: 138:1, Page: e20153023, July 2015.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Debra A. Potts MSN, RN, CPEN and Mary Kate Funari, MSN, RN, CPEN: Triage. Fleisher & Ludwig’s The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Seventh Edition. Kathy N. Shaw, Richard G. Bachur (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, November 2015.
Fran Balamuth, MD, PhD, MSCE, Debra A. Potts, MSN, RN, CPEN, Mary Kate Funari, MSN, RN, CPEN and Jane Lavelle, MD: Clinical Pathways: Shock. Fleisher & Ludwig’s The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Seventh Edition. Kathy N. Shaw, Richard G. Bachur (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, November 2015.
Richard J. Scarfone, MD, Payal K. Gala, MD, and Mary Kate Funari, MSN, RN, CPEN: Clinical Pathways: Fever in Infants. Fleisher & Ludwig’s The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Seventh Edition. Kathy N. Shaw, Richard G. Bachur (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, November 2015.
Callahan JM, Baldwin KD, Wood M, Valente C, Funari MK, Johnson T, Freedman R, Matera G, Zorc JJ, Schast A: Improving Fracture Care in an Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine: Research Forum Abstracts 2015, 66:4, S20.