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Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Program News

Your child’s care team may include experts from several areas of medicine, including pediatric orthopedic surgery, oncology, diagnostic and interventional radiology, radiation oncology and more.

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CHOP Establishes Kelly and Chad Punchard Endowed Chair in Translational Sarcoma Research

Aug 18, 2023

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has announced the establishment of the Punchard Family Endowed Chair in Translational Sarcoma Research. Patrick J. Grohar, MD, PhD, an attending physician with the Cancer Center and the Director of Translational Research with the Center for Childhood Cancer Research at CHOP, has been named the inaugural chair holder.

FDA Approves Drug for Rare Cancer

Jul 25, 2022

CHOP played an instrumental role in leading one of two clinical trials that led to the approval of Xalkori® for unresectable, recurrent, or refractory ALK-positive IMT.

Case Study: Rotationplasty for Osteosarcoma

Jan 6, 2021

Van Nes rotationplasty surgery for osteosarcoma is a “functional amputation” in which the the foot is rotated 180 degrees on the vertical axis and the ankle becomes a functioning knee joint.

Rarity of Ewing Sarcoma Makes Quick Diagnosis Uncommon

Nov 10, 2017

We present three cases of Ewing sarcoma treated at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where a multidisciplinary team of experts focuses on curing the patients as well as preserving limb function and growth potential.
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