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Center for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Stories Listing

Gastroenterologists with special expertise in IBD will evaluate and treat your child, providing expert care from diagnosis through long-term disease management. Nurses, nutritionists and other specialists at CHOP are an important part of our team.

Appointments and referrals
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: Emily’s Story

Emily is an energetic teenager. She’s able to better enjoy her passions like acting thanks to treatment for her Crohn’s at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: Sydney’s Story

Sydney is an energetic and well-rounded 10-year-old. Thanks to nutrition therapy at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, her Crohn’s disease is under control. 
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: David’s Story

David came to CHOP as a teen to manage his Crohn’s. His parents now co-chair the Family Research Council, which supports research at the IBD Center.
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: Matthew’s Story

Matthew’s problem was a mystery until he came to Children’s Hospital. After a diagnosis of Crohn’s, nutrition treatment has Matthew, 3, eating normally and thriving.
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: Carter’s Story

Carter was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at age 5. With nutrition treatment, he’s growing again and back to playing his favorite game: basketball. 
Patient story

Crohn’s Disease: Lucy’s Story

Lucy plays lacrosse, loves to bake, and shocks people with her theatrical makeup skills. She’s back to enjoying life after being very sick with Crohn’s disease.
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