Division of Neonatology News and Updates

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Team Approach Yields Optimal Outcomes for Preterm Infant

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An ex 23-week male infant was diagnosed with chronic lung disease. The rich experience and multidisciplinary collaboration of the NeoCLD Program resulted in significant improvement of the baby’s CLD.

ECMO Program Surpasses 1,000 Patients Treated

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The Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Program at CHOP is one of the most active programs in the country, recently surpassing 1,000 patients treated.

Neonatal Quality and Patient Safety

Jacquelyn Evans, MD, FRCP, FAAP, is leading the charge to optimize clinical care and improve patient safety across CHOP's Newborn Care Network.

CHOP Neonatologist Recognized for Fetal Growth Retardation Research

Rebecca A. Simmons, MD, an attending neonatologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was lauded for her research into the underlying molecular mechanisms that link fetal growth retardation to the later development of obesity and type 2 diabetes in adulthood.
