Danielle Carlin, MSW, LCSW

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Danielle Carlin, MSW, LCSW, is a social worker with the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Locations: Main Hospital
Appointments and Referrals: 1-800-TRY-CHOP (1-800-879-2467)

Education and Training

Board Certification

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
Licensed Social Worker (LSW)

Undergraduate Degree

BS-Health Behavior Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Graduate Degree

MSW - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Titles and Academic Titles

Social Worker

Departments and Services


Posters and Presentations


Strauss D. “Addressing unmet need and social determinants of health affecting children with special health care needs-assessment screening tool”. Poster Presentation, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA, June 2018.