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Leah Carr

Leah Carr, MD

Leah Carr

Leah Carr, MD, is an attending neonatologist with the Division of Neonatology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.



About Leah Carr

Leah Carr, MD, is an attending neonatologist with the Division of Neonatology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.


Attending Physician

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Awards and Honors

2019, Women in Neonatology (WiN) Travel Grant Awardee, WiN Annual Meeting
2017, Resident Award for Outstanding Medical Student Teaching, Seattle Children’s Hospital
2014, Lifetime Member, Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad
2014. Ralph D. Sussman Award, Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
2013, Gold Humanism in Medicine Honors Society
2011, Pomeroy Scholarship, Bates College
2010, Phi Beta Kappa, Bates College
2010, magna cum laude, Bates College
2008, Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2006, Dana Scholar, Bates College

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

Epic Neonatology Steering Committee
2020-present, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
2019-present, Society for Pediatric Research
2017-present, Trainees and Early Career Neonatologists  
2014-present, American Academy of Pediatrics

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2012-present, Managing Editor and Staff Writer,

Academic and Institutional Committees

2019-present, House Staff Quality and Safety Council
2018-2020, Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD – University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT


Pediatrics - University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA


Pediatrics - University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA


Neonatology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (Chief Fellow)
Clinical Informatics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Additional Training

Certificate in Health Care Quality and Safety - Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Safety (CHIPS), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Certificates in Biomedical Health Informatics and Clinical Research,  Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania




Carr LH, Padula M, Chuo J, Cunningham M, Flibotte J, O’Connor T, Thomas B, Nawab U. Improving compliance with a rounding checklist through low- and high-technology interventions: A quality improvement initiative. Accepted for publication in Pediatric Quality & Safety. 2021.

Sanseau E, Carr LH, Case J, et al. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Curriculum: Vitamin K deficiency in the newborn. MedEdPORTAL. 2021;17:11078.

Tay KY, Sanseau E, Carr L, Ortiz-Figueroa F, Rayburn D, Bank I. Simulation Case 9: Neonate Delivery. In:  Burns RA, ed. Emergency Medicine Resident Simulation Curriculum for Pediatrics (EM ReSCu Peds). Academic Life in Emergency Medicine; 2021:286-319. ISBN 978-0-9992825-8-8

Tay KY, Sanseau E, Carr L, Ortiz-Figueroa F, Rayburn D, Bank I. Simulation Case 4: Congenital Heart Lesion. In:  Burns RA, ed. Emergency Medicine Resident Simulation Curriculum for Pediatrics (EM ReSCu Peds). Academic Life in Emergency Medicine; 2021:111-144. ISBN 978-0-9992825-8-8


Thom CS, Echevarria E, Osborne AD, Carr L, Rubey K, Salazar E, Callaway D, Pawlowski T, Devine M, Kleinman S, Flibotte J, Lambert MP. Etiologies and sequelae of extreme thrombocytosis in a large pediatric hospital. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2020;18:3352-3358.


Carr, L. Pulmonary function testing. Organization of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Training Program Directors’ National Neonatal Flipped Classroom Program. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2018.


Koven N, Carr L. The role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor C270T polymorphism in executive functioning. Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 2013;2:25-41. 2013.


Koven N, Carr L. Differential relationships among facets of alexithymia and BDNF- and dopamine related polymorphisms. Neuroscience & Medicine. 2012;3:7-13.

Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)


Carr L, Padula M, O’Connor T, Flibotte J, Cunningham M, Chuo J, Thomas B, Nawab U. Improving utilization of a NICU rounding checklist through low- and high-technology tests of change.
Accepted for platform presentation at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Society, Philadelphia, PA. May 2020.  Cancelled due to COVID-19.
Accepted for platform presentation at the annual meeting of the American Pediatric Association Quality Improvement Forum, Philadelphia, PA. May 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
Pediatric Academic Societies Neonatal Summer Webinar Series. June 2020.

Carr L, Devine M, Flibotte J, Nawab U, Shelov E, Padula M. Leveraging the EHR for quality improvement: Use of novel CDS.
Accepted for poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Society, Philadelphia, PA. May 2020.  Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Carr L, Fraga M, Brandsma E, Stoller J.  Beyond the baby’s surface: Point-of-care ultrasound education in a neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship.
Accepted for platform presentation at the Eastern Society forPediatric Research annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA. March, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
Accepted for poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Society, Philadelphia, PA. May 2020.  Cancelled due to COVID-19.


Carr L, Padula M, O’Connor T, Flibotte J, Cunningham M, Chuo J, Thomas B, Nawab U. Improving compliance of a NICU quality improvement/safety checklist.
Poster presented at Vermont Oxford Network (VON) Annual Quality Congress, Chicago, IL. October 2019.
Poster presented at Children’s Hospital Neonatal Consortium (CHNC) Annual Symposium. Atlanta, GA. November, 2019.

Lectures by Invitation


Carr LH. “Conventional Mechanical Ventilation in the NICU”, University of Pennsylvania Nurse Practitioner Training Program, Philadelphia, PA. Jan 2021.

Carr LH. “SmartForms: Diving deeper into discrete data capture”, CHOP Provider Builder Session, Philadelphia, PA. Feb 2021.

Carr LH. “The journey to home: Thinking critically about discharge-related data collection”, CHOP Clinical Data Reporting and Quality Committee, Philadelphia, PA. Apr 2021.

Carr LH. “Beyond the Basics: An interactive session on advanced scripting”, CHOP Provider Builder Session, Philadelphia, PA. Apr 2021.

Carr LH. “Think like a user: Considering human factors to drive intelligent build”, Epic Physician Builder Spotlight. July 2021.


Carr LH. “Improving compliance with an ICU QI/safety checklist: A lesson in low- and high-tech tests of change”, CHOP Fellows House Staff Quality Improvement Lunch & Learn, Philadelphia, PA. Jan 2020.

Carr LH. “Improving utilization of a NICU rounding checklist through low- and high-technology tests of change”, CHOP House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Council, Philadelphia, PA. Apr 2020.

Carr LH. “Keeping rounds in check: Improving compliance with a rounding tool”, Vermont Oxford Network iNICQ Advanced Shared Mental Models Webinar. Spet 2020.


Carr LH. “When a baby shudders, should we shake?” – Pennsylvania Hosp ital, Philadelphia, PA. June 2019.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Succi M, Carr L, Cheung A. 2 Minute Medicine’s The Classics in Medicine: Summaries of the Landmark Trials, 2 Minute Medicine Inc., Boston, 2015.

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