Andrea Jones, MD, MSCE
About Andrea Jones
Awards and Honors
2019, Matthew’s Hearts of Hope Research Grant Recipient
2018, Advanced Skills Training in Medical Education Certificate
2014, The Endocrine Society Presidential Poster Competition Winner
2013, Howard Hughes Medical Fellow Research Program
2010, Honors Thesis in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2010, Outstanding Senior Award in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2010, Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
2008, Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
2008, Research Internships in Science and Engineering Scholarship
2008, Goldman Sachs Global Leadership Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2021-present, American Society of Echocardiography
2019-present, American Heart Association
2015-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MSCE - University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Cardiology - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA
Non-Invasive Imaging Fellow, Pediatric Cardiology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Berger JH, Jones A, Fainberg N, Smith C, and Ravishankar C. A Previously Healthy Teenager with Anasarca. Pediatr Rev. 2021 Mar;42(3):153-157.
Molloy M, Jones A, Johnson M, Stewart R, McGuire M. Pediatrics Training Modules for Preclinical Medical Students. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2014. Available from:
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Romero CJ, Jones AL, Radovick S. States of Pituitary Hypofunction. In Weiss RE, Refetoff S (Eds.), Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders, 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier; 2015.